A Quick Guide to Programs in the ARPS System

First written: 5/30/2002 by Ming Xue to match ARPS Version 5.0.0IHOP_2
Last updated by Yunheng Wang

Summary of Requirements to Run the ARPS Programs

Platforms and Compilers
All programs inside the ARPS package should work on any common Unix platforms with a corresponding Fortran 90 compiler. Most of the ARPS code are written in Fortran and serveral ancillary programs are written in C. The ARPS program build mechanise uses some Unix text/file processing utilities, which are usually traditional components of any Unix/Linux Platforms:

  • Fortran 90 Compiler, such as f90, ifort, pgf90, g95, gfortran etc.;
  • C compiler, such as gcc, xlc etc.;
  • The preprocess utility for C language - cpp;
  • Traditional Unix utilities, such as make (GNU make is recommended), uname, cut and awk (used on Linux platforms only, not mandatory);
  • Scripting language, such as perl (not mandatory) and Cshell etc.;
  • MPI implementation (For distributed-memory programs only).

The ARPS system has been successfully ported to a number of Unix/Linux machines. Below is a list of the supported platforms and compilers. Note that we do not have access to all the Unix-based machines. Please contact arpssupport@ou.edu if you can supply us the required configuration information for a compiler or platform which is not listed below.

Platform Fortran 90 Compiler C Compiler Tested MPI Implementations

any combinations of xlf, xlf_r or mpxlf etc.

Vendor, xlc, or xlc_r
or gcc
IBM MPI implementation
Linux (Intel IA-32, IA-64 processors, or AMD64, EM64T processors)

Interl compiler (ifc, ifort)
or PGI compiler (pgf90)
or GNU compiler (g95 or gFortran)

Interl compiler (icc)
or PGI compiler (pgcc)
or GNU compiler (gcc)
PC windows/Cygwin GNU compiler (g95) GNU compiler (gcc)  
DEC Alpha Vendor (f90) GNU compiler (gcc) Vendor
SGI 2000 Vendor (f90) GNU compiler (gcc) Vendor
SUN Vendor (f90) GNU compiler (gcc)  
Mac/MacOSX GNU compiler (g95) (use Linux setting, makearps -m linux -f g95 arps)
IBM XL compilers (default)
GNU compiler (gcc)
IBM XL xlcc

External Libraries and Packages:

Library maekarps Switchs Programs Note
HDF4 -io hdf (default)
-io nohdf (disable HDF support)
Most ARPS programs HDF4 & HDF5 are different format. see NCSA HDF home page.
NetCDF -io net
-io nonet (default)
Most ARPS programs
  • arps2wrf & wrf2arps always require NetCDF library.
  • NetCDF 3.0 and HDF 4 format cannot work interchangeably because of library conflicts.
  • CAPS staff has a fix. Please contact arpssupport@ou.edu for detail. With such a fix, option -io hdfnet or -io nethdf will link both netCDF and HDF 4 libraries.
HDF5 -io phdf5
Not required by default
arps2wrf_mpi & wrf2arps_mpi
  • Only support PHDF5 WRF files;
  • MPI-IO required;
  • Parallel HDF5 required.
NCAR Graphics -zxncar (arpstrn, arpspltmax, mergetrn, arpsenscv, platradcol, pltgrid etc.)
-ncar (arpssfc, arpstern)
Not required by default
arpspltncar, ARPSPLTNCAR_mpi
, etc
GEMPAK -io gempak
-io nogempak (default)


JPEG2000, PNG, libz.a -io grib2
Not required by default
EXT2ARPS Required only when reading external model data in GRIB2 format. see src/external/g2lib/README for details.
Names of program Capitalized, such as ARPS, ADAS etc.
Executble command Italic, such as bin/arps, makearps etc.
File and directory names Italic, such as arps.input, docs/arps2wrf.pdf etc.
Compiler or program options dash following with yellow letters, such as -io nohdf.
Purpose: NWP model.

ARPS forward prediction model. Sometimes it also refers to the entire ARPS system, including all supporting packages.


Starting from an initiation condition, it performs forward time integration of the governing equations of the atmosphere and produces a forecast of the future state of the atmosphere.

The initial condition can be specified by using analytical functions with parameters specified in the input file, by using a single sounding, or by reading in ARPS history or restart format data.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps for a single-processor executable.

makearps –p arps for a shared-memory multi-processor executable. It requires a Fortran compiler capable of automatically parallelizing the source codes. The compile typically perform a preprocessing step that inserts loop-level parallelization directives (OpenMP is most common) into the source code first.

makearps arps_mpi for a distributed memory multi-processor executable. It requires that MPI is set up properly on the system. makearps makes some assumptions, such as the location of the MPI library. Check the correctness of the assumptions for the particular platform you are using.

makearps takes additional option parameters, with –p given above as an example. Enter makearps –help for additional information on the options.


bin/arps < input/arps.input >! arps.output  for non-MPI runs.

To use multiple shared memory processors, certain environmental parameters usually need to be set first, telling the arps job how many processors to use. On SGI system, for example, it is setenv MP_SET_NUMTHREADS n, where n is the number of processors to use.

mpirun –np n_proc bin/arps_mpi < input/arps.input >! arps.output.

For the MPI run that initializes from an input data set, if you do not use auto-split & atuo-join feature (see inisplited & dmp_out_joined in input/arps.input), program splitfiles needs to be run first. After arps_mpi is run, joinfiles is run to join together files written out by different processors.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

MPI library is required for distributed-memory parallel runs.

HDF Version 4.0 library required when –io hdf option is invoked for makearps. ARPS will then be able to read and write HDF format history dumps and boundary condition files. Option –io hdf is currently the default.  If –io nohdf is used,   the link to HDF library is bypassed, as a result, no HDF format output will be produced if HDF dump option is chosen (in arps.input ). HDF format is becoming the preferred data format for ARPS because it is portable cross platforms and contains two levels to building compression so that the file size is typical ¼ of the size of the binary format.

NetCDF – Option "-io net" trigger netCDF support. No netCDF support by default.

Vis5D – history dumps in Vis5D format can be directly written by ARPS by including –io v5d option for makearps. It requires a C compiler.

GrADS – ARPS can directly write output in GrADS format without the need for any external library. No additional makearps option is necessary.

GRIB – ARPS does not support GRIB format since ARPS5.1.0. However, the GRID I/O subroutines were kept to read ARPS GRIB data generated before ARPS5.1.0. Currently, ARPS GRIB files are not portable across big endian (SGI, IBM, SUN, HP and Cray vector machines) and little endian machines (Alpha and Intel processor machines).

Purpose: Data analysis program based on Bretseth successive correction scheme.

ARPS Data Analysis System – a system that analyzes observational data onto the ARPS grid.


The 3D analysis can be used for diagnostic studies, model initialization and for providing model boundary conditions in the case of simulation (not true forecast). The output data is in ARPS history format which can be directly read by arps and many other ARPS programs including arpsplt .

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps adas for a single-processor executable.
makearps –p adas for a shared-memory multi-processor executable.


bin/adas < input/arps.input >!  adas.output

ADAS shares an input file with ARPS.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Necessary libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF, for data I/O.

Purpose: 3Dvar analysis program.
Function: Perform objective analysis using three-dimensional variational analysis scheme.
Applications: To obtain a best estimate of the current state of the atmospheric to serve as the initial condition for forward prediction.

The 3D analysis can be used for diagnostic studies, model initialization and for providing model boundary conditions in the case of simulation (not true forecast). The output data is in ARPS history format which can be directly read by arps and many other ARPS programs including arpsplt.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps3dvar for a single-processor executable.
Distributed-memory parallelization is currently not yet supported.


bin/arps3dvar < input/arps.input >!  3dvar.output
3DVAR shares an input file with ARPS.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Necessary libraries,
  • ARPS internal libraries, libarps.a, libadas.a, libradtn.a
  • External libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF etc. for data I/O.
Program Name: EXT2ARPS
Purpose: Generates ARPS initial condition history dump, lateral boundary condition files, terrain, surface characteristic, and soil variable files based on external model grid (Eta, RUC, etc.)

Read in gridded data from external models and interpolate the fields onto the ARPS grid. Write out the fields on the ARPS grid in a standard ARPS history dump format and/or the external boundary condition format.


Used to provide analysis background and/or forecast lateral boundary conditions if the ARPS analysis background is from an external model and/or the ARPS is nested inside an external model.

Currently EXT2ARPS handles NCEP ETA, RUC, AVN gridded data in various formats and coordinates. NCAR/NCEP global reanalysis data is also loosely supported.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps ext2arps
makearps ext2arps_mpi


bin/ext2arps < input/arps.input >! ext2arps.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries needed by specific choice of history I/O format.

Program Name: ARPSTRN
Purpose: Generates ARPS terrain file using NCAR 5 min global data, USGS 30 arc-second global data, or USGS 3 arc-second north US/Alaska data. Uses bi-linear or bi-quadratic interpolation.

Prepare a terrain data file on the ARPS grid for use by ARPS and other programs that need to set up the ARPS grid.


It reads in one of several terrain data sets and interpolates the data to the ARPS grid. Smoothing is optionally applied to the interpolated terrain field to remove 2 grid-spacing features. The field is written out into a file.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpstrn Compile without linking to ZXPLOT graphics library. No graphic output will be generated by the program.

makearps –zxncar arpstrn Compile and link with ZXPLOT and NCAR graphics program to produce at the same time a color contour plot of the terrain field in meta file format.

makearps –zxpost arpstrn Compile and link with ZXPLOT graphics program to produce at the same time a color contour plot of the terrain field in Postscript format.


bin/arpstrn < input/arpstrn.input >! arpstrn.output

Currently 5min and 30 second global, and 3-second North American (covers continental US and Alaska) data sets are supported. When using 3 and 30-second data sets, the data will be directly downloaded the CAPS ftp server (caps.ou.edu ), respectively.  Make sure your computer have FTP access to the internet and network speed is reasonably fast, and you need to set up a .netrc file in your home directory for the ftp to work. See arpstrn.input for more details.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

NCAR graphics libraries when –zxncar option is included for makearps.

Program Name: MERGETRN
Purpose: Blends two terrain files, insuring continuity for external grids near boundaries while accepting smaller-scale terrain features in the interior.

To create a terrain file with gradual transition to another terrain field in a boundary zone.

It reads in two ARPS terrain data files, interpolates the first terrain field to the grid of the second field when necessary, and generates a new terrain field that is same as the second one except in the lateral boundary zone of specified width, where the terrain transitions from that of the second file at the interior of the boundary to that of the first one at the domain boundary.


Typically used to ensure that the high-resolution terrain generated for nested grid matches that of the coarse grid at the nesting boundary and that the transition from coarse grid to fine grid is gradual.

This function can also be realized in EXT2ARPS and ARPSINTRP programs, in which the fine-grid terrain is merged with that of the coarse grid before interpolation.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps mergetrn


bin/mergetrn.input < input/mergetrn.input >! mergetrn.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Other libraries needed for the choice of data I/O format.

Program Name: ARPSINTRP
Purpose: Interpolates data from one ARPS grid to another.

Read in ARPS gridded data set(s) in history format, and interpolate the fields to another (output) ARPS grid, and write them out in one of the history dump formats for this output grid.


Mostly used for generating initial (or background for initial condition analysis) and boundary condition files for one-way nested grid runs inside a coarser ARPS grid. In this case, the new output grid has a higher spatial resolution. The output grid should be no bigger than the input grid.

The input and output grids have to have the same map projections, but do not have to have the same vertical coordinates. The fine grid can use higher-resolution terrain or flat terrain. The latter situation is useful when one wants to examine the fields on the ARPS terrain-following grid using software, such as GrADS and Vis5D, that does not support non-rectangular grid. For such a purpose, it is best to choose the option that directly extends surface values below ground level.

This program can also be used to sub-sample the ARPS output on a coarser resolution and/or smaller grid for easier post-processing, especially when the original grid is very large.

When running ARPSINTRP, an terrain merge option is available, with which the terrain of the output (typically finer resolution) grid is ‘merged’ with that of the input (typically coarser resolution) grid, in a way similar to what is done in MERGETRN.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsintrp


bin/arpsintrp < arpsintrp.input >!  arpsintrp.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries needed for reading and/or writing special format history files.

Purpose: Interpolates two ARPS history dumps on grid of the same to a time in-between. The output is in a new history dump file.
Function: Read in ARPS history format data at two different times and interpolates them to a time between the two. The output is written out into another history format file. It is assumed that both input data are on the same grid.

Mostly used to provide a background field for analysis at times when output used for the analysis background (e.g., ETA model output) is not available.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpstintrp


bin/arpstintrp < input/arpstintrp.input >! arpstintrp.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries required by the specific history data format.

Purpose: Main plotting program from ARPS.

Vector-based plotting program for processing ARPS history-format data.


Generates contour and vector plots of 2D cross sections and vertical profiles. The graphical output is either in NCAR graphics meta file format or Postscript format.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpspltncar links with ZXPLOT library and NCAR graphics low-level routines to generate NCAR graphics metafile file.
makearps arpspltpost  links with ZXPLOT library to generate Postscript file.
–p option can be included for the executable to run on shared-memory multi-processors. For distributed-memory multi-processing,

makearps arpspltncar_mpi or
makearps arpspltpost_mpi .


bin/arpspltncar < input/arpsplt.input >! arpsplt.output
< input/arpsplt.input >! arpsplt.output

Necessary –io option should be included when processing special format (e.g., -io hdf ) history data.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ZXPLOT graphics library (see http://www.caps.ou.edu/ZXPLOT/) source is now available within the ARPS package since ARPS5.1.0.
  • NCAR graphics library is required by arpspltncar . NCAR Graphics is freely available from http://ngwww.ucar.edu/ngdoc/ng/ .
  • Other libraries needed for specific history dump format.
Purpose: Generate simple graphics plot of a model grid.

Plot a grid map and nested grid boxes given the grid configuration parameters, including the central longitude and latitude, map projection and grid sizes.


To help configure the model domains or a quick look at the model grid given the configuration parameters.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps –zxncar pltgrid  or
makearps –zxpost pltgrid

Execution: bin/pltgrid < input/pltgrid.input
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

NCAR graphics libraries required if option –zxncaris truned on .

Program Name: ARPSDIFF
Purpose: Reads in two history dumps and outputs differences in the fields. "Analysis" history data is interpolated to "forecast" grid.

Reads in two sets of ARPS history format data, calculate the difference fields and write out the difference fields into a file in the ARPS history dump format. The two data sets can be on different grids. The ‘verification’ grid data are interpolated to the ‘forecast’ grid first before the differences are calculated and the output will be on the forecast grid. If the two grids are the same, no interpolation will be performed.


For comparing two sets of ARPS history format data or for ‘verifying’ one set of ARPS fields against the other (say analysis).

It can be used to find the difference, if any, between the outputs of two ARPS runs.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsdiff


bin/arpsdiff < input/arpsdiff.input >!  arpsdiff.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Libraries required by the specific history data format.
Program Name: ARPSSFC
Purpose: Generates surface characteristic files with soil types and fractions, vegetation types and fractions, LAI, surface roughness, etc.

Read in soil type, vegetation type and vegetation fraction data files and construct a set of surface and vegetation characteristics fields for the ARPS grid. ARPSSFC and ARPS soil models supports up to 4 different soil types in each grid cell, each caries its own percentage.


Prepare land use/land cover (or surface and vegetation) characteristics data file to be used by ARPS soil model.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpssfc
akearps –ncarg arpssfc


bin/arpssfc < input/arpssfc.input > arpssfc.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

NCAR graphics library when ncarg option is included with makearps.

Program Name: ARPSSOIL
Purpose: Generates soil temperature and moisture file using either user-specified values, API data, or NCEP precipitation data. (***Analysis scheme needs to be reworked to allow for more than 2 soil levels!!!***)

Read in ARPS initial condition data (in history format) and, for the API case, the precipitation data for a period proceeding the initial time in the API case, and creates and writes out an initial condition file for ARPS soil model.


Prepare an initial condition file for the ARPS soil model, when such initial conditions are based on offsets from surface atmospheric conditions and the soil moisture content can be derived using API (antecedent precipitation index) method.

This program may not be needed when the soil model is initialized by other means, such as interpolating from the soil model state of another model. The soil model variables can be carried in the history file.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpssoil


bin/arpssoil < input/arpssoil.input >! arpssoil.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries required by your specific choice of history data format.

Program Name: ARPSCVT
Purpose: Converts ARPS history dump from one version (binary, HDF, etc.) to another.

Convert ARPS history dumps among ARPS supported formats.


This program can be used to convert the history dump from ARPS into other formats for various purposes. E.g., it can convert a set of history dumps into one Vis5D file for visualization, or Grads format for display.  While ARPS can output data in Vis5D or GrADS format directly but it is not recommended because most other programs expect data at individual times.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps –io io_options arpscvt

io_options can be hdf , v5d or net .


bin/arpscvt < input/arpscvt.input >! arpscvt.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries required by your specific choice of history data format.

Need to include –io v5d option for makearps in order to write Vis5D format data.

Program Name: ARPSEXTSND
Purpose: Interpolates data from ARPS grid to column (generates sounding).

Extract columns (profiles) from ARPS history dumps, and write out these profiles in a text format.


The program can be used to extract profiles for plotting skew-T diagrams using program SKEWT.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsextsnd
makearps arpsextsnd_mpi


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries required by your specific choice of history data format.

Purpose: ARPSENSBC: Generates one set of perturbation LBC's from two sets of ARPS external boundary files and write out for use in ensemble forecast.
ARPSENSIC: Generates one perturbation IC history dump from two sets of ARPS output files.

Generate perturbed initial/boundary conditions for ARPS ensemble forecast, using the SLAF (Scaled Lagged Average Forecast) or the BGM (Breeding Fast Growing Mode) method.

It reads in three sets of data files in ARPS history format and derive perturbations from the first two and add/subtract the perturbation to the third to generate perturbed initial conditions/boundary conditions.


For creating initial and boundary conditions for ARPS ensemble members.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsensic
makearps arpsensbc


bin/arpsensinc < input/arpsensic.input > arpsensic.output
bin/arpsensnc < input/arpsensbc.input > arpsensbc.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries needed by specific choice of history I/O format.

Program Name: ARPSENSCV

Reads in a series of ARPS history dumps and generate ensemble forecast products, and write the 2D fields out for plotting.


Used to process ensemble forecast output.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsenscv


bin/arpsenscv < input/arpsenscv.input >! arpsenscv.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries needed by specific choice of history I/O format.

Program Name: ARPSVERIF
Purpose: Main verification program.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpsverif or makearps [options] arpsverif_mpi

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Notes: The following codes are being merged with the ARPSVERIF code and will soon be removed.
avgverifgrid.f90 cvt2verif.f90
intqpf.f90       qpfmask.f90
qpfstats.f90     verifgrid.f90
Program Name: 88D2ARPS
Purpose: Remaps Level-II data to ARPS grid.

Location of source code:

Detail document is in docs/88d2arps.pdf.
Compilation and Linking: makearps 88d2arps


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Require C compilers.
Program Name: SOLO2ARPS
Purpose: Remaps radar sweeps from SOLOII to ARPS grid.
Applications: It reads sweeps either outputs from "xltrsii" in the SOLO package, or sweeps generated by 88d2arps with option "-solo". See docs/soloio.txt for details.

Location of source code:

Detail document is in docs/soloio.txt.
Compilation and Linking: makearps solo2arps


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Require C compilers.
Program Name: NIDS2ARPS
Purpose: Remaps NIDS Level-III data to ARPS grid.


Location of source code:

Document is in docs/nids2arps.pdf.
Compilation and Linking:

makearps nids2arps


bin/nids2arps < arps.input >! nids2arps.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPSREAD
Purpose: Sample program for reading in history dump.

A template program for reading ARPS history format data.


An example for reading ARPS history format data.

Location of source code:


Template source in Fortran 90 code is src/arps/arpsread.f90, which reads all ARPS history formats, can be compiled using makearps and requires ARPS internal library libarps.a.
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsread
HDF_directory/bin/h4cc -o readarps [options] src/arps/readarps.c


bin/arpsread < input/arpsread.input >! arpsread.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Libraries needed by specific choice of history I/O format.

Program Name: READARPS
Purpose: Sample program for reading in history dump. It is a similar program as ARPSREAD but writen in pure C language.

A C template program for reading ARPS history format data.


An example for reading ARPS history format data.

Location of source code:


Template source in C code is src/arps/readarps.c, which reads ARPS history in HDF 4 format only, have to be compiled using h4cc (an utility within HDF package) and requires HDF library only.
Compilation and Linking: HDF_directory/bin/h4cc -o readarps [options] src/arps/readarps.c

Execution: readarps [options] ARPS_HDF4_file_name
    options are:
        -n vname: print variable vname
        -v:        verbose message
        -h:        for help
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : HDF4 libary.
Program Name: ARPSASSIM (no support any more)
Purpose: Assimilation version of ARPS. (Older version, doesn't work?)

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Program Name: ARPSADJ (Still not released)

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
Program Name: MCI2ARPS
Purpose: Remaps McIDAS AREA satellite data file to ARPS.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking: makearps mci2arps


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Require C compilers.
Program Name: ARPSAGR
Purpose: 3D adaptive model interface. (***Doesn't work. Not updated to use new soil model.***)

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
Program Name: SPLITFILES
Purpose: Splits multiple history dumps from multiple valid times into binary or HDF 4 format.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps splitfiles
makearps splitfiles_mpi


bin/splitfiles < input/arps.input >! splitfiles.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
Program Name: JOINFILES
Purpose: Joins together split binary or HDF 4 history dumps for multiple valid times and outputs in binary or HDF 4 format.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps joinfiles


bin/joinfiles < input/arps.input >! joinfiles.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
Program Name: PLTRADCOL
Purpose: Plots remapped radar columns.
Location of source code: src/88d2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps pltradcol

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : NCAR Graphics if NCAR meta data is desired.
Program Name: RDRDAPSTERN (No support any more)
Purpose: Reads KMA RDAPS terrain file and converts to ARPS terrain file format w/ same resolution & map projection.
Location of source code: src/adas
Compilation and Linking:


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: RDRUCTERN (No support any more)
Purpose: Reads RUC terrain file converts to ARPS terrain file format w/ same resolution & map projection.
Location of source code: src/adas
Compilation and Linking:


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: JOINBIN2HDF
Purpose: Joins together split binary history dumps and outputs in HDF4 format.
Location of source code: src/arps_mp
Compilation and Linking:

makearps joinbin2hdf


bin/joinbin2hdf  follows the prompt of the program

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: JOINFILE
Purpose: Joins together split binary history dumps for one valid time and outputs in binary format.
Location of source code: src/arps_mp
Compilation and Linking:

makearps joinfile



Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: JOINHDF
Purpose: Joins together split HDF4 history dumps for multiple valid times and outputs in HDF format.
Location of source code: src/arps_mp
Compilation and Linking:

makearps joinhdf



Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: SPLITHDF
Purpose: Splits a HDF4 history dump for one valid time and outputs in HDF4 format.
Location of source code: src/arps_mp
Compilation and Linking:

makearps splithdf



Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Purpose: Reads in two history dumps on same grid, calculates differences in accumulated rainfall (cumulus and grid-scale), and outputs differences in "wrtvar" format. (***Is wrtvar format used by any other programs?***).
Location of source code: src/arpsdiff
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsraindiff



Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPSINTRP_LS
Purpose: "Simplified" version of ARPSINTRP. (***Not upgraded for new soil model!!!***)
Location of source code: src/arpsintrp
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsintrp_ls


bin/arpsintrp_ls < input/arpsintrp_ls.input > arpsintrp_ls.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPSPLTMAX
Purpose: Produces graphic plots of time series of the domain maximum and minimum of u, v, w, ptprt, pprt, and water quantities. Uses max/min data file produced by the ARPS.
Location of source code: src/arpsplt
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpspltmax


bin/arpspltmax < input/arpspltmax.input > arpspltmax.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Require NCAR Graphics if NCAR graphics meta file is desired.
Program Name: PLOT_COLTAB (No support any more)
Purpose: Plots color table from a color table ASCII file.
Location of source code: src/arpsplt
Compilation and Linking:

makearps plot_coltab



Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPSPRT
Purpose: Generates simple ASCII plots of history dump data.
Location of source code: src/arpsprt
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsprt


bin/arpsprt < input/arpsprt.input > arpsprt.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: MNET2ARPS
Purpose: Generates soil temperature and moisture file using Mesonet data. (***Not updated for new soil variables. Analysis scheme needs to be reworked to allow for more than 2 soil levels!!! Appears to be broken in any case...***)
Location of source code: src/arpssoil
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpssoil


bin/arpssoil < input/arpssoil.input > arpssoil.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPSTERN
Purpose: Generates ARPS terrain file using NCAR 1 deg/5min/30sec terrain data and Barnes analysis scheme.
Location of source code: src/arpstern
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpstern


bin/arpstern < input/arpstern.input > arpstern.output
Need to execute dir5min, dir30sec , and dir1deg first.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: DIR1DEG
Purpose: Reformats NCAR 1 deg terrain data for use by ARPSTERN.
Location of source code: src/arpstern
Compilation and Linking:

makearps dir1deg


bin/dir1deg < input/arsptern.input > dir1deg.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: DIR30SEC
Purpose: Reformats NCAR 30 sec terrain data for use by ARPSTERN.
Location of source code: src/arpstern
Compilation and Linking:

makearps dir30sec


bin/dir30sec < input/arpstern.input > dir30sec.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: DIR5MIN
Purpose: Reformats NCAR 5 min terrain data for use by ARPSTERN.
Location of source code: src/dir5min
Compilation and Linking:

makearps dir5min


bin/dir5min < input/arpstern.input > dir5min.output

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPS2GEM
Purpose: Converts ARPS history dumps to GEMPAK format file.
Location of source code: src/ext2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps2gem


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: ARPS2NCDF
Purpose: Converts ARPS history dumps to netCDF format file for LDADS/AWIPS 2D display of data.
Location of source code: src/ext2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps2ncdf


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: EXTRACT_AVN
Purpose: Extracts and writes out a section of NCEP AVN GRIB data.
Location of source code: src/ext2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps extract_avn

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: MERGESAT
Purpose: Merges multiple ARPS satellite format files over the same domain to one file.
Location of source code: src/mci2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps mergesat

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: SAT2ARPS
Purpose: Remaps NOAAPORT satellite images to ARPS grid.
Location of source code: src/mci2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps sat2arps

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: PLTSATFLD
Purpose: Plots remapped satellite data.
Location of source code: src/mci2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps pltsatfld


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Program Name: WTRETCOL
Purpose: Writes fake retrieval columns.
Location of source code: src/wtretcol
Compilation and Linking:

makearps wtretcol


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Purpose: Using an ARPS history dump as input create a remapped radar file of data to simulate the atmosphere in the history file being observed by a radar.
Location of source code: src/88d2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps2rad


arps2rad has its own input file, ./input/arps2rad.input which includes the history file to read and the location of the observing radar.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a
  • HDF 4 by default or with "-io hdf" option.
Program Name: DIFOBS
Purpose: Calculates the difference between a set of observations and the gridded fields in an ARPS history file. Statistics of bias and rms are reported, broken down by data source. This program allows calculation of verification statistics without running the entire arpsverif code.
Location of source code: src/adas
Compilation and Linking:

makearps difobs

Execution: difobs uses the arps.input file set up as if the data were to be used in adas. That is, the data files are named in the input file and the "iuse" switches for passes 1-to-npass are used to determine which data sources contribute to the global statistics. Output is written to a file in the present working directory with name runname.difobs. If a file with that name already exists, a sequential number is appended to the name.
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required: ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a
Program Name: RADMOSAIC
Purpose: Create a mosaic of radar reflectivity from the remapped radar file in the same manner as is done for the cloud analysis. The mosaic file can be displayed in arpsplt using the "arbvar" option. Plots can be used for verification figures or comparison to analysis output. This program is NOT required for ADAS. ADAS does the same mosaicking within the cloud analysis.
Location of source code: src/adas
Compilation and Linking:

makearps radmosaic

Execution: radmosaic has its own input file, ./input/radmosaic.input which consists primarily of a list of radar files to include
in the mosaic. See documentation in radmosaic.input
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a
Program Name: ARPS2WRF
Purpose: Prepare ARPS data to run WRF model.
Function: Will replace both WRFSI & real.exe steps starting from ARPS data. ARPS2WRF will generate
  • WRF initialization file in NetCDF format;
  • WRF lateral boundary file in NetCDF format;
  • WRF namelist input file.
Applications: To run WRF model from ARPS data which includes ADAS analysis data.
Location of source code: src/arps2wrf
docs/arps2wrf.hdf  for documentation.
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps2wrf or
makearps arps2wrf_mpi

Execution: arps2wrf has its own input file, ./input/arps2wrf.input. See documentation in arps2wrf.input.
bin/arps2wrf < input/arps2wrf.input  >&! arps2wrf.output
Need to link with libarps.a & libadas.a
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a ;
  • netCDF 3.0 is a must;
  • PHDF5 is optional (only requires if "-io phdf5" option is specified with makearps).
Program Name: ARPS4WRF
Purpose: Prepare ARPS data to run WRF model (both ARW and NMM cores). It replaces the WPS utility metgrid.exe and works together with geogrid.exe from WPS and real.exe (or real_nmm.exe) from WRF package.
Function: It plays the role of metgrid.exe from WPS package for ARPS data. ARPS4WRF will generate the same outputs as metgrid.exe. It has to work togther with geogrid.exe and real.exe (or real_nmm.exe).
Applications: To run WRF model from ARPS data which includes ADAS analysis data.
Location of source code: src/arps4wrf
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps4wrf or
makearps arps4wrf_mpi

Execution: arps4wrf has its own input file, ./input/arps4wrf.input. See documentation inside arps4wrf.input.
bin/arps4wrf < input/arps4wrf.input  >&! arps4wrf.output
Need to link with libarps.a & libadas.a
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a ;
  • netCDF 3.0 is a must;
  • PHDF5 is optional (only requires if "-io phdf5" option is specified with makearps).
Purpose: Convert WRF output to ARPS history format file.
Function: WRF2ARPS  does the same work as EXT2ARPS, but uses WRF history files as inputs.
Applications: To run ARPS model from WRF data or use ARPS post-processing utilities to process WRF data.
Location of source code: src/wrf2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps wrf2arps
makearps wrf2arps_mpi

Execution: wrf2arps has its own input file, ./input/wrf2arps.input. See documentation in wrf2arps.input.
bin/wrf2arps < input/wrf2arps.input  >&! wrf2arps.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a ;
  • netCDF 3.0 is a must;
  • PHDF5 is optional (only requires if "-io phdf5" option is specified with makearps).
Purpose: Convert WRF (NMM core) output to ARPS history format file.
Function: NMM2ARPS  does the same work as WRF2ARPS, but it works with NMM core.
Applications: To run ARPS model from WRF data or use ARPS post-processing utilities to process WRF data.
Location of source code: src/nmm2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps nmm2arps
makearps nmm2arps_mpi

Execution: nmm2arps has its own input file, ./input/nmm2arps.input. See documentation inside nmm2arps.input.
bin/nmm2arps < input/nmm2arps.input  >&! nmm2arps.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal libraries: libarps.a & libadas.a ;
  • netCDF 3.0 is a must;
  • PHDF5 is optional (only requires if "-io phdf5" option is specified with makearps).
Program Name: ARPS2ETA212
Purpose: Convert ARPS history format file to Eta #212 grib format.
Applications: Note: ARPS domain must cover the whole Eta #212 domain. See NCEP #212 specification for details.
Location of source code: src/ext2arps
Compilation and Linking:

makearps arps2eta212

Execution: arps2eta212 has its own input file, ./input/arps2eta212.input. See documentation in arps2eta212.input.

bin/arps2eta212 < input/arps2eta212.input  >&! arps2eta212.output

Need to link with libarps.a & libadas.a

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : HDF 4 by default or with "-io hdf" option.
Purpose: Processes ARPS HDF format history files and generates a GrADS control file for the HDF files.
Function: hdf2grads will change the HDF dimension definitions on-line. The changed file should still be readable by the ARPS system.
Applications: View ARPS HDF formatted files using GrADS.
Location of source code: src/arpscvt
Compilation and Linking:

makearps hdf2grads


then enter the file name to be processed.
After the GrADS control file is generated. Use gradshdf to enter GrADS graphical tools and then
    ga-> xdfopen control_file_name
Display the data in the HDF file as usually in GrADS.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required: HDF library
Program Name: SKEWT
Purpose: Produces a Skew-T diagram for a raw or model sounding.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps skewtncar  to generate NCAR gmeta file.
makearps skewtpost   to generate Postscript file.


bin/skewtncar or bin/skewtpost without arguments to print help about usage.
bin/skewtncar [options] sounding_file[s]

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

Necessary libraries,

  • ARPS internal libraries, libzxpost.a or libzxncar.a

Program Name: RADARPLT
Purpose: Plots radar reflectivity and radial velocity fields for individual elevations
Applications: A program to plot radial velocity and reflectivity data in PPI (in elevation plane or tilt) and RHI (range-height cross-section) mode for individual radars. The input files can be output from 88d2arps or xxxx (to be added later), and the radar emulation program (radaremul).
A new call in 88d2arps was added to create the tilt files. Use  switch "-wrttilts_on" to turn it on when running 88d2arps.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps radarpltncar to output graphics as an NCAR graphics gmeta file (use idt to view).
makearps radarpltpost to output graphics as a PostScript file (use gv, gs, ggv, etc. to view).


        bin/radarpltncar < radarplt.input
or     bin/radarpltpost < radarplt.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • ARPS internal librarie libarps.a and
  • libzxpost.a or libzxncar.a.
  • NCAR graphics package is optional (required by radarpltncar only).
Program Name: WRFSTATIC
Purpose: To replace both programs gridgen and staticpost in the WRFSI package.
Function: To read and interpolate various terrestrical datasets from latitude/longitude grid to the projection WRF grid. The terrestrial inputs include terrain, landuse, soil type, annual deep soil temperature, monthly vegetation fraction, maximum snow albedo, monthly albedo, and slope data.
Applications: Generate WRF static for ARPS2WRF to run.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps wrfstatic


bin/wrfstatic < arps2wrf.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

NetCDF 3.6.0_p1 or later

Program Name: ARPSSHIFT
Purpose: ADAS position error program
Function: To objectively determine phase or position errors in a forecast field, and apply a position correction to the forecast field to smoothly and accurately correct those errors.
Applications: The program takes an ARPS forecast and matches observations to the forecast.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps arpsshift


bin/arpsshift < arpsshift.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :


Purpose: Sub-samples or horizontally interpolates data from one ARPS grid to another.
Function: Read in ARPS gridded data in HDF format, and sub-sample or interpolate the fields in the horizontal dimensions and/or subsample in the vertical, and write out the new fields in the subdomain in the ARPS HDF history format.
Applications: Similar to ARPSINTRP but does not have the capability to do vertical interpolation. It minimizes the memory usage by reading in and processes one field as at time. It can be used for generating initial and boundary conditions for very large ARPS grids, and subsetting an ARPS domain for post-processing (e.g., ARPSPLT) purpose.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] arpssubdomain


bin/arpssubdomain < arpssubdomain.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

HDF 4 library is required.

Notes: Only linear horizontal interpolation is supported and the vertical grid must be kept the same. Only HDF history format is supported.
Purpose: Calculates forward and/or backward time-dependent trajectories from ARPS history files.
Function: Read in a sequence of ARPS history files in HDF format to calculate time dependent trajectories, starting from specified initial trajectory points. Only wind fields are read in from the history files.
Applications: Trace parcel trajectories forward or backward.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] arpstrajc
Note: This will compile both the arpstrajc and arpscalctrajc executables.


bin/arpstrajc < arpstrajc.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

HDF 4 library is required.


The arpsplt code was modified to allow plotting of trajectories projected to horizontal or vertical cross sections (not arbitrary cross sections yet though). The trajectories can be colored and an option to plot the height of each trajectory at regular intervals is also provided.

Purpose: Sub-samples data from one ARPS grid to another.
Function: Read in ARPS gridded data in HDF format only (either one joined file or several split files), and sub-sample (or not) the fields in the horizontal dimensions, and write out the new fields (all fields from input files or selected fields only) in the subdomain in the ARPS HDF history format (either one joined file or several split files). The split files can be in different decomposition with input patches.
Applications: Similar to ARPSSUBDOMAIN, but uses HDF IO directly instead of going through the ARPS IO interface. Furthermore, it handles split files also and has much more broader applications.
  • Sub-sample a larger domain just as ARPSSUBDOMAIN does, but more efficient.
  • Read in a set of split files, but write out in different decomposition. For running the model with different configuration or post-processing.
  • Join all or partial patches more efficiently for large ARPS domain.
  • Split a joined file into smaller patches over large ARPS domain.
  • Join selected fields only over a large domain for post-processing.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] hdfsubdomain


bin/hdfsubdomain < hdfsubdomain.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

HDF 4 library is required.

Notes: No horizontal interpolation is supported and the vertical grid must be kept the same. Only HDF history format is supported.
Purpose: Read in time-dependent trajectories data calculated by arpstrajc, and the ARPS HDF format history fields at times corresponding to the points on the trajectories, calculate diagnostic quantities along the trajectories.
Applications: Perform trajectory diagnostic studies and trace properties along parcel trajectories.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] arpstrajc
Note: This will compile both the arpstrajc and arpscalctrajc executables.


bin/arpscalctrajc < arpscalctrajc.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

HDF 4 library is required.

Notes: Right now the vorticity components along the trajectories are calculated assuming the model surfaces are level. The error should only be large near steep terrain.
Purpose: ncrad2arps is like 88d2arps and nids2arps but works with the CASA NetCDF radar files.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] ncrad2arps


Same as nids2arps.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :


Notes: It is in Beta testing version now and still do not have a document.
Purpose: Read one or more ARPS model history files and creates as output either a binary file with a volume of simulated radar data or sequence of netCDF files each containing a single variable at a single elevation angle.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] radaremul


bin/radaremul < input/radaremul.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

netCDF library if -io net option is switched on.


See docs/RadarEmulKB.pdf.

Purpose: Makes a netCDF volume file from a binary emulator file (necessary because of the hdf and netCDF incompatibility).
Function: Performs all the same functions as radsector (sectorizing).
Applications: radbin2cdf and radsector are part of the package for the radar emulator.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] radbin2cdf


See docs/RadarEmulKB.pdf.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

netCDF library



Purpose: Reads the simulated radar output of radaremul (either binary or netCDF) and creates new files covering a specified sector within user-specified azimuth limits.
Applications: radbin2cdf and radsector are part of the package for the radar emulator.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] radsector


bin/radsector Filename [-indir input_directory] -outdir output_directory -azimbgn beginning_azimuth -azimend ending_azimuth

Filename is the binary file output of radaremul;
The default input directory is current working directory;
The beginning and ending azimuths are to be given in clockwise order, even if the data were collected with the radar spinning in the opposite directory. The azimuth limits can across zeor (North). For example:
    -azimbgn 340 -azimend 20   Gvies a 40 degree sector centered at due Noth
    -azimbgn 20 -azimend 340   Selects a 320 degree sector, centered due South

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :

netCDF library is optional.

Notes: See docs/RadarEmulKB.pdf for details.
Purpose: X-band attenuation estimation in tornado detection.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

makearps [options] atten



Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :


Notes: It is still not ready for people outside of CAPS/OU/UMass.
Purpose: Generates fake radar data from an ARPS history dump.
Location of source code: src/88d2arps
Compilation and Linking:

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Notes: For internal testing only
Purpose: Join WRF history file in netCDF format either in space (split files) or in time (files at multiple time levels into one file)..
Function: Provide one or more joined WRF history file, so that the post-processing tools work. For example, ARWpost, WRF NCL and IDV etc. because most of the WRF post-processing tools cannot read split files and IDV requires data at multiple time levels in one file.
Applications: For the LEAD project and also benefit all other uses.
Location of source code: src/wrf2arps
Compilation and Linking:
makearps [options] joinwrfh

bin/joinwrfh < input/joinwrf.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • netCDF
Purpose: Generate diagnostic soundings from the WRF history file at specified location of stations.
Applications: For the LEAD project.
Location of source code: src/wrf2arps
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] wrfextsnd

bin/wrfextsnd < input/wrfextsnd.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • netCDF
Purpose: Generates diagnostic outputs from ARPS history dumps.
Location of source code: src/arpsens
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpspost

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • HDF 4
  • netCDF
Purpose: Convert binary outputs from ARPSPOST to GEMPAK format .
Location of source code: src/arpsens
Compilation and Linking:

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
Location of source code: src/arpsens
Compilation and Linking:

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :  
Purpose: Split any ARPS files in either HDF 4 format or netCDF format into patches.
Function: For preparing to run MPI jobs.
Applications: Split outputs from 88d2arps/nids2arps/ncrad2arps etc. to run adas_mpi.
Location of source code: src/arps_mp
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] splitany

bin/splitany < input/splitany.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • netCDF
  • HDF 4
Purpose: Remaps NSSL mosaic reflectivity to ARPS grid.
Function: Read in NSSL mosaic reflectivity in netCDF format and interpolate the reflectivity from its mosaic grid into the ARPS grid. Both new (8 tiles) and old (14 tiles) nosaic file can be used. Composite reflectivity in ARPS grid is also calculated as needed.
Applications: Generate reflectivity that distributed in the ARPS grid for the data analysis or the verification
Location of source code: src/mosaic2arps
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] Zmosaic2arps

bin/Zmosaic2arps < input/Zmosaic2arps.input

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • netCDF

Process a file containing one or more soundings from the FSL (GSD) online radiosonde database and translate the soundings into file(s) that can be used in ADAS or 3DVAR. For files with multiple data times, the soundings will be sorted by data time and output to the appropriate file, each named according to the date and time. The program can also use a station file to verify the station locations with the latest global station list information from NOAA - use of this station file is optional. You can get that file from http://weather.noaa.gov/data/nsd_cccc.gz

Location of source code: src/adas
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] fsl2snd


To use the program just start it and it will prompt for the name of the ASCII file saved from the web download of the data from http://raob.fsl.noaa.gov. When using the web interface select "FSL Format (ASCII)" and wind units of "kts" (the default selections).

To use the output in ADAS or ARPS 3DVAR put the name of the output file in the section of the arps.input file that begins with nuafil, using the variable uafname.

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • None
Purpose: Ensemble Kalman filter analysis program.
Function: Perform objective analysis using ensemble Kalman filter analysis scheme.
Applications: To obtain a best estimate of the current state of the atmosphere to serve as the initial condition for forward prediction. The EnKF analysis can be used for diagnostic studies, model initialization for ensemble forecast, and for providing flow-dependent covariace matrix. The output data is in ARPS history format which can be directly read by arps and many other ARPS programs including ARPSPLT.
Location of source code: src/arpsenkf
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpsenkf
To support OpenMP: makearps -omp arpsenkf
Execution: bin/arpsenkf < input/arpsenkf.input >! arpsenkf.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Necessary libraries:
  • ARPS internal libraries, libarps.a, libadas.a
  • Arpsenkf internal library, libenkf.a
  • Externam libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF etc. for data I/O
Purpose: Generates one perturbation initial condition history dump for ensemble forecast.
Function: Generate perturbed initial condition for ARPS ensemble forecast.
Applications: For generating perturbations to create initial boundary condition for ARPS ensemble members or to create additive noise to be added to ensemble members during EnKF analysis cycles.
Location of source code: src/arpsens
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpsenkfic
Execution: bin/arpsenkfic < input/arpsenkfic.input >! arpsenkfic.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Necessary libraries
  • ARPS internal libraries, libarps.a, libadas.a
  • Arpsenkf internal library, libenkf.a
  • Externam libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF etc. for data I/O
Purpose: EnKF diagnostic program
Function: Calculate ensemble spread, covariance between model state variables and observed variables, and 3D divergence field
Applications: Can be used in the diagnostic studies. The output data is in HDF format which can be directly read by ARPS application programs such as ARPSPLT.
Location of source code: src/arpsenkf
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] endgns
To support OpenMP: makearps -omp endgns
Execution: bin/endgns < input/arpsenkf.input >! endgns.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Necessary libraries
  • ARPS internal libraries, libarps.a, libadas.a
  • Arpsenkf internal library, libenkf.a
  • Externam libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF etc. for data I/O
Purpose: Obsolete (to be deleted)
Location of source code: src/arpsenkf
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpsenkf


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • None
Purpose: Program that creates simulated observation.
Function: Creat simulated observation from ARPS output files that may or may not include simulated observation errors 1) on model grid or 2) on radar tilts.
Applications: Can be used in Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs).
Location of source code: src/arpsenkf
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] ossedata
Execution: bin/ossedata < input/arpsenkf.input >! ossedata.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Necessary libraries
  • ARPS internal libraries, libarps.a, libadas.a
  • Arpsenkf internal library, libenkf.a
  • Externam libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF etc. for data I/O
Location of source code: src/arpsintrp
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpsenkf


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • None
Purpose: Obsolete (to be deleted)
Location of source code: src/arpsenkf
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arpsenkf


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :
  • None
Purpose: Generates one set of perturbed parameter ensemble.
Function: Generate perturbed microphysical parameter ensemble for the parameter estimation using EnKF. The output data is in ASCII format.
Applications: For creating initial condition for the parameter estimation.
Location of source code: src/arpsenkf
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] rndprt
Execution: bin/rndprt < input/arpsenkfic.input >! rndprt.output
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : Necessary libraries
  • ARPS internal libraries, libarps.a, libadas.a
  • Arpsenkf internal library, libenkf.a
  • Externam libraries, such as HDF, NetCDF etc. for data I/O
Purpose: Interpolate ARPS history file in netCDF format to WDSSII format for visualization.
Function: Same as Function.
Applications: For CASA Spring experiments only.
Location of source code: src/ext2arps
Compilation and Linking: makearps [options] arps2wdssii


Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required : NetCDF is required.

Program Name:


Purpose: convert_inc_to_mod: Converts FORTRAN 77 include file to Fortran 90 module. convert_src_to_f90: Converts FORTRAN 77 source file to Fortran 90 file.

Convert Fortran 77 code into the Fortran 90 free form and stylize the code to conform to the ARPS Fortran 90 coding standard.


Used to convert F77 ARPS 4.5.x into F90 ARPS 5.0.

Location of source code:

Compilation and Linking:

f90 –o bin/f77tof90 src/f77tof90


/bin/ls *.f > f77_filelist ; bin/f77tof90 < f77_filelist

Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms.

External package/library required :


Program Name:

Perl Scripts

Location of source code: scripts/
Compilation and Linking:  
Platform supported:

All common Unix platforms with Perl 5.0 and above.

External package/library required :

CAPS © June 2002. Last updated on by Yunheng Wang