PROGRAM arpsread,10
! Sample program to read history data file produced by ARPS.
! Link arpsread using the following command on a IBM RISC/6000
! system, assuming HDF, NetCDF and Savi3D libraries are not
! available:
! f90 arpsread.f read3d.o nohdfio3d.o nonetio3d.o nosviio3d.o \
! gradsio3d.o pakio3d.o outlib3d.o ibmlib3d.o
INTEGER :: nx, ny, nz
INTEGER :: nstyps
! Arrays to be read in:
REAL, allocatable :: x(:) ! The x-coord. of the physical and
! computational grid.
REAL, allocatable :: y(:) ! The y-coord. of the physical and
! computational grid.
REAL, allocatable :: z(:) ! The z-coord. of the computational
! grid. Defined at w-point.
REAL, allocatable :: zp(:,:,:) ! The height of the terrain.
REAL, allocatable :: hterain(:,:) ! Terrain height.
REAL, allocatable :: j1(:,:,:) ! Coordinate transformation
! Jacobian -d(zp)/d(x)
REAL, allocatable :: j2(:,:,:) ! Coordinate transformation
! Jacobian -d(zp)/d(y)
REAL, allocatable :: j3(:,:,:) ! Coordinate transformation
! Jacobian d(zp)/d(z)
REAL, allocatable :: uprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation u-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: vprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation v-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: wprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation w-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: ptprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation potential temperature (K)
REAL, allocatable :: pprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation pressure (Pascal)
REAL, allocatable :: qvprt (:,:,:) ! Perturbation water vapor specific
! humidity (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: qc (:,:,:) ! Cloud water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: qr (:,:,:) ! Rain water mixing ratio (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: qi (:,:,:) ! Cloud ice mixing ratio (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: qs (:,:,:) ! Snow mixing ratio (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: qh (:,:,:) ! Hail mixing ratio (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: tke (:,:,:) ! Turbulent Kinetic Energy ((m/s)**2)
REAL, allocatable :: kmh (:,:,:) ! Horizontal turb. mixing coef. for
! momentum. ( m**2/s )
REAL, allocatable :: kmv (:,:,:) ! Vertical turb. mixing coef. for
! momentum. ( m**2/s )
REAL, allocatable :: ubar (:,:,:) ! Base state u-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: vbar (:,:,:) ! Base state v-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: wbar (:,:,:) ! Base state w-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: ptbar (:,:,:) ! Base state potential temperature (K)
REAL, allocatable :: pbar (:,:,:) ! Base state pressure (Pascal)
REAL, allocatable :: rhobar (:,:,:) ! Base state air density (kg/m**3)
REAL, allocatable :: qvbar (:,:,:) ! Base state water vapor specific
! humidity (kg/kg)
REAL, allocatable :: u (:,:,:) ! Total u-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: v (:,:,:) ! Total v-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: w (:,:,:) ! Total w-velocity (m/s)
REAL, allocatable :: qv (:,:,:) ! Water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg)
INTEGER, allocatable :: soiltyp (:,:,:) ! Soil type
REAL, allocatable :: stypfrct(:,:,:) ! Fraction of soil types
INTEGER, allocatable :: vegtyp(:,:) ! Vegetation type
REAL, allocatable :: lai (:,:) ! Leaf Area Index
REAL, allocatable :: roufns (:,:) ! Surface roughness
REAL, allocatable :: veg (:,:) ! Vegetation fraction
REAL, allocatable :: tsfc (:,:,:) ! Temperature at surface (K)
REAL, allocatable :: tsoil (:,:,:) ! Deep soil temperature (K)
REAL, allocatable :: wetsfc (:,:,:) ! Surface soil moisture
REAL, allocatable :: wetdp (:,:,:) ! Deep soil moisture
REAL, allocatable :: wetcanp(:,:,:) ! Canopy water amount
REAL, allocatable :: snowdpth(:,:) ! Snow depth (m)
REAL, allocatable ::raing(:,:) ! Grid supersaturation rain
REAL, allocatable ::rainc(:,:) ! Cumulus convective rain
REAL, allocatable ::prcrate(:,:,:) ! precipitation rate (kg/(m**2*s))
! prcrate(1,1,1) = total precip. rate
! prcrate(1,1,2) = grid scale precip. rate
! prcrate(1,1,3) = cumulus precip. rate
! prcrate(1,1,4) = microphysics precip. rate
REAL, allocatable ::radfrc(:,:,:) ! Radiation forcing (K/s)
REAL, allocatable ::radsw (:,:) ! Solar radiation reaching the surface
REAL, allocatable ::rnflx (:,:) ! Net radiation flux absorbed by surface
REAL, allocatable ::usflx (:,:) ! Surface flux of u-momentum (kg/(m*s**2))
REAL, allocatable ::vsflx (:,:) ! Surface flux of v-momentum (kg/(m*s**2))
REAL, allocatable ::ptsflx(:,:) ! Surface heat flux (K*kg/(m*s**2))
REAL, allocatable ::qvsflx(:,:) ! Surface moisture flux (kg/(m**2*s))
REAL, allocatable ::tem1(:,:,:) ! Work arrays
REAL, allocatable ::tem2(:,:,:) ! Work arrays
REAL, allocatable ::tem3(:,:,:) ! Work arrays
! Misc. internal variables
INTEGER :: hinfmt, nchin, istatus
INTEGER :: lengbf, lenfil, ireturn
CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: filename
CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: grdbasfn
REAL :: time
hinfmt = 1 ! Data format set to 1 for unformatted binary
grdbasfn = 'may20.grbgrdbas' ! File containing base state and grid arrays
lengbf = len_trim(grdbasfn)
filename = 'may20.grb003600' ! History data file at 3600 s.
lenfil = len_trim(filename )
! Obtain the grid dimensions from input data.
CALL get_dims_from_data
(hinfmt,grdbasfn(1:lengbf), &
nx,ny,nz,nstyps, ireturn)
IF( ireturn /= 0 ) THEN
PRINT*,'Problem occured when trying to get dimensions from data.'
PRINT*,'Program stopped.'
WRITE(6,'(3(a,i5))') 'nx =',nx,', ny=',ny,', nz=',nz
! Allocate arrays
allocate(x (nx),stat=istatus)
allocate(y (ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(z (nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(zp (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(j1 (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(j2 (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(j3 (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(uprt (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(vprt (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(wprt (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(ptprt (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(pprt (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qvprt (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qc (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qr (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qi (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qs (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qh (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(tke (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(kmh (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(kmv (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(ubar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(vbar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(wbar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(ptbar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(pbar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(rhobar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qvbar (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(u (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(v (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(w (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(qv (nx,ny,nz),stat=istatus)
allocate(soiltyp (nx,ny,nstyps),stat=istatus)
allocate(lai (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(roufns (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(veg (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(tsfc (nx,ny,0:nstyps),stat=istatus)
allocate(tsoil (nx,ny,0:nstyps),stat=istatus)
allocate(wetsfc (nx,ny,0:nstyps),stat=istatus)
allocate(wetdp (nx,ny,0:nstyps),stat=istatus)
allocate(radsw (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(rnflx (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(usflx (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
allocate(vsflx (nx,ny),stat=istatus)
CALL dtaread
(nx,ny,nz,nstyps, &
hinfmt, nchin,grdbasfn(1:16),lengbf, &
filename(1:16),lenfil,time, &
x,y,z,zp, uprt ,vprt ,wprt ,ptprt, pprt , &
qvprt, qc, qr, qi, qs, qh, tke,kmh,kmv, &
ubar, vbar, wbar, ptbar, pbar, rhobar, qvbar, &
soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg, &
tsfc, tsoil, wetsfc, wetdp, wetcanp,snowdpth, &
raing,rainc,prcrate, &
radfrc,radsw,rnflx, &
usflx,vsflx,ptsflx,qvsflx, &
ireturn, tem1,tem2,tem3)
curtim = time
END PROGRAM arpsread