!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE WRTSOIL                    ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE wrtsoil( nx,ny, nstyps, soiloutfl, dx,dy,                    & 7,24
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,ctrlat,ctrlon,         &
           tsfcout,tsoilout,wsfcout,wdpout,wcanpout,snowdout,           &
           tsfc,tsoil,wetsfc,wetdp,wetcanp,snowdpth,soiltyp )
!  Write the soil model variables into file soiloutfl.
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  04/20/1995
!  08/07/1995 (M. Xue)
!  Added file name to the argument list.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Removed the globcst.inc include.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added HDF4 format.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/10/27 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added soiltyp to soil file to track consistency of soil data.
!  nx       Number of model grid points in the x-dir. (east/west)
!  ny       Number of model grid points in the y-dir. (north/south)
!  soiloutfl Name of the soil model data output file
!  tsfcout  Flag for output of Temperature at ground surface
!  tsoilout Flag for output of Deep soil temperature
!  wsfcout  Flag for output of Surface soil moisture
!  wdpout   Flag for output of Deep soil moisture
!  wcanpout Flag for output of Canopy water amount
!  tsfc     Temperature at ground surface (K)
!  tsoil    Deep soil temperature (K)
!  wetsfc   Surface soil moisture
!  wetdp    Deep soil moisture
!  wetcanp  Canopy water amount
!  snowdpth Snow depth (m)
!  soiltyp  Soil type in model domain
!  Output written to the surface data file, soilinfl:
!  nx       Number of model grid points in the x-direction
!  ny       Number of model grid points in the y-direction
!  mapproj  Type of map projection used to setup the analysis grid.
!  trulat1  1st real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulat2  2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulon   Real true longitude of map projection.
!  sclfct   Map scale factor. At latitude = trulat1 and trulat2
!  dx       Model grid spacing in the x-direction east-west (meters)
!  dy       Model grid spacing in the y-direction east-west (meters)
!  ctrlat    Lat. at the origin of the model grid (deg. N)
!  ctrlon    Lon. at the origin of the model grid (deg. E)
!  tsfcout  Flag for output of Temperature at ground surface
!  tsoilout Flag for output of Deep soil temperature
!  wsfcout  Flag for output of Surface soil moisture
!  wdpout   Flag for output of Deep soil moisture
!  wcanpout Flag for output of Canopy water amount
!  tsfc     Temperature at ground surface (K)
!  tsoil    Deep soil temperature (K)
!  wetsfc   Surface soil moisture
!  wetdp    Deep soil moisture
!  wetcanp  Canopy water amount
!  snowdpth Snow depth (m)
!  soiltyp  Soil type in model domain
!  Variable Declarations.
  INTEGER :: nx            ! Number of grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny            ! Number of grid points in the y-direction
  INTEGER :: nstyps        ! Number of soil types at each grid point
  CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: soiloutfl ! Name of the output file

  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  INTEGER :: mapproj       ! Map projection
  REAL :: trulat1          ! 1st real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulat2          ! 2nd real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulon           ! Real true longitude of map projection
  REAL :: sclfct           ! Map scale factor
  REAL :: ctrlat           ! Center latitude of the model domain (deg. N)
  REAL :: ctrlon           ! Center longitude of the model domain (deg. E)

  INTEGER :: tsfcout       ! Flag for output of tsfc
  INTEGER :: tsoilout      ! Flag for output of tsoil
  INTEGER :: wsfcout       ! Flag for output of wetsfc
  INTEGER :: wdpout        ! Flag for output of wetdp
  INTEGER :: wcanpout      ! Flag for output of wetcanp
  INTEGER :: stypout       ! Flag for output of soiltyp (set to 1 if any of
                           ! the above flags are set)
  INTEGER :: snowdout      ! Flag for output of snowdpth

  REAL :: tsfc   (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Temperature at ground surface (K)
  REAL :: tsoil  (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Deep soil temperature (K)
  REAL :: wetsfc (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Surface soil moisture
  REAL :: wetdp  (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Deep soil moisture
  REAL :: wetcanp(nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Canopy water amount

  REAL :: snowdpth(nx,ny)            ! Snow depth (m)

  INTEGER :: soiltyp (nx,ny,nstyps)  ! Soil type in model domain
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i,j,is
!wdt remove:
!  INTEGER :: lenfl
  INTEGER :: flunit
  INTEGER :: idummy
  REAL :: rdummy
  INTEGER :: ierr

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
  INTEGER(KIND=selected_int_kind(4)) :: itmp(1)
         ! unused array in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION
  REAL :: atmp1(1),atmp2(1)
         ! unused arrays in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION

  INTEGER :: stat, sd_id
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
  idummy = 0
  rdummy = 0.0

  IF (soildmp == 0) RETURN

  WRITE (6,'(a,a)') 'WRTSOIL: Opening file ',trim(soiloutfl)

  IF ( tsfcout+tsoilout+wsfcout+wdpout+wcanpout /= 0 ) THEN
    stypout = 1
    stypout = 0

!  Write out in Fortran unformatted.

  IF (soildmp == 1) THEN

    CALL getunit( flunit )

    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(soiloutfl, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN (UNIT=flunit, FILE=trim(soiloutfl),                   &
        STATUS='unknown', FORM='unformatted', ACCESS='sequential')

    WRITE (flunit) nx, ny

    WRITE (flunit) mapproj,  tsfcout, tsoilout, wsfcout, wdpout,        &
                 wcanpout,       0, snowdout, stypout, idummy,          &
                 idummy,   idummy,  idummy,   idummy,  idummy,          &
                 idummy,   idummy,  idummy,   idummy,  nstyp

    WRITE (flunit) dx,      dy,     ctrlat, ctrlon, trulat1,            &
                 trulat2, trulon, sclfct, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                 rdummy,  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                 rdummy,  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy

    IF ( tsfcout /= 0 ) THEN
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (flunit) ((tsfc(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!--------------------- A bug fixed by Yunheng ------------
!        DO is=0,nstyp
!          WRITE (flunit) ((tsfc(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!        END DO
        WRITE (flunit) tsfc
      END IF
    END IF

    IF ( tsoilout /= 0 ) THEN
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (flunit) ((tsoil(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!--------------------- A bug fixed by Yunheng ------------
!        DO is=0,nstyp
!          WRITE (flunit) ((tsoil(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!        END DO
        WRITE (flunit) tsoil
      END IF
    END IF

    IF ( wsfcout /= 0 ) THEN
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (flunit) ((wetsfc(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!--------------------- A bug fixed by Yunheng ------------
!        DO is=0,nstyp
!          WRITE (flunit) ((wetsfc(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!        END DO
        WRITE (flunit) wetsfc
      END IF
    END IF

    IF ( wdpout /= 0 ) THEN
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (flunit) ((wetdp(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!--------------------- A bug fixed by Yunheng ------------
!        DO is=0,nstyp
!          WRITE (flunit) ((wetdp(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!        END DO
        WRITE (flunit) wetdp
      END IF
    END IF

    IF ( wcanpout /= 0 ) THEN
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (flunit) ((wetcanp(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!--------------------- A bug fixed by Yunheng ------------
!        DO is=0,nstyp
!          WRITE (flunit) ((wetcanp(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
!        END DO
        WRITE (flunit) wetcanp
      END IF
    END IF

    IF ( snowdout /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE (flunit) ((snowdpth(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
    END IF

    IF ( stypout /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE (flunit) soiltyp

    CLOSE ( flunit )
    CALL retunit ( flunit )

  ELSE IF (soildmp == 2) THEN

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
!  Write out in HDF4.

    CALL hdfopen(trim(soiloutfl), 2, sd_id)
    IF (sd_id < 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "WRTSOIL: ERROR creating HDF4 file: ",                &
    END IF

    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'nstyp', nstyp, stat)

    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'nx', nx, stat)
    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'ny', ny, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'dx', dx, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'dy', dy, stat)
    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'mapproj', mapproj, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulat1', trulat1, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulat2', trulat2, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulon', trulon, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'sclfct', sclfct, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'ctrlat', ctrlat, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'ctrlon', ctrlon, stat)

    IF ( nstyp == 0 ) nstyp = 1
    IF ( tsfcout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt3d(tsfc,nx,ny,nstyp+1,sd_id,0,0,                     &
                'tsfc','Surface ground temperature','K',              &
    END IF

    IF ( tsoilout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt3d(tsoil,nx,ny,nstyp+1,sd_id,0,0,                    &
                'tsoil','Deep soil temperature','K',                  &
    END IF

    IF ( wsfcout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt3d(wetsfc,nx,ny,nstyp+1,sd_id,0,0,                   &
                'wetsfc','Surface soil moisture','fraction',          &
    END IF

    IF ( wdpout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt3d(wetdp,nx,ny,nstyp+1,sd_id,0,0,                    &
                'wetdp','Deep soil moisture','fraction',              &
    END IF

    IF ( wcanpout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt3d(wetcanp,nx,ny,nstyp+1,sd_id,0,0,                  &
                'wetcanp','Canopy water amount','fraction',           &
    END IF

    IF ( snowdout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt2d(snowdpth,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,                           &
                  'snowdpth','Snow depth','m',itmp)
    END IF

    IF ( stypout /= 0 ) THEN
      CALL hdfwrt3di(soiltyp,nx,ny,nstyp,sd_id,0,0,                   &
                  'soiltyp','Soil type','index')

!    200     CONTINUE

    CALL hdfclose(sd_id,stat)
    IF (stat /= 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "WRTSOIL: ERROR on closing file ",trim(soiloutfl),    &
                  " (status",stat,")"
    END IF
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


!######                                                      ######
!######                 SUBROUTINE READSOIL                  ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE readsoil( nx,ny,nstyps,soilfile,dx,dy,                       & 6,30
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,ctrlat,ctrlon,         &
           tsfcin,tsoilin,wsfcin,wdpin,wcanpin,snowdin,                 &
           tsfc,tsoil,wetsfc,wetdp,wetcanp,snowdpth,soiltyp )
!  Read the soil variables from file soilfile.
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  04/20/95
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Removed the globcst.inc include.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added HDF4 format.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/10/27 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added soiltyp to soil file to track consistency of soil data.
!  nx       Number of model grid points in the x-dir. (east/west)
!  ny       Number of model grid points in the y-dir. (north/south)
!  mapproj  Type of map projection used to setup the analysis grid.
!  trulat1  1st real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulat2  2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulon   Real true longitude of map projection.
!  sclfct   Map scale factor. At latitude = trulat1 and trulat2
!  dx       Model grid spacing in the x-direction east-west (meters)
!  dy       Model grid spacing in the y-direction east-west (meters)
!  ctrlat    Lat. at the origin of the model grid (deg. N)
!  ctrlon    Lon. at the origin of the model grid (deg. E)
!  tsfc     Temperature at ground surface (K)
!  tsoil    Deep soil temperature (K)
!  wetsfc   Surface soil moisture
!  wetdp    Deep soil moisture
!  wetcanp  Canopy water amount
!  snowdpth Snow depth (m)
!  Variable Declarations.
  INTEGER :: nx            ! Number of grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny            ! Number of grid points in the y-direction
  INTEGER :: nstyps        ! Number of soil types for each grid point

  CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: soilfile ! Name of the soil file

  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  INTEGER :: mapproj       ! Map projection
  REAL :: trulat1          ! 1st real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulat2          ! 2nd real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulon           ! Real true longitude of map projection
  REAL :: sclfct           ! Map scale factor
  REAL :: ctrlat           ! Center latitude of the model domain (deg. N)
  REAL :: ctrlon           ! Center longitude of the model domain (deg. E)

  INTEGER :: tsfcin
  INTEGER :: tsoilin
  INTEGER :: wsfcin
  INTEGER :: wdpin
  INTEGER :: wcanpin
  INTEGER :: snowdin
  INTEGER :: snowcin
  INTEGER :: stypin

  REAL :: tsfc   (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Temperature at ground surface (K)
  REAL :: tsoil  (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Deep soil temperature (K)
  REAL :: wetsfc (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Surface soil moisture
  REAL :: wetdp  (nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Deep soil moisture
  REAL :: wetcanp(nx,ny,0:nstyps)   ! Canopy water amount
  INTEGER :: soiltyp (nx,ny,nstyps) ! Soil type in model domain

  REAL :: snowdpth(nx,ny)            ! Snow depth (m)

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tsfc_in   (:,:,:)   ! Temperature at ground surface (K)
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tsoil_in  (:,:,:)   ! Deep soil temperature (K)
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wetsfc_in (:,:,:)   ! Surface soil moisture
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wetdp_in  (:,:,:)   ! Deep soil moisture
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: wetcanp_in(:,:,:)   ! Canopy water amount
  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: soiltyp_in (:,:,:) ! Soil type in model domain
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: nxin,nyin
  REAL :: dxin,dyin
  INTEGER :: mprojin
  INTEGER :: nstyp1,nstypin
  REAL :: trlat1in, trlat2in, trlonin, sclfctin
  REAL :: ctrlonin, ctrlatin

  INTEGER :: flunit
  INTEGER :: idummy
  REAL :: rdummy

  INTEGER :: i,j,is
  INTEGER :: istat, ierr

  INTEGER :: ireturn
  INTEGER :: itmp1,itmp2
  REAL :: rtmp1,rtmp2,rtmp3,rtmp4,rtmp5,rtmp6,rtmp7

  CHARACTER (LEN=128) :: savename            !Message passing code.

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
  INTEGER(KIND=selected_int_kind(4)) :: itmp(1)
         ! unused array in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION
  REAL :: atmp1(1),atmp2(1)
         ! unused arrays in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION

  INTEGER :: stat, sd_id
!  Include file:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'            ! Message passing parameters.
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Open the surface data file. Read the parameters first, check if
!  the data are consistant with the model. If everything is OK, then
!  read the surface data, soiltyp, vegtyp, lai, and roufns.
  IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN
    savename(1:128) = soilfile(1:128)
    WRITE(soilfile, '(a,a,2i2.2)') trim(savename),'_',loc_x,loc_y

  WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: reading in external supplied soil data ",      &
              "from file ",trim(soilfile)

!  Read in header information.

  IF (soilfmt == 0) THEN

!  Fortran unformatted dump.

    CALL getunit( flunit )

    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(soilfile, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN (UNIT=flunit,FILE=trim(soilfile),FORM='unformatted',           &

    IF( istat /= 0 ) THEN

      WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,i2,/1x,a/)')                                      &
          'Error occured when opening the surface data file '           &
          //soilfile//' using FORTRAN unit ',flunit,                    &
          ' Program stopped in READSOIL.'
      CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READSOIL while opening file",1)

    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,/1x,a,i2/)')                                        &
        'This run will start from an external supplied soil ',          &
        'data file '//soilfile//' using FORTRAN unit ',flunit

    READ (flunit,ERR=998) nxin,nyin

    READ (flunit,ERR=998) mprojin,tsfcin, tsoilin,wsfcin,wdpin,         &
                        wcanpin,snowcin,snowdin,stypin,idummy,          &
                        idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,idummy,          &
                        idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,nstyp1

    READ (flunit,ERR=998) dxin,dyin, ctrlatin,ctrlonin,trlat1in,        &
                         trlat2in,trlonin,sclfctin,rdummy,rdummy,       &
                         rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,            &


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
!  HDF4 format.

    CALL hdfopen(trim(soilfile), 1, sd_id)
    IF (sd_id < 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR opening ",                           &
                 trim(soilfile)," for reading."
      GO TO 998
    END IF

    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"nstyp",nstyp1,istat)

    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"nx",nxin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"ny",nyin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"dx",dxin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"dy",dyin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"mapproj",mprojin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulat1",trlat1in,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulat2",trlat2in,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulon",trlonin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"sclfct",sclfctin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"ctrlat",ctrlatin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"ctrlon",ctrlonin,istat)
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


  nstyp1 = MAX( nstyp1, 1 )

  ALLOCATE (tsfc_in(nx,ny,0:nstyp1),stat=istat)
  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR allocating tsfc_in, returning"
  ALLOCATE (tsoil_in(nx,ny,0:nstyp1),stat=istat)
  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR allocating tsoil_in, returning"
  ALLOCATE (wetsfc_in(nx,ny,0:nstyp1),stat=istat)
  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR allocating wetsfc_in, returning"
  ALLOCATE (wetdp_in(nx,ny,0:nstyp1),stat=istat)
  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR allocating wetdp_in, returning"
  ALLOCATE (wetcanp_in(nx,ny,0:nstyp1),stat=istat)
  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR allocating wetcanp_in, returning"
  ALLOCATE (soiltyp_in(nx,ny,nstyp1),stat=istat)
  IF (istat /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR allocating soiltyp_in, returning"

!  Check the data file for consistent grid parameters.

  CALL checkgrid2d(nx,ny,nxin,nyin,                                     &
        dx,dy,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                            &
        mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                          &
        dxin,dyin,ctrlatin,ctrlonin,                                    &

  IF (ireturn /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: ERROR, grid parameter mismatch"
      CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READSOIL parameter mismatch",1)

  WRITE (6,'(a,a//a,i1/6(a,e15.8/))')                                   &
      ' The map projection and griding information for the ',           &
      ' surface data: ',                                                &
      ' Projection:                 ', mprojin,                         &
      ' The 1st real true latitude: ', trlat1in,                        &
      ' The 2nd real true latitude: ', trlat2in,                        &
      ' The real true longitude:    ', trlonin,                         &
      ' Map scale factor:           ', sclfctin,                        &
      ' Latitude  at the origin:    ', ctrlatin,                        &
      ' Longitude at the origin:    ', ctrlonin

!  Read in the soil data from the soil data file.
  IF (soilfmt == 0) THEN    ! Fortran unformatted

  WRITE (6, '(a/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2)')  &
      ' Surface data flags for: ',                                      &
      '         tsfcin --', tsfcin,                                     &
      '        tsoilin --', tsoilin,                                    &
      '         wsfcin --', wsfcin,                                     &
      '          wdpin --', wdpin,                                      &
      '        wcanpin --', wcanpin,                                    &
      '        snowdin --', snowdin,  &
      '         stypin --', stypin

    IF ( tsfcin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the surface skin temperature data'
!--------------------- A bug fixed by Yunheng ------------
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) ((tsfc_in(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) tsfc_in
      END IF
      WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                    &
          'Variable tsfc is not in the data set.'
    END IF

    IF ( tsoilin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the deep soil temperature data'
      IF ( nstyp1 == 1 ) THEN
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) ((tsoil_in(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) tsoil_in
      END IF
      WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                    &
          'Variable tsoil is not in the data set.'
    END IF

    IF ( wsfcin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the skin soil moisture data'
      IF ( nstyp1 == 1 ) THEN
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) ((wetsfc_in(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) wetsfc_in
      END IF
      WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                    &
          'Variable wetsfc is not in the data set.'
    END IF

    IF ( wdpin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the deep soil moisture data'
      IF ( nstyp1 == 1 ) THEN
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) ((wetdp_in(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) wetdp_in
      END IF
      WRITE(6,'(a)')                                                    &
          'Variable wetdp is not in the data set.'
    END IF

    IF ( wcanpin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the canopy water amount data'
      IF ( nstyp1 == 1 ) THEN
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) ((wetcanp_in(i,j,0),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        READ (flunit,ERR=998) wetcanp_in
      END IF
      WRITE (6, '(a)')                                                  &
          'Variable wetcanp is not in the data set.'
    END IF

    IF ( snowcin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'File contains snowcvr -- discarding'
      READ (flunit,ERR=998)
    END IF

    IF ( snowdin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the snow depth data'
      READ (flunit,ERR=998) ((snowdpth(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
      WRITE (6, '(a)')                                                  &
          'Variable snowdpth is not in the data set.'
    END IF

    IF ( stypin /= 0 ) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read soil type of soil data'
      READ (flunit,ERR=998) soiltyp_in
    END IF

    CLOSE ( flunit )
    CALL retunit ( flunit )


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
    CALL hdfrd3d(sd_id,"tsfc",nx,ny,nstyp1+1,tsfc_in,stat,               &
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the surface skin temperature data'
      tsfcin = 1
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Variable tsfc is not in the data set.'
      tsfcin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd3d(sd_id,"tsoil",nx,ny,nstyp1+1,tsoil_in,stat,             &
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the deep soil temperature data'
      tsoilin = 1
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Variable tsoil is not in the data set.'
      tsoilin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd3d(sd_id,"wetsfc",nx,ny,nstyp1+1,wetsfc_in,stat,           &
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the skin soil moisture data'
      wsfcin = 1
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Variable wetsfc is not in the data set.'
      wsfcin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd3d(sd_id,"wetdp",nx,ny,nstyp1+1,wetdp_in,stat,             &
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Read in the deep soil moisture data'
      wdpin = 1
      WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Variable wetdp is not in the data set.'
      wdpin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd3d(sd_id,"wetcanp",nx,ny,nstyp1+1,wetcanp_in,stat,         &
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the canopy water amount data'
      wcanpin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable wetcanp is not in the data set.'
      wcanpin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd2d(sd_id,"snowdpth",nx,ny,snowdpth,stat,itmp)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the snow depth data'
      snowdin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable snowdpth is not in the data set.'
      snowdin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd3di(sd_id,"soiltyp",nx,ny,nstyp1,soiltyp_in,stat)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read soil type of soil data'
      stypin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Soil type of soil data is not in the data set.'
      stypin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfclose(sd_id, stat)
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block:
!   nstypin = MIN(nstyp1, nstyps)
!   IF (tsfcin == 1) tsfc(:,:,0:nstypin) = tsfc_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
!   IF (tsoilin == 1) tsoil(:,:,0:nstypin) = tsoil_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
!   IF (wsfcin == 1) wetsfc(:,:,0:nstypin) = wetsfc_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
!   IF (wdpin == 1) wetdp(:,:,0:nstypin) = wetdp_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
!   IF (wcanpin == 1) wetcanp(:,:,0:nstypin) = wetcanp_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
!   CALL fix_soil_nstyp(nx,ny,nstyp1,nstyp,tsfc,tsoil,             &
!      wetsfc,wetdp,wetcanp)

  IF (stypin == 0) THEN

    WRITE (6,*) "READSOIL: WARNING, no check made for consistency ",  &
       "between soil types in surface and soil data sets."

    nstypin = MIN(nstyp1, nstyps)

    IF (tsfcin == 1) tsfc(:,:,0:nstypin) = tsfc_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
    IF (tsoilin == 1) tsoil(:,:,0:nstypin) = tsoil_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
    IF (wsfcin == 1) wetsfc(:,:,0:nstypin) = wetsfc_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
    IF (wdpin == 1) wetdp(:,:,0:nstypin) = wetdp_in(:,:,0:nstypin)
    IF (wcanpin == 1) wetcanp(:,:,0:nstypin) = wetcanp_in(:,:,0:nstypin)

    CALL fix_soil_nstyp(nx,ny,nstyp1,nstyp,tsfc,tsoil,             &


    IF (nstyp1 == 1) THEN
      tsfc_in   (:,:,1) = tsfc_in   (:,:,0)
      tsoil_in  (:,:,1) = tsoil_in  (:,:,0)
      wetsfc_in (:,:,1) = wetsfc_in (:,:,0)
      wetdp_in  (:,:,1) = wetdp_in  (:,:,0)
      wetcanp_in(:,:,1) = wetcanp_in(:,:,0)

    CALL remap_soil_vars(nx,ny,nstyp1,nstyp,  &
       tsfc_in,tsoil_in,wetsfc_in,wetdp_in,wetcanp_in,soiltyp_in,  &
       tsfcin,tsoilin,wsfcin,wdpin,wcanpin,  &

!wdt end block

  IF (mp_opt > 0) soilfile(1:128) = savename(1:128)

  DEALLOCATE (tsfc_in,stat=istat)
  DEALLOCATE (tsoil_in,stat=istat)
  DEALLOCATE (wetsfc_in,stat=istat)
  DEALLOCATE (wetdp_in,stat=istat)
  DEALLOCATE (wetcanp_in,stat=istat)
  DEALLOCATE (soiltyp_in,stat=istat)

! Correct only for flint, otherwise flint will never end
  GO TO 999

  998   WRITE (6,'(/a,i2/a)')                                           &
         '     Read error in surface data file '                        &
         //soilfile//' with the I/O unit ',flunit,                      &
         'The model will STOP in subroutine READSOIL.'

  CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READSOIL reading surface data",1)



!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE WRTSFCDT                   ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE wrtsfcdt( nx,ny,nstyps, sfcoutfl, dx,dy,                     & 4,24
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,ctrlat,ctrlon,         &
           stypout,vtypout,laiout,rfnsout,vegout,ndviout,               &
           soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg,ndvi )
!  Write a surface property data .
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  2/20/94
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Removed the globcst.inc include.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added HDF4 format.
!  nx       Number of model grid points in the x-dir. (east/west)
!  ny       Number of model grid points in the y-dir. (north/south)
!  sfcoutfl Name of the output surface property data file
!  soiltyp  Soil type in model domain
!  vegtyp   Vegetation type in model domain
!  lai      Leaf Area Index in model domain
!  roufns   Surface roughness
!  veg      Vegetation fraction
!  ndvi     NDVI
!  Output written to the surface data file, sfcdtfl:
!  nx       Number of model grid points in the x-direction
!  ny       Number of model grid points in the y-direction
!  mapproj  Type of map projection used to setup the analysis grid.
!  trulat1  1st real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulat2  2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulon   Real true longitude of map projection.
!  sclfct   Map scale factor. At latitude = trulat1 and trulat2
!  dx       Model grid spacing in the x-direction east-west (meters)
!  dy       Model grid spacing in the y-direction east-west (meters)
!  ctrlat    Lat. at the origin of the model grid (deg. N)
!  ctrlon    Lon. at the origin of the model grid (deg. E)
!  stypout  Flag for output of soil type
!  vtypout  Flag for output of vegetation type
!  laiout   Flag for output of Leaf Area Index
!  rfnsout  Flag for output of surface roughness
!  vegout   Flag for output of vegetation fraction
!  ndviout  Flag for output of NDVI
!  soiltyp  Soil type in model domain
!  stypfrct Fraction of each soil type in each grid box
!  vegtyp   Vegetation type in model domain
!  lai      Leaf Area Index in model domain
!  roufns   Surface roughness
!  veg      Vegetation fraction
!  ndvi     NDVI
!  Variable Declarations.
  INTEGER :: nx              ! Number of grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny              ! Number of grid points in the y-direction
  INTEGER :: nstyps          ! Max number of soil types in a grid box
  CHARACTER (LEN=* ) :: sfcoutfl ! Surface property data file name

  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  INTEGER :: mapproj       ! Map projection
  REAL :: trulat1          ! 1st real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulat2          ! 2nd real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulon           ! Real true longitude of map projection
  REAL :: sclfct           ! Map scale factor
  REAL :: ctrlat           ! Center latitude of the model domain (deg. N)
  REAL :: ctrlon           ! Center longitude of the model domain (deg. E)

  INTEGER :: stypout         ! Flag for output of soiltyp
  INTEGER :: vtypout         ! Flag for output of vegtyp
  INTEGER :: laiout          ! Flag for output of lai
  INTEGER :: rfnsout         ! Flag for output of roufns
  INTEGER :: vegout          ! Flag for output of veg
  INTEGER :: ndviout         ! Flag for output of ndvi

  INTEGER :: soiltyp (nx,ny,nstyps)  ! Soil type in model domain
  REAL :: stypfrct(nx,ny,nstyps)  ! Fraction of soil types
  INTEGER :: vegtyp  (nx,ny)  ! Vegetation type in model domain

  REAL :: lai    (nx,ny)     ! Leaf Area Index in model domain
  REAL :: roufns (nx,ny)     ! Surface roughness
  REAL :: veg    (nx,ny)     ! Vegetation fraction
  REAL :: ndvi   (nx,ny)     ! NDVI
!  Misc. local variables:
!wdt remove:
!  INTEGER :: lenfl
  INTEGER :: flunit
  INTEGER :: idummy
  REAL :: rdummy
  INTEGER :: ierr

  INTEGER :: i,j,is

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
  INTEGER(KIND=selected_int_kind(4)) :: itmp(1)
         ! unused array in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION
  REAL :: atmp1(1),atmp2(1)
         ! unused arrays in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION

  INTEGER :: stat, sd_id
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
  idummy = 0
  rdummy = 0.0

  IF (sfcdmp == 0) RETURN

  WRITE (6,'(a,a)') 'WRTSFCDT: Opening file ',trim(sfcoutfl)

!  Write out in Fortran unformatted.

  IF (sfcdmp == 1) THEN

    CALL getunit( flunit )

    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(sfcoutfl, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN (UNIT = flunit, FILE = trim(sfcoutfl),                      &
        STATUS = 'unknown',                                             &
        FORM = 'unformatted', ACCESS = 'sequential')

    WRITE (flunit) nx, ny

    WRITE (flunit) mapproj, stypout, vtypout, laiout, rfnsout,          &
                 vegout,  ndviout, nstyp,   idummy, idummy,             &
                 idummy,  idummy,  idummy,  idummy, idummy,             &
                 idummy,  idummy,  idummy,  idummy, idummy

    WRITE (flunit) dx,      dy,     ctrlat, ctrlon, trulat1,            &
                 trulat2, trulon, sclfct, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                 rdummy,  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                 rdummy,  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy

    IF ( stypout /= 0 ) THEN
      IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (flunit) ((soiltyp(i,j,1),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        DO is=1,nstyp
          WRITE (flunit) ((soiltyp (i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
          WRITE (flunit) ((stypfrct(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        END DO
      END IF
    END IF

    IF ( vtypout /= 0 ) WRITE (flunit) vegtyp
    IF ( laiout  /= 0 ) WRITE (flunit) lai
    IF ( rfnsout /= 0 ) WRITE (flunit) roufns
    IF ( vegout  /= 0 ) WRITE (flunit) veg
    IF ( ndviout /= 0 ) WRITE (flunit) ndvi

    CLOSE ( flunit )
    CALL retunit ( flunit )

  ELSE IF (sfcdmp == 2) THEN

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
!  Write out in HDF4.

    CALL hdfopen(trim(sfcoutfl), 2, sd_id)
    IF (sd_id < 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "WRTSFCDT: ERROR creating HDF4 file: ",               &
    END IF

    ! Make sure nstyp & stypfrct are valid for one soil type
    IF (nstyp == 0) nstyp = 1
    IF (nstyp == 1) stypfrct = 1

    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'nstyp', nstyp, stat)

    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'nx', nx, stat)
    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'ny', ny, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'dx', dx, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'dy', dy, stat)
    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'mapproj', mapproj, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulat1', trulat1, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulat2', trulat2, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulon', trulon, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'sclfct', sclfct, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'ctrlat', ctrlat, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'ctrlon', ctrlon, stat)

    IF ( stypout /= 0 ) THEN
        CALL hdfwrt3di(soiltyp,nx,ny,nstyp,sd_id,0,0,  &
                  'soiltyp','Soil type','index')
        CALL hdfwrt3d(stypfrct,nx,ny,nstyp,sd_id,0,0,            &
            'stypfrct','Soil type fractional coverage','fraction',      &
    END IF

    IF ( vtypout /= 0 ) CALL hdfwrt2di(vegtyp,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,          &
                  'vegtyp','Vegetation type','index')
    IF ( laiout  /= 0 )  CALL hdfwrt2d(lai,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,             &
                  'lai','Leaf Area Index','index',itmp)
    IF ( rfnsout /= 0 ) CALL hdfwrt2d(roufns,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,           &
                  'roufns','Surface roughness','0-1',itmp)
    IF ( vegout  /= 0 ) CALL hdfwrt2d(veg,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,              &
                  'veg','Vegetation fraction','fraction',itmp)
!wdt update
    IF ( ndviout /= 0 ) CALL hdfwrt2d(ndvi,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,            &
         'ndvi','Normalized differential vegetation index','index',itmp)

    CALL hdfclose(sd_id,stat)
    IF (stat /= 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "WRTSFCDT: ERROR on closing file ",trim(sfcoutfl),    &
                  " (status",stat,")"
    END IF
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


!######                                                      ######
!######                 SUBROUTINE READSFCDT                 ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE readsfcdt( nx,ny,nstyps,sfcfile,dx,dy,                       & 3,29
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,ctrlat,ctrlon,         &
           soiltyp,stypfrct,vegtyp,lai,roufns,veg,ndvi )
!  Read the surface data sets from file sfcfile.
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  5/3/94
!  02/07/1995 (Yuhe Liu)
!  Added a new 2-D array, veg(nx,ny), to the soil and vegetation data
!  set file.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Removed the globcst.inc include.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added HDF4 format.
!  nx       Number of model grid points in the x-dir. (east/west)
!  ny       Number of model grid points in the y-dir. (north/south)
!  mapproj  Type of map projection used to setup the analysis grid.
!  trulat1  1st real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulat2  2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulon   Real true longitude of map projection.
!  sclfct   Map scale factor. At latitude = trulat1 and trulat2
!  dx       Model grid spacing in the x-direction east-west (meters)
!  dy       Model grid spacing in the y-direction east-west (meters)
!  ctrlat    Lat. at the origin of the model grid (deg. N)
!  ctrlon    Lon. at the origin of the model grid (deg. E)
!  soiltyp  Soil type in model domain
!  vegtyp   Vegetation type in model domain
!  lai      Leaf Area Index in model domain
!  roufns   Surface roughness
!  veg      Vegetation fraction
!  ndvi     NDVI
!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx              ! Number of grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny              ! Number of grid points in the y-direction
  INTEGER :: nstyps          ! Max number of soil types in a grid box

  CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: sfcfile ! Name of the surface data file

  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  INTEGER :: mapproj       ! Map projection
  REAL :: trulat1          ! 1st real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulat2          ! 2nd real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulon           ! Real true longitude of map projection
  REAL :: sclfct           ! Map scale factor
  REAL :: ctrlat           ! Center latitude of the model domain (deg. N)
  REAL :: ctrlon           ! Center longitude of the model domain (deg. E)

  INTEGER :: soiltyp(nx,ny,nstyps)  ! Soil type in model domain
  REAL :: stypfrct(nx,ny,nstyps) ! Fraction of soil types
  INTEGER :: vegtyp (nx,ny)  ! Vegetation type in model domain

  REAL :: lai    (nx,ny)     ! Leaf Area Index in model domain
  REAL :: roufns (nx,ny)     ! NDVI in model domain
  REAL :: veg    (nx,ny)     ! Vegetation fraction
  REAL :: ndvi   (nx,ny)     ! NDVI
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: nxin,nyin
  REAL :: dxin,dyin
  INTEGER :: mprojin
  INTEGER :: nstyp1, nstypin
  REAL :: trlat1in, trlat2in, trlonin, sclfctin
  REAL :: ctrlonin, ctrlatin
  INTEGER :: stypin,vtypin,laiin,roufin,vegin,ndviin

  INTEGER :: idummy
  REAL :: rdummy

  INTEGER :: istat, ierr,i,j,is

  INTEGER :: ireturn
  INTEGER :: itmp1,itmp2
  REAL :: rtmp1,rtmp2,rtmp3,rtmp4,rtmp5,rtmp6,rtmp7

  CHARACTER (LEN=128) :: savename

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
  INTEGER(KIND=selected_int_kind(4)) :: itmp(1)
         ! unused array in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION
  REAL :: atmp1(1),atmp2(1)
         ! unused arrays in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION

  INTEGER :: stat, sd_id
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'            ! Message passing parameters.
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Open the surface data file. Read the parameters first, check if
!  the data are consistant with the model. If everything is OK, then
!  read the surface data, soiltyp, vegtyp, lai, roufns, veg, and
!  ndvi.

  IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN
    savename(1:128) = sfcfile(1:128)
    WRITE(sfcfile, '(a,a,2i2.2)') trim(savename),'_',loc_x,loc_y

  WRITE (6,*) "READSFCDT: reading in external supplied surface",        &
              "data from file ",trim(sfcfile)

!  Read in header information.

  IF (sfcfmt == 0) THEN

!  Fortran unformatted dump.

    CALL getunit( sfcunit )

    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(sfcfile, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN(UNIT=sfcunit,FILE=trim(sfcfile),FORM='unformatted',            &

    IF( istat /= 0 ) THEN

      WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,i2,/1x,a/)')                                      &
          'Error occured when opening the surface data file '           &
          //sfcfile//' using FORTRAN unit ',sfcunit,                    &
          ' Program stopped in READSFCDT.'
      CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READSFCDT opening file",1)

    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,/1x,a,i2/)')                                        &
        'This run will start from an external supplied surface ',       &
        'data file '//sfcfile//' using FORTRAN unit ',sfcunit

    READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) nxin,nyin

    READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) mprojin,stypin,vtypin,laiin,roufin,          &
                         vegin,  ndviin,nstyp1,idummy,idummy,           &
                         idummy, idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,           &
                         idummy, idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy

    READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) dxin,dyin, ctrlatin,ctrlonin,trlat1in,       &
                         trlat2in,trlonin,sclfctin,rdummy,rdummy,       &
                         rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,            &


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
!  HDF4 format.

    CALL hdfopen(trim(sfcfile), 1, sd_id)
    IF (sd_id < 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "READSFCDT: ERROR opening ",                          &
                 trim(sfcfile)," for reading."
      GO TO 998
    END IF

    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"nstyp",nstyp1,istat)

    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"nx",nxin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"ny",nyin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"dx",dxin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"dy",dyin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"mapproj",mprojin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulat1",trlat1in,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulat2",trlat2in,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulon",trlonin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"sclfct",sclfctin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"ctrlat",ctrlatin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"ctrlon",ctrlonin,istat)
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


  nstyp1 = MAX( nstyp1, 1 )

!  Check the data file for consistent grid parameters.

  CALL checkgrid2d(nx,ny,nxin,nyin,                                     &
        dx,dy,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                            &
        mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                          &
        dxin,dyin,ctrlatin,ctrlonin,                                    &

  IF (ireturn /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READSFCDT: ERROR, grid parameter mismatch"
    CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READSFCDT grid param. mismatch",1)

  WRITE (6,'(a,a//a,i1/6(a,e15.8/))')                                   &
      ' The map projection and griding information for the ',           &
      ' surface data: ',                                                &
      ' Projection:                 ', mprojin,                         &
      ' The 1st real true latitude: ', trlat1in,                        &
      ' The 2nd real true latitude: ', trlat2in,                        &
      ' The real true longitude:    ', trlonin,                         &
      ' Map scale factor:           ', sclfctin,                        &
      ' Latitude  at the origin:    ', ctrlatin,                        &
      ' Longitude at the origin:    ', ctrlonin

!  Read in the surface data from the surface data file.

  IF (sfcfmt == 0) THEN    ! Fortran unformatted

    WRITE (6, '(a/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2/a,i2)')                        &
      ' Surface data flags for: ',                                      &
      '        soiltyp --', stypin,                                     &
      '         vegtyp --', vtypin,                                     &
      '            lai --', laiin,                                      &
      '         roufns --', roufin,                                     &
      '            veg --', vegin,                                      &
      '           ndvi --', ndviin

    WRITE (6, '(a/a,i2)')                                                 &
      ' Number of soil types in each grid box:',                        &
      '          nstyp --', nstyp

    IF(stypin == 1) THEN
      IF ( nstyp1 == 1 ) THEN
        WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the soil type data'
        READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) ((soiltyp(i,j,1),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        DO j=1,ny
          DO i=1,nx
            stypfrct(i,j,1) = 1.0
          END DO
        END DO
        DO is=1,nstyp1
          IF (is <= nstyps) THEN
            WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the soil type data'
            READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) ((soiltyp(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
            WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the fraction of soil types'
            READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) ((stypfrct(i,j,is),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
            READ (sfcunit,ERR=998)
            READ (sfcunit,ERR=998)
        END DO
      END IF
    END IF

    IF(vtypin == 1) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the vegetation type data'
      READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) vegtyp
    END IF

    IF(laiin == 1) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the Leaf Area Index data'
      READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) lai
    END IF

    IF(roufin == 1) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the surface roughness data'
      READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) roufns
    END IF

    IF(vegin == 1) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the vegetatin fraction data'
      READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) veg
    END IF

    IF (ndviin == 1) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in the NDVI data'
      READ (sfcunit,ERR=998) ndvi
    END IF

    CLOSE ( sfcunit )
    CALL retunit ( sfcunit )


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
    nstypin = MIN(nstyp1, nstyps)

    CALL hdfrd3di(sd_id,"soiltyp",nx,ny,nstypin,soiltyp,stat)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in soiltyp'
      stypin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable soiltyp is not in the data set.'
      stypin = 0
    END IF
    CALL hdfrd3d(sd_id,"stypfrct",nx,ny,nstypin,                    &
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in stypfrct'
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable stypfrct is not in the data set.'
      stypfrct(:,:,1) = 1.
      stypfrct(:,:,2:nstypin) = 0.
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd2di(sd_id,"vegtyp",nx,ny,vegtyp,stat)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in vegtyp'
      vtypin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable vegtyp is not in the data set.'
      vtypin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd2d(sd_id,"lai",nx,ny,lai,stat,itmp)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in lai'
      laiin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable lai is not in the data set.'
      laiin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd2d(sd_id,"roufns",nx,ny,roufns,stat,itmp)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in roufns'
      roufin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable roufns is not in the data set.'
      roufin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd2d(sd_id,"veg",nx,ny,veg,stat,itmp)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in veg'
      vegin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable veg is not in the data set.'
      vegin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfrd2d(sd_id,"ndvi",nx,ny,ndvi,stat,itmp)
    IF (stat > 1) GO TO 998
    IF (stat == 0) THEN
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Read in ndvi'
      ndviin = 1
      WRITE (6, '(a)') 'Variable ndvi is not in the data set.'
      ndviin = 0
    END IF

    CALL hdfclose(sd_id, stat)
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


  CALL fix_stypfrct_nstyp(nx,ny,nstyp1,nstyp,stypfrct)

  IF(stypin == 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a)')                                                &
        'Soil type data not present in the surface propery ',           &
        'data file, set it to styp.'
    DO i=1,nx
      DO j=1,ny
        soiltyp(i,j,1) = styp
      END DO
    END DO

  IF(vtypin == 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a)')                                                &
        'Vegetation type data not present in the surface propery ',     &
        'data file, set it to vtyp.'

    DO i=1,nx-1
      DO j=1,ny-1
        vegtyp(i,j) = vtyp
      END DO
    END DO

  IF(laiin == 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a)')                                                &
        'Leaf Area Index data not present in the surface propery ',     &
        'data file, set it to lai0.'

    DO i=1,nx-1
      DO j=1,ny-1
        lai(i,j) = lai0
      END DO
    END DO

  IF(roufin == 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a)')                                                &
        'Roughness data not present in the surface propery ',           &
        'data file, set it to roufns0.'

    DO i=1,nx-1
      DO j=1,ny-1
        roufns(i,j) = roufns0
      END DO
    END DO

  IF(vegin == 0) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a)')                                                &
        'Vegetation fraction not present in the surface propery ',      &
        'data file, set it to veg0.'

    DO i=1,nx-1
      DO j=1,ny-1
        veg(i,j) = veg0
      END DO
    END DO

  IF (mp_opt > 0) sfcfile(1:128) = savename(1:128)


  998   WRITE (6,'(/a,i2/a)')                                           &
         'READSFCDT: Read error in surface data file '                  &
         //sfcfile//' with the I/O unit ',sfcunit,                      &
         'The model will STOP in subroutine READSFCDT.'

  CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READSFCDT reading sfc file",1)

!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE WRITTRN                    ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE writtrn(nx,ny,ternfn,dx,dy,                                  & 5,17
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,ctrlat,ctrlon,         &
!  Write out a terrain data file to be used by ARPS.
!  AUTHOR: Ming Xue
!  5/1/1995.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Removed the globcst.inc include.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added HDF4 format.
!  INPUT :
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west)
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south)
!    mapproj  Type of map projection used to setup the analysis grid.
!    trulat1  1st real true latitude of map projection.
!    trulat2  2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!    trulon   Real true longitude of map projection.
!    sclfct   Map scale factor. At latitude = trulat1 and trulat2
!    dx       Model grid spacing in the x-direction east-west (meters)
!    dy       Model grid spacing in the y-direction east-west (meters)
!    ctrlat    Lat. at the origin of the model grid (deg. N)
!    ctrlon    Lon. at the origin of the model grid (deg. E)
!    ternfn  Terrain data file name
!    hterain  Terrain height (m)
!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx,ny
  CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: ternfn

  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  INTEGER :: mapproj       ! Map projection
  REAL :: trulat1          ! 1st real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulat2          ! 2nd real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulon           ! Real true longitude of map projection
  REAL :: sclfct           ! Map scale factor
  REAL :: ctrlat           ! Center latitude of the model domain (deg. N)
  REAL :: ctrlon           ! Center longitude of the model domain (deg. E)

  REAL :: hterain(nx,ny)       ! The height of terrain.

!  Misc. local variables:

  INTEGER :: idummy, ierr, nunit
  REAL :: rdummy

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
  INTEGER(KIND=selected_int_kind(4)) :: itmp(1)
         ! unused array in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION
  REAL :: atmp1(1),atmp2(1)
         ! unused arrays in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION

  INTEGER :: stat, sd_id
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
  IF (terndmp == 0) RETURN

  WRITE (6,*) 'WRITTRN: Opening Terrain file ',ternfn

!  Write out in Fortran unformatted.

  IF (terndmp == 1) THEN

    CALL getunit( nunit )

    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(ternfn, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN(nunit,FILE=trim(ternfn),FORM='unformatted',                    &

    WRITE(nunit) nx,ny

    idummy = 0
    rdummy = 0.0

    WRITE(nunit) idummy,mapproj,idummy,idummy,idummy,                   &
          idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                           &
          idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                           &

    WRITE(nunit) dx   ,dy   ,ctrlat,ctrlon,rdummy ,                     &
          rdummy,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                         &
          rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                           &

    WRITE(nunit) hterain


  ELSE IF (terndmp == 2) THEN

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
!  Write out in HDF4.

    CALL hdfopen(trim(ternfn), 2, sd_id)
    IF (sd_id < 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "WRTTRN: ERROR creating HDF4 file: ",                 &
    END IF

    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'nx', nx, stat)
    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'ny', ny, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'dx', dx, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'dy', dy, stat)
    CALL hdfwrti(sd_id, 'mapproj', mapproj, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulat1', trulat1, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulat2', trulat2, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'trulon', trulon, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'sclfct', sclfct, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'ctrlat', ctrlat, stat)
    CALL hdfwrtr(sd_id, 'ctrlon', ctrlon, stat)

    CALL hdfwrt2d(hterain,nx,ny,sd_id,0,0,                              &
                  'hterain','Terrain Height','m',itmp)

!    200     CONTINUE

    CALL hdfclose(sd_id,stat)
    IF (stat /= 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "WRITTRN: ERROR on closing file ",trim(ternfn),       &
                  " (status",stat,")"
    END IF
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...



!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE READTRN                    ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE readtrn(nx,ny, dx,dy, ternfile,                              & 2,22
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                       &
           ctrlat,ctrlon,hterain )
!  Read the terrain data into model array hterain from a specified
!  terrain data file.
!  AUTHOR: Ming Xue
!  2/27/1994.
!  9/10/94 (Weygandt & Y. Lu)
!  Cleaned up documentation.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Removed the globcst.inc include.
!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!  2000/03/29 (Gene Bassett)
!  Added HDF4 format.
!  INPUT :
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west)
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south)
!    dx       Grid interval in x-direction
!    dy       Grid interval in y-direction
!    ternfile    Terrain data file name
!  mapproj    Type of map projection used to setup the analysis grid.
!  trulat1    1st real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulat2    2nd real true latitude of map projection.
!  trulon     Real true longitude of map projection.
!  sclfct     Map scale factor. At latitude = trulat1 and trulat2
!  ctrlat    Lat. at the origin of the model grid (deg. N)
!  ctrlon    Lon. at the origin of the model grid (deg. E)
!    hterain  Terrain height (m)

!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx            ! Number of grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny            ! Number of grid points in the y-direction
  REAL :: dx               ! Grid interval in x-direction
  REAL :: dy               ! Grid interval in y-direction
  CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: ternfile ! Terrain data file name

  INTEGER :: mapproj       ! Map projection
  REAL :: trulat1          ! 1st real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulat2          ! 2nd real true latitude of map projection
  REAL :: trulon           ! Real true longitude of map projection
  REAL :: sclfct           ! Map scale factor
  REAL :: ctrlat           ! Center latitude of the model domain (deg. N)
  REAL :: ctrlon           ! Center longitude of the model domain (deg. E)

  REAL :: hterain(nx,ny)   ! Terrain height.
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: inunit,istat
  INTEGER :: nxin,nyin,idummy,ierr
  REAL :: dxin,dyin,rdummy,amin,amax

  INTEGER :: ireturn
  INTEGER :: itmp1,itmp2
  REAL :: rtmp1,rtmp2,rtmp3,rtmp4,rtmp5,rtmp6,rtmp7
  REAL :: ctrlatin,ctrlonin,                                            &
  INTEGER :: mapprojin

  CHARACTER (LEN=128) :: savename

!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
  INTEGER(KIND=selected_int_kind(4)) :: itmp(1)
         ! unused array in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION
  REAL :: atmp1(1),atmp2(1)
         ! unused arrays in hdf routines since NO COMPRESSION

  INTEGER :: stat, sd_id

!  Include files:

  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'            ! Message passing parameters.

!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Read in the terrain data.
  IF (mp_opt > 0) THEN
    savename(1:128) = ternfile(1:128)
    WRITE(ternfile, '(a,a,2i2.2)') trim(savename),'_',loc_x,loc_y

  WRITE (6,*) "READTRN: reading in external supplied terrain ",         &
      "data from file ",trim(ternfile)

!  Read in header information.

  IF (ternfmt == 0) THEN

    CALL getunit( inunit )

    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(ternfile, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN(UNIT=inunit,FILE=trim(ternfile),FORM='unformatted',            &

    IF( istat /= 0) THEN

      WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a,/1x,a/)')                                       &
          'Error occured when opening terrain data file ',              &
          ternfile,' Job stopped in READTRN.'
      CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READTRN reading terrain file",1)

    END IF

    READ(inunit,ERR=999) nxin,nyin

    READ(inunit,ERR=999) idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,            &
               idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                      &
               idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                      &

    READ(inunit,ERR=999) dxin  ,dyin  ,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,            &
               rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                      &
               rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                      &


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
!wdt begin block
    CALL hdfopen(trim(ternfile), 1, sd_id)
    IF (sd_id < 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,*) "READTRN: ERROR opening ",                            &
                 trim(ternfile)," for reading."
      GO TO 999
    END IF

    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"nx",nxin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"ny",nyin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"dx",dxin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"dy",dyin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdi(sd_id,"mapproj",mapprojin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulat1",trulat1in,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulat2",trulat2in,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"trulon",trulonin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"sclfct",sclfctin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"ctrlat",ctrlatin,istat)
    CALL hdfrdr(sd_id,"ctrlon",ctrlonin,istat)
!wdt end block
    ! alternate dump format ...


  IF (ternfmt == 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*)                                                         &
        "READTRN: WARNING, not checking map projection parameters"
    CALL checkgrid2d(nx,ny,nxin,nyin,                                   &
        dx,dy,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                            &
        mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                          &
        dxin,dyin,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                        &
    CALL checkgrid2d(nx,ny,nxin,nyin,                                   &
        dx,dy,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                            &
        mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                          &
        dxin,dyin,ctrlatin,ctrlonin,                                    &

  IF (ireturn /= 0) THEN
    WRITE (6,*) "READTRN: ERROR, grid parameter mismatch"
    CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READTRN parameter mismatch",1)

  IF (ternfmt == 0) THEN

    READ(inunit,ERR=999) hterain

    CALL retunit( inunit )
    CLOSE (UNIT=inunit)


!wdt Copyright (c) 2001 Weather Decision Technologies, Inc.
    CALL hdfrd2d(sd_id,"hterain",nx,ny,hterain,stat,itmp)


  WRITE(6,'(1x,a/)') 'Minimum and maximum terrain height:'

  CALL a3dmax0(hterain,1,nx,1,nx-1, 1,ny,1,ny-1, 1,1,1,1,amax,amin)
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'htrnmin = ', amin,', htrnmax=',amax

  IF (mp_opt > 0) ternfile(1:128) = savename(1:128)


  999   WRITE(6,'(1x,a)')                                               &
        'Error in reading terrain data. Job stopped in READTRN.'
  CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from READTRN reading file",1)

!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE WRITESND                   ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE writesnd(nx,ny,nz,                                           & 1,2
           ubar,vbar,ptbar,pbar,qvbar,                                  &
           zp, rhobar, zs)
!  Print the base state sounding profile at the center of the domain.
!  AUTHOR: Ming Xue
!  3/17/1991.
!  5/1/98 (G. Bassett, D. Weber)
!  Moved from inibase.
!  INPUT :
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west)
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south)
!    nz       Number of grid points in the vertical
!    ubar     Base state zonal velocity component (m/s)
!    vbar     Base state meridional velocity component (m/s)
!    ptbar    Base state potential temperature (K)
!    pbar     Base state pressure (Pascal)
!    qvbar    Base state water vapor specific humidity (kg/kg)
!    zp       Vertical coordinate of grid points in physical space(m)
!    rhobar   Base state air density (kg/m**3)
!    zs       Physical coordinate height at scalar point (m)

!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz          ! The number of grid points in 3
                               ! directions

  REAL :: ubar  (nx,ny,nz)     ! Base state u-velocity (m/s)
  REAL :: vbar  (nx,ny,nz)     ! Base state v-velocity (m/s)
  REAL :: ptbar (nx,ny,nz)     ! Base state potential temperature (K)
  REAL :: pbar  (nx,ny,nz)     ! Base state pressure (Pascal).
  REAL :: qvbar (nx,ny,nz)     ! Base state water specific humidity
                               ! (kg/kg).
  REAL :: zp    (nx,ny,nz)     ! Physical height coordinate defined at
                               ! w-point of staggered grid.

  REAL :: rhobar(nx,ny,nz)     ! Base state air density (kg/m**3)
  REAL :: zs    (nx,ny,nz)     ! Physical coordinate height at scalar
                               ! point (m)
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i,j,k, istat, nunit, itrnmin, jtrnmin
  REAL :: ternmin
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'mp.inc'            ! Message passing parameters.
!  Beginning of executable code...

  IF(myproc == 0) THEN

    ternmin = zp(1,1,2)
    itrnmin = 1
    jtrnmin = 1

    DO j=1,ny-1
      DO i=1,nx-1
        IF(zp(i,j,2) < ternmin) THEN
          ternmin = zp(i,j,2)
          itrnmin = i
          jtrnmin = j
        END IF
      END DO
    END DO

    i = itrnmin
    j = jtrnmin

    WRITE(6,'(/a,i4,a,i4/)')                                            &
        ' Base state z-profiles at I=',i,', J=',j

    CALL getunit( nunit )

    OPEN(UNIT=nunit, FILE=runname(1:lfnkey)//'.sound',  &

    IF(istat /= 0) THEN
      WRITE (6,'(1x,a,a)') 'Error opening file ',                       &
      CALL arpsstop("arpsstop called from WRITESND opening file",1)
    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(1x,2a)')                                                  &
        '   k      z(m)    pbar(Pascal)  ptbar(K) rhobar(kg/m**3)',     &
        ' Qvbar(kg/kg)  U(m/s)     V(m/s)'
    WRITE(nunit,'(1x,2a)')                                              &
        '   k      z(m)    pbar(Pascal)  ptbar(K) rhobar(kg/m**3)',     &
        ' Qvbar(kg/kg)  U(m/s)     V(m/s)'

    DO k=nz-1,1,-1

      WRITE(6, '(1x,i4,2f12.3,f12.5,2f12.8,2f12.5)')                    &
          k,zs(i,j,k),pbar(i,j,k),ptbar(i,j,k),rhobar(i,j,k)            &
          ,qvbar(i,j,k),ubar(i,j,k), vbar(i,j,k)

      WRITE(nunit,'(1x,i4,2f12.3,f12.5,2f12.8,2f12.5)')                 &
          k,zs(i,j,k),pbar(i,j,k),ptbar(i,j,k),rhobar(i,j,k)            &
          ,qvbar(i,j,k),ubar(i,j,k), vbar(i,j,k)

    END DO

    CLOSE( UNIT = nunit )
    CALL retunit( nunit )

  END IF     !Message Passing

!######                                                      ######
!######                  SUBROUTINE SFCCNTL                  ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE sfccntl(nx,ny, sfcoutfl,                                     & 3,7
           stypout,vtypout,laiout,rfnsout,vegout,ndviout,               &
           x,y, temxy1,temxy2)
!  ARPS surface property data description file for GrADS display
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  10/05/1998
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west)
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south)
!    x        The x-coord. of the physical and computational grid.
!             Defined at u-point.
!    y        The y-coord. of the physical and computational grid.
!             Defined at v-point.
!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx,ny             ! Number of grid points in 3 directions

  CHARACTER (LEN=*   ) :: sfcoutfl ! Surface data file name

  INTEGER :: stypout           ! Flag for output of soiltyp
  INTEGER :: vtypout           ! Flag for output of vegtyp
  INTEGER :: laiout            ! Flag for output of lai
  INTEGER :: rfnsout           ! Flag for output of roufns
  INTEGER :: vegout            ! Flag for output of veg
  INTEGER :: ndviout           ! Flag for output of ndvi

  REAL :: x(nx)                ! The x-coord. of the physical and
                               ! computational grid. Defined at u-point.
  REAL :: y(ny)                ! The y-coord. of the physical and
                               ! computational grid. Defined at v-point.

  REAL :: temxy1(nx,ny)        ! Temporary array
  REAL :: temxy2(nx,ny)        ! Temporary array
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: varnumax
  PARAMETER ( varnumax = 100 )

  CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: sfcctlfl
  CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: sfcdatfl
  CHARACTER (LEN=15) :: chrstr, chr1
  CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: varnam(varnumax)
  CHARACTER (LEN=60) :: vartit(varnumax)
  CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: varparam(varnumax)

  INTEGER :: varlev(varnumax)

  INTEGER :: varnum
  INTEGER :: nchout0

  CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: monnam(12)            ! Name of months
  DATA monnam/'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',                 &
              'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'/

  CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: dtunit
  INTEGER :: ntm,tinc

  REAL :: lonmin,latmin,lonmax,latmax
  REAL :: xbgn,ybgn
  REAL :: xinc,yinc
  REAL :: lat11,lat12,lon11,lon12,lat21,lat22,lon21,lon22
  REAL :: latinc,loninc

  INTEGER :: ctllen,fnlen
  INTEGER :: i,k, is
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'          ! Grid & map parameters.
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Open the GrADS data control file: runname.ctl
  fnlen = LEN( sfcoutfl )
  CALL strlnth( sfcoutfl, fnlen )

  ctllen = fnlen + 4
  sfcctlfl(1:ctllen) = sfcoutfl(1:fnlen)//'.ctl'

  CALL fnversn( sfcctlfl, ctllen )
  CALL getunit (nchout0)
  WRITE (6,'(a)') 'The GrADS data control file is '                     &

  OPEN (nchout0, FILE = sfcctlfl(1:ctllen), STATUS = 'unknown')

  xbgn = 0.5 * (x(1) + x(2))
  ybgn = 0.5 * (y(1) + y(2))

  xinc = (x(2) - x(1))
  yinc = (y(2) - y(1))

  CALL xytoll(nx,ny,x,y,temxy1,temxy2)

  CALL xytoll(1,1,xbgn,ybgn,lat11,lon11)

  CALL a3dmax0(temxy1,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1,                    &
  CALL a3dmax0(temxy2,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1,                    &

  latinc = (latmax-latmin)/(ny-1)
  loninc = (lonmax-lonmin)/(nx-1)

  WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)')                                 &
           'latmin:latmax:latinc = ',                                   &
  WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)')                                 &
           'lonmin:lonmax:loninc = ',                                   &

  WRITE (chrstr,'(i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a3,i4.4)')                         &

  ntm = 1
  tinc = 1
  dtunit = 'MO'

  DO i=1,varnumax
    varlev(i) = 0
    varparam(i) = '99'

  varnum = 0

  IF ( stypout == 1 ) THEN
    IF ( nstyp == 1 ) THEN
      varnum = varnum + 1
      varnam(varnum) = 'styp'
      vartit(varnum) = 'Soil type'
      varparam(varnum) = '-1,40,4'
      DO is=1,nstyp
        WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 'styp'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Soil type '//chr1
        varparam(varnum) = '-1,40,4'

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 'sfct'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Fraction of soil type '//chr1
      END DO
    END IF

  IF ( vtypout == 1 ) THEN
    varnum = varnum + 1
    varnam(varnum) = 'vtyp'
    vartit(varnum) = 'Vegetation type'
    varparam(varnum) = '-1,40,4'

  IF ( laiout == 1 ) THEN
    varnum = varnum + 1
    varnam(varnum) = 'lai'
    vartit(varnum) = 'Leaf Area Index'

  IF ( rfnsout == 1 ) THEN
    varnum = varnum + 1
    varnam(varnum) = 'roufns'
    vartit(varnum) = 'Surface roughness (m)'

  IF ( vegout == 1 ) THEN
    varnum = varnum + 1
    varnam(varnum) = 'veg'
    vartit(varnum) = 'Vegetation fraction'

  IF ( ndviout == 1 ) THEN
    varnum = varnum + 1
    varnam(varnum) = 'ndvi'
    vartit(varnum) = 'NDVI'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)')                                               &
      'TITLE   ARPS surface property data control for '                 &

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,a)')                                               &
      'DSET    ',sfcoutfl(1:fnlen)

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &
      'OPTIONS sequential'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,i10)')                                             &
      'FILEHEADER ',192            !!! The number depends on the file
                                   !!! structure of sfcoutfl. See iolib3d.f

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)')                                               &
      'UNDEF   -9.e+33','*'

  IF ( mapproj == 2 ) THEN
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                               &
        '* For lat-lon-lev display, umcomment the following 4 lines.'

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,1x,i3,a,2f12.6,2i3,3f12.6,2f12.2)')        &
        'PDEF',nx,ny,' LCC',lat11,lon11,1,1,                            &

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'XDEF',nx, '  LINEAR  ',lonmin,loninc

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'YDEF',ny, '  LINEAR  ',latmin,latinc
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'XDEF',nx, '  LINEAR  ',xbgn,xinc

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'YDEF',ny, '  LINEAR  ',ybgn,yinc

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,i1)')                                      &
      'ZDEF',1,'  LEVELS  ',0

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,a,3x,i2.2,a/a)')                           &
      'TDEF',ntm,'  LINEAR  ',chrstr,tinc,dtunit,'*'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i3)')                                           &

  DO i = 1, varnum
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a6,1x,i3,2x,a,2x,a)')                              &

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &

  CLOSE (nchout0)
  CALL retunit(nchout0)

!######                                                      ######
!######                  SUBROUTINE SOILCNTL                 ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE soilcntl(nx,ny, soiloutfl,                                   & 5,7
!  ARPS soil data description file for GrADS display
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  10/05/1998
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west)
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south)
!    x        The x-coord. of the physical and computational grid.
!             Defined at u-point.
!    y        The y-coord. of the physical and computational grid.
!             Defined at v-point.
!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx,ny             ! Number of grid points in 3 directions

  CHARACTER (LEN=*) :: soiloutfl ! Surface data file name

  INTEGER :: tsfcout,tsoilout,wsfcout,wdpout,wcanpout,snowdout

  REAL :: x(nx)                ! The x-coord. of the physical and
                               ! computational grid. Defined at u-point.
  REAL :: y(ny)                ! The y-coord. of the physical and
                               ! computational grid. Defined at v-point.

  REAL :: temxy1(nx,ny)        ! Temporary array
  REAL :: temxy2(nx,ny)        ! Temporary array
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: varnumax
  PARAMETER ( varnumax = 100 )

  CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: soilctlfl
  CHARACTER (LEN=15) :: chrstr, chr1
  CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: varnam(varnumax)
  CHARACTER (LEN=60) :: vartit(varnumax)
  CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: varparam(varnumax)

  INTEGER :: varlev(varnumax)

  INTEGER :: varnum
  INTEGER :: nchout0

  CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: monnam(12)            ! Name of months
  DATA monnam/'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',                 &
              'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'/

  CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: dtunit
  INTEGER :: ntm,tinc

  REAL :: lonmin,latmin,lonmax,latmax
  REAL :: xbgn,ybgn
  REAL :: xinc,yinc
  REAL :: lat11,lat12,lon11,lon12,lat21,lat22,lon21,lon22
  REAL :: latinc,loninc

  INTEGER :: ctllen, fnlen
  INTEGER :: i,k, is
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'          ! Grid & map parameters.
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Open the GrADS data control file
  fnlen = LEN( soiloutfl )
  CALL strlnth( soiloutfl, fnlen )

  ctllen = fnlen + 4
  soilctlfl(1:ctllen) = soiloutfl(1:fnlen)//'.ctl'

  CALL fnversn( soilctlfl, ctllen )
  CALL getunit (nchout0)
  WRITE (6,'(a)') 'The GrADS data control file is '                     &

  OPEN (nchout0, FILE = soilctlfl(1:ctllen), STATUS = 'unknown')

  xbgn = 0.5 * (x(1) + x(2))
  ybgn = 0.5 * (y(1) + y(2))

  xinc = (x(2) - x(1))
  yinc = (y(2) - y(1))

  CALL xytoll(nx,ny,x,y,temxy1,temxy2)

  CALL xytoll(1,1,xbgn,ybgn,lat11,lon11)

  CALL a3dmax0(temxy1,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1,                    &
  CALL a3dmax0(temxy2,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1,                    &

  latinc = (latmax-latmin)/(ny-1)
  loninc = (lonmax-lonmin)/(nx-1)

  WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)')                                 &
           'latmin:latmax:latinc = ',                                   &
  WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)')                                 &
           'lonmin:lonmax:loninc = ',                                   &

  WRITE (chrstr,'(i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a3,i4.4)')                         &

  ntm = 1
  tinc = 1
  dtunit = 'MN'

  DO i=1,varnumax
    varlev(i) = 0
    varparam(i) = '99'

  varnum = 0

  IF ( tsfcout == 1 ) THEN
    IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
      varnum = varnum + 1
      varnam(varnum) = 'ts'
      vartit(varnum) = 'Surface skin temperature (K)'
      DO is=0,nstyp
        WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 'ts'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Surface skin temperature (K) '                &
                         //'for soil type '//chr1
      END DO
    END IF

  IF ( tsoilout == 1 ) THEN
    IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
      varnum = varnum + 1
      varnam(varnum) = 't2'
      vartit(varnum) = 'Deep soil temperature (K)'
      DO is=0,nstyp
        WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 't2'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Deep soil temperature (K)'                    &
                         //' for soil type '//chr1
      END DO
    END IF

  IF ( wsfcout == 1 ) THEN
    IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
      varnum = varnum + 1
      varnam(varnum) = 'wg'
      vartit(varnum) = 'Surface skin soil moisture (m**3/m**3)'
      DO is=0,nstyp
        WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 'wg'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Surface skin soil moisture (m**3/m**3)'       &
                         //' for soil type '//chr1
      END DO
    END IF

  IF ( wdpout == 1 ) THEN
    IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
      varnum = varnum + 1
      varnam(varnum) = 'w2'
      vartit(varnum) = 'Deep soil moisture (m**3/m**3)'
      DO is=0,nstyp
        WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 'w2'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Deep soil moisture (m**3/m**3) '              &
                         //' for soil type '//chr1
      END DO
    END IF

  IF ( wcanpout == 1 ) THEN
    IF ( nstyp <= 1 ) THEN
      varnum = varnum + 1
      varnam(varnum) = 'wr'
      vartit(varnum) = 'Canopy water amount (m)'
      DO is=0,nstyp
        WRITE (chr1,'(i1)') is

        varnum = varnum + 1
        varnam(varnum) = 'wr'//chr1
        vartit(varnum) = 'Canopy water amount (m) '                     &
                         //' for soil type '//chr1
      END DO
    END IF

  IF ( snowdout == 1 ) THEN
    varnum = varnum + 1
    varnam(varnum) = 'snowd'
    vartit(varnum) = 'Snow depth (m)'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)')                                               &
      'TITLE   ARPS soil variable data control for '                    &

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,a)')                                               &
      'DSET    ',soiloutfl(1:fnlen)

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &
      'OPTIONS sequential'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,i10)')                                             &
      'FILEHEADER ',192            !!! The number depends on the file
                                   !!! structure of soiloutfl. See iolib3d.f

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)')                                               &
      'UNDEF   -9.e+33','*'

  IF ( mapproj == 2 ) THEN
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                               &
        '* For lat-lon-lev display, umcomment the following 4 lines.'

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,1x,i3,a,2f12.6,2i3,3f12.6,2f12.2)')        &
        'PDEF',nx,ny,' LCC',lat11,lon11,1,1,                            &

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'XDEF',nx, '  LINEAR  ',lonmin,loninc

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'YDEF',ny, '  LINEAR  ',latmin,latinc
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'XDEF',nx, '  LINEAR  ',xbgn,xinc

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'YDEF',ny, '  LINEAR  ',ybgn,yinc

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,i1)')                                      &
      'ZDEF',1,'  LEVELS  ',0

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,a,3x,i2.2,a/a)')                           &
      'TDEF',ntm,'  LINEAR  ',chrstr,tinc,dtunit,'*'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i3)')                                           &

  DO i = 1, varnum
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a6,1x,i3,2x,a,2x,a)')                              &

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &

  CLOSE (nchout0)
  CALL retunit(nchout0)

!######                                                      ######
!######                  SUBROUTINE TRNCNTL                  ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE trncntl(nx,ny, ternfn, x,y, temxy1,temxy2) 1,7
!  ARPS terrain data description file for GrADS display
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  10/05/1998
!    nx       Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west)
!    ny       Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south)
!    x        The x-coord. of the physical and computational grid.
!             Defined at u-point.
!    y        The y-coord. of the physical and computational grid.
!             Defined at v-point.
!  Variable Declarations.

  INTEGER :: nx,ny             ! Number of grid points in 3 directions

  CHARACTER (LEN=*     ) :: ternfn ! Terrain data file name

  REAL :: x(nx)                ! The x-coord. of the physical and
                               ! computational grid. Defined at u-point.
  REAL :: y(ny)                ! The y-coord. of the physical and
                               ! computational grid. Defined at v-point.

  REAL :: temxy1(nx,ny)        ! Temporary array
  REAL :: temxy2(nx,ny)        ! Temporary array
!  Misc. local variables:
  CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: trnctlfl
  CHARACTER (LEN=15) :: chrstr, chr1

  INTEGER :: nchout0

  CHARACTER (LEN=3) :: monnam(12)            ! Name of months
  DATA monnam/'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',                 &
              'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'/

  CHARACTER (LEN=2) :: dtunit
  INTEGER :: ntm,tinc

  REAL :: lonmin,latmin,lonmax,latmax
  REAL :: xbgn,ybgn
  REAL :: xinc,yinc
  REAL :: lat11,lat12,lon11,lon12,lat21,lat22,lon21,lon22
  REAL :: latinc,loninc

  INTEGER :: ctllen, fnlen
  INTEGER :: i,k, is
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'          ! Grid & map parameters.
!  Beginning of executable code...
!  Open the GrADS data control file
  fnlen = LEN( ternfn )
  CALL strlnth( ternfn, fnlen )

  ctllen = fnlen + 4
  trnctlfl(1:ctllen) = ternfn(1:fnlen)//'.ctl'

  CALL fnversn( trnctlfl, ctllen )
  CALL getunit (nchout0)
  WRITE (6,'(a)') 'The GrADS data control file is '                     &

  OPEN (nchout0, FILE = trnctlfl(1:ctllen), STATUS = 'unknown')

  xbgn = 0.5 * (x(1) + x(2))
  ybgn = 0.5 * (y(1) + y(2))

  xinc = (x(2) - x(1))
  yinc = (y(2) - y(1))

  CALL xytoll(nx,ny,x,y,temxy1,temxy2)

  CALL xytoll(1,1,xbgn,ybgn,lat11,lon11)

  CALL a3dmax0(temxy1,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1,                    &
  CALL a3dmax0(temxy2,1,nx,1,nx,1,ny,1,ny-1,1,1,1,1,                    &

  latinc = (latmax-latmin)/(ny-1)
  loninc = (lonmax-lonmin)/(nx-1)

  WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)')                                 &
           'latmin:latmax:latinc = ',                                   &
  WRITE (6,'(a,f10.4,a,f10.4,a,f10.4)')                                 &
           'lonmin:lonmax:loninc = ',                                   &

  WRITE (chrstr,'(i2.2,a,i2.2,a,i2.2,a3,i4.4)')                         &

  ntm = 1
  tinc = 1
  dtunit = 'MN'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)')                                               &
      'TITLE   ARPS terrain data control for '                          &

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,a)')                                               &
      'DSET    ',ternfn(1:fnlen)

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &
      'OPTIONS sequential'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,i10)')                                             &
      'FILEHEADER ',192            !!! The number depends on the file
                                   !!! structure of ternfn. See iolib3d.f

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a/a)')                                               &
      'UNDEF   -9.e+33','*'

  IF ( mapproj == 2 ) THEN
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                               &
        '* For lat-lon-lev display, umcomment the following 4 lines.'

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,1x,i3,a,2f12.6,2i3,3f12.6,2f12.2)')        &
        'PDEF',nx,ny,' LCC',lat11,lon11,1,1,                            &

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'XDEF',nx, '  LINEAR  ',lonmin,loninc

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'YDEF',ny, '  LINEAR  ',latmin,latinc
    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'XDEF',nx, '  LINEAR  ',xbgn,xinc

    WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,f10.4,1x,f10.4)')                        &
        'YDEF',ny, '  LINEAR  ',ybgn,yinc

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,i1)')                                      &
      'ZDEF',1,'  LEVELS  ',0

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i8,a,a,3x,i2.2,a/a)')                           &
      'TDEF',ntm,'  LINEAR  ',chrstr,tinc,dtunit,'*'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a,1x,i3)')                                           &

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &
      'trn      0   99   ARPS terrain (m)'

  WRITE (nchout0,'(a)')                                                 &

  CLOSE (nchout0)
  CALL retunit(nchout0)


!######                                                      ######
!######                 SUBROUTINE CHECKGRID3D               ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE checkgrid3d(nx,ny,nz,nxin,nyin,nzin,                         & 2
           dx,dy,dz,dzmin,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                &
           strhopt,zrefsfc,dlayer1,dlayer2,zflat,strhtune,              &
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                       &
           dxin,dyin,dzin,dzminin,ctrlatin,ctrlonin,                    &
           strhoptin,zrefsfcin,dlayer1in,dlayer2in,zflatin,strhtunein,  &

!  Check grid information to see if input data is consistent with
!  ARPS grid.
!  AUTHOR: Gene Bassett
!  2000/03/24
!  nx
!  ny
!  nz
!  nxin
!  nyin
!  nzin
!  dx
!  dy
!  dz
!  dzmin
!  ctrlat
!  ctrlon
!  strhopt
!  zrefsfc
!  dlayer1
!  dlayer2
!  zflat
!  strhtune
!  mapproj
!  trulat1
!  trulat2
!  trulon
!  sclfct
!  dxin
!  dyin
!  dzin
!  dzminin
!  ctrlatin
!  ctrlonin
!  strhoptin
!  zrefsfcin
!  dlayer1in
!  dlayer2in
!  zflatin
!  strhtunein
!  mapprojin
!  trulat1in
!  trulat2in
!  trulonin
!  sclfctin
!  ireturn  Flag indicating if the grids are the same (0-okay,
!           1-significant differences)
!  Variable Declarations.


  INTEGER :: nxin
  INTEGER :: nyin
  INTEGER :: nzin
  INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz
  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  REAL :: dz
  REAL :: dzmin
  REAL :: ctrlat
  REAL :: ctrlon
  INTEGER :: strhopt
  REAL :: zrefsfc
  REAL :: dlayer1
  REAL :: dlayer2
  REAL :: zflat
!  INTEGER :: strhtune
  REAL :: strhtune
  INTEGER :: mapproj
  REAL :: trulat1
  REAL :: trulat2
  REAL :: trulon
  REAL :: sclfct
  REAL :: dxin
  REAL :: dyin
  REAL :: dzin
  REAL :: dzminin
  REAL :: ctrlatin
  REAL :: ctrlonin
  INTEGER :: strhoptin
  REAL :: zrefsfcin
  REAL :: dlayer1in
  REAL :: dlayer2in
  REAL :: zflatin
!  INTEGER :: strhtunein
  REAL :: strhtunein
  INTEGER :: mapprojin
  REAL :: trulat1in
  REAL :: trulat2in
  REAL :: trulonin
  REAL :: sclfctin

  INTEGER :: ireturn

!  Misc. local variables:

  REAL :: eps
  PARAMETER (eps= 0.01)

!  Include file:

!  Beginning of executable code...

!  Compare all the variables.  (Note that for 3-D data sets one ought
!  to also check hterain, which is not done here.)

  ireturn = 0
  IF ((nxin /= nx) .OR. (nyin /= ny) .OR. (nzin /= nz)) THEN
    WRITE (6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,3(a,i9))/)')                             &
        'ERROR: nx, ny or nz in file does not match',                   &
        'the values in the program.',                                   &
        'In file,       nx=', nxin, ', ny=', nyin, ', nz=',nzin,        &
        'In executable, nx=', nx,   ', ny=', ny,   ', nz=',nz
    ireturn = 1

  IF(ABS(dxin-dx) > eps .OR.  ABS(dyin-dy) > eps .OR.                   &
         ABS(dzin-dz) > eps .OR.                                        &
         ABS(dzminin-dzmin) > eps ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/2(/5x,a),4(/5x,2(a,f13.3))/)')                           &
        'ERROR: dx, dy, dz or dzmin in the file ',                      &
        'do not match those specified in the input file.',              &
        'In file,     dx=', dxin, ', dy=', dyin,                        &
        '             dz=', dzin, ', dzmin=', dzminin,                  &
        'In input,    dx=', dx,   ', dy=', dy,                          &
        '             dz=', dz, ', dzmin=', dzmin
    ireturn = 1

  IF(ABS(ctrlatin-ctrlat) > eps .OR.  ABS(ctrlonin-ctrlon) > eps ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,2(a,f13.3))/)')                           &
        'ERROR: Central latitude and/or longitude of the grid ',        &
        'in the file do not match those specified in input file.',      &
        'In file,     ctrlat=',ctrlatin,', ctrlon=',ctrlonin,           &
        'In input,    ctrlat=',ctrlat  ,', ctrlon=',ctrlon
    ireturn = 1

  IF(strhoptin /= strhopt .OR. ABS(zrefsfcin-zrefsfc) > eps .OR.        &
        ABS(dlayer1in-dlayer1) > eps .OR.                               &
        ABS(dlayer2in-dlayer2) > eps .OR.                               &
        ABS(zflatin-zflat) > eps .OR.                                   &
        ABS(strhtunein-strhtune) > eps .OR.                             &
        mapprojin /= mapproj .OR.                                       &
        ABS(trulat1in-trulat1) > eps .OR.                               &
        ABS(trulat2in-trulat2) > eps .OR.                               &
        ABS(trulonin-trulon ) > eps .OR.                                &
        ABS(sclfctin-sclfct ) > eps) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,3(a,f13.3),2(a,i3),5(a,f13.3))/)')        &
         'ERROR: Map projection or other grid parameters do not ',      &
         'match those specified in input file.',                        &
         'In file,     trulat1=',trulat1in,', trulat2=',trulat2in,      &
         ', trulon=',trulonin,', mapproj=',mapprojin,                   &
         ', strhopt=',strhoptin,', zrefsfc=',zrefsfcin,                 &
         ', dlayer1=',dlayer1in,', dlayer2=',dlayer2in,                 &
         ', zflat=',zflatin,', strhtune=',strhtunein,                   &
         'In input,    trulat1=',trulat1  ,', trulat2=',trulat2,        &
         ', trulon=',trulon,   ', mapproj=',mapproj,                    &
         ', strhopt=',strhopt,', zrefsfc=',zrefsfc,                     &
         ', dlayer1=',dlayer1,', dlayer2=',dlayer2,                     &
         ', zflat=',zflat,', strhtune=',strhtune
    ireturn = 1

END SUBROUTINE checkgrid3d

!######                                                      ######
!######                 SUBROUTINE CHECKGRID2D               ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE checkgrid2d(nx,ny,nxin,nyin,                                 & 6
           dx,dy,ctrlat,ctrlon,                                         &
           mapproj,trulat1,trulat2,trulon,sclfct,                       &
           dxin,dyin,ctrlatin,ctrlonin,                                 &

!  Check grid information to see if input data is consistent with
!  ARPS grid.
!  AUTHOR: Gene Bassett
!  2000/03/24
!  nx
!  ny
!  nxin
!  nyin
!  dx
!  dy
!  ctrlat
!  ctrlon
!  mapproj
!  trulat1
!  trulat2
!  trulon
!  sclfct
!  dxin
!  dyin
!  ctrlatin
!  ctrlonin
!  mapprojin
!  trulat1in
!  trulat2in
!  trulonin
!  sclfctin
!  ireturn  Flag indicating if the grids are the same (0-okay,
!           1-significant differences)
!  Variable Declarations.


  INTEGER :: nxin
  INTEGER :: nyin
  INTEGER :: nx,ny
  REAL :: dx
  REAL :: dy
  REAL :: ctrlat
  REAL :: ctrlon
  INTEGER :: mapproj
  REAL :: trulat1
  REAL :: trulat2
  REAL :: trulon
  REAL :: sclfct
  REAL :: dxin
  REAL :: dyin
  REAL :: ctrlatin
  REAL :: ctrlonin
  INTEGER :: mapprojin
  REAL :: trulat1in
  REAL :: trulat2in
  REAL :: trulonin
  REAL :: sclfctin

  INTEGER :: ireturn

!  Misc. local variables:

  REAL :: eps
  PARAMETER (eps= 0.1)

!  Include file:

!  Beginning of executable code...

!  Compare all the variables.

  ireturn = 0
  IF ((nxin /= nx) .OR. (nyin /= ny)) THEN
    WRITE (6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,(a,i9))/)')                              &
        'ERROR: nx and/or ny in file does not match',                   &
        'the values in the program.',                                   &
        'In file,       nx=', nxin, ', ny=', nyin,                      &
        'In executable, nx=', nx,   ', ny=', ny
    ireturn = 1

  IF(ABS(dxin-dx) > eps .OR. ABS(dyin-dy) > eps) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,2(a,f13.3))/)')                           &
        'ERROR: dx or dy in the file ',                                 &
        'do not match those specified in the input file.',              &
        'In file,     dx=', dxin, ', dy=', dyin,                        &
        'In input,    dx=', dx,   ', dy=', dy
    ireturn = 1

  IF(ABS(ctrlatin-ctrlat) > eps .OR.  ABS(ctrlonin-ctrlon) > eps ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,2(a,f13.3))/)')                           &
        'ERROR: Central latitude and/or longitude of the grid ',        &
        'in the file do not match those specified in input file.',      &
        'In file,     ctrlat=',ctrlatin,', ctrlon=',ctrlonin,           &
        'In input,    ctrlat=',ctrlat  ,', ctrlon=',ctrlon
    ireturn = 1

  IF(mapprojin /= mapproj .OR. ABS(trulat1in-trulat1) > eps .OR.        &
        ABS(trulat2in-trulat2) > eps .OR.                               &
        ABS(trulonin-trulon ) > eps .OR.                                &
        ABS(sclfctin-sclfct ) > eps) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/2(/5x,a),2(/5x,3(a,f13.3),(a,i3,a,f13.3))/)')  &
         'ERROR: Map projection or other grid parameters do not ',      &
         'match those specified in input file.',                        &
         'In file,     trulat1=',trulat1in,', trulat2=',trulat2in,      &
         ', trulon=',trulonin,', mapproj=',mapprojin,' sclfct=',sclfctin, &
         'In input,    trulat1=',trulat1  ,', trulat2=',trulat2,        &
         ', trulon=',trulon,   ', mapproj=',mapproj,' sclfct=',sclfct
    ireturn = 1

END SUBROUTINE checkgrid2d