! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !FUNCTION igetsp (nwords) ! INCLUDE 'manage.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'agricst.inc' ! ! allocate contiguous space of length nword in main storage array ! alloc. user code (or pointer to the owner of this storage) ! is mptr. lenf = current length of lfree list. ! ! ! find first fit from free space list ! itake = 0 DO i = 1, lenf IF (lfree(i,2) < nwords) CYCLE itake = i GO TO 25 END DO GO TO 900 ! ! put remaining words back on list. ! 25 left = lfree(itake,2) - nwords igetsp = lfree(itake,1) ! IF (left <= 0) GO TO 30 lfree(itake,2) = left lfree(itake,1) = lfree(itake,1) + nwords GO TO 99 ! ! item is totally removed. move next items in list up one. ! 30 lenf = lenf - 1 DO i = itake, lenf lfree(i,1) = lfree(i+1,1) lfree(i,2) = lfree(i+1,2) END DO GO TO 99 ! 900 WRITE(6,901) nwords 901 FORMAT(' require ',i16,' words - either none left or not big', & ' enough space') WRITE(6,902) ((lfree(i,j),j=1,2),i=1,lenf) 902 FORMAT(' free list: ',//,2X,50(i10,4X,i10,/,2X)) WRITE(6,*) ' ******* you need more space !!!! ********** ' WRITE(6,*) ' increase lstore in agrialloc.inc ' !c call outtre(mstart,.false.,nvar) STOP ! 99 IF (verbose4) WRITE(6,100) nwords, igetsp ihighwater = MAX0( ihighwater,lfree(itake,1) ) 100 FORMAT(' allocating ',i9,' words in location ',i9) ! if (verbose4) then ! print*, 'ending call to igetsp' ! print*, 'nwords in call = ', nwords ! print*, 'lenf at present = ', lenf ! print *, 'ihighwater = ', ihighwater ! do 666 i=1, lenf ! print *, 'i, lfree(i,1), lfree(i,2)',i,lfree(i,1),lfree(i,2) ! 666 end do ! end if RETURN END FUNCTION igetsp ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
SUBROUTINE reclam (INDEX, nwords) 8 ! ! return of space. add to free list. ! iplace points to next item on free list with larger index than ! the item reclaiming, unless said item is greater then ! everything on the list. ! INCLUDE 'manage.inc' ! 10 DO i = 1, lenf iplace = i IF (lfree(i,1) > INDEX) GO TO 30 END DO WRITE(6,902) 902 FORMAT(' no insertion pointer into freelist. error stop') PRINT *, 'failed iptr= ', INDEX PRINT *, 'lenf =', lenf PRINT *, 'lfree(lenf,1) = ', lfree(lenf,1) PRINT *, 'nwords = ', nwords STOP ! ! check previous segment for merging ! 30 iprev = iplace - 1 IF (lfree(iprev,1)+lfree(iprev,2) < INDEX) GO TO 40 lfree(iprev,2) = lfree(iprev,2) + nwords GO TO 50 ! ! check after segment - no previous merge case ! 40 nexti = INDEX + nwords IF (lfree(iplace,1) /= nexti) GO TO 70 lfree(iplace,1) = INDEX lfree(iplace,2) = lfree(iplace,2) + nwords GO TO 99 ! ! check following segment - yes previous merge case ! 50 nexti = INDEX + nwords IF (lfree(iplace,1) /= nexti) GO TO 99 ! ! forward merge as well, bump all down 1 ! lfree(iprev,2) = lfree(iprev,2)+lfree(iplace,2) ipp1 = iplace + 1 DO i = ipp1, lenf lfree(i-1,1) = lfree(i,1) lfree(i-1,2) = lfree(i,2) END DO lenf = lenf - 1 GO TO 99 ! ! no merges case - insert and bump future segments up to make room ! 70 IF (lenf == idimf) GO TO 900 DO ii = iplace, lenf i = lenf + 1 - ii + iplace lfree(i,1) = lfree(i-1,1) lfree(i,2) = lfree(i-1,2) END DO lenf = lenf + 1 lfree(iplace,1) = INDEX lfree(iplace,2) = nwords GO TO 99 ! 900 WRITE(6,901) idimf 901 FORMAT(' free list full with ',i5,' items') STOP ! 99 IF (sprint) WRITE(6,100) nwords, INDEX 100 FORMAT(' reclaiming ',i9,' words at loc. ',i9) RETURN END SUBROUTINE reclam ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
SUBROUTINE resett 30 INCLUDE 'manage.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' INCLUDE 'agricst.inc' ! ! reset the temp space ! IF( verbose4 ) WRITE(6,'('' RESETTING TEMP SPACE, NTEMP= '',I8)')ntemp DO i = 1, idimf lfree(i,1) = 0 lfree(i,2) = 0 END DO ! lfree(3,1) = + 1 lfree(2,1) = ntemp lfree(2,2) = lstore - ntemp + 1 lenf = 3 ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE resett ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
SUBROUTINE stst1 1 ! INCLUDE 'manage.inc' INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' ! ! intialize a few variables needed before calling user set up ! routine domain. finish in stst2 after. ! the spatial and temporal stepsizes are set. the node array ! is kept as a linked list of free nodes. "ndfree" points to the ! head of the list, i.e.-first free node. use first row of each ! col to hold this pointer, set by the macro "nextfree". ! the free space list, managed in lfree, will have first and ! last positions filled with an allocation of zero words, ! to avoid boundary cases. ! ndfree = 1 DO i = 1,30 node(2,i) = i+1 END DO ! ! the last free node will have a null pointer node(2,30) = 0 ! ! initialize linked list of alloc storage as well. ! first and last locations are dummy placeholders of zero words ! of allocation each, to avoid boundary cases. ! idimf = 50 DO i = 1, idimf lfree(i,1) = 0 lfree(i,2) = 0 END DO ! lfree(3,1) = + 1 lfree(2,1) = 1 lfree(2,2) = lstore lenf = 3 ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE stst1 ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
SUBROUTINE stst2 1 ! INCLUDE 'manage.inc' INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' ! ! stst = finish initializing spatial and counting arrays. ! levmlt(1) = 1 lev = 2 rr = FLOAT(intrat) rrt = FLOAT(intratt) 10 IF (lev > mxnest) GO TO 20 hxposs(lev) = hxposs(lev-1) / rr hyposs(lev) = hyposs(lev-1) / rr possk (lev) = possk (lev-1) / rrt levmlt(lev) = intratt lstart(lev) = 0 lback(lev) = 0 newstl(lev) = 0 lev = lev + 1 GO TO 10 20 CONTINUE ! ! after kcheck integrations of parent grid, move its refinements. ! finest level grid never needs to have its finer subgrids moved. ! DO i = 1,3 ncheck(i) = kcheck END DO ncheck(mxnest) = 1000000000 ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE stst2 ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
SUBROUTINE stst3 1 ! INCLUDE 'manage.inc' INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' INCLUDE 'agrialloc.inc' ! ! stst = finish initializing spatial and counting arrays. ! ! this routine is also called with each restart. In this way ! the temporal refinement can be changed on the fly. ! The spatial refinement cannot be changed on the fly!!!!! ! levmlt(1) = 1 lev = 2 rr = FLOAT(intrat) rrt = FLOAT(intratt) 10 IF (lev > mxnest) GO TO 20 hxposs(lev) = hxposs(lev-1) / rr hyposs(lev) = hyposs(lev-1) / rr possk (lev) = possk (lev-1) / rrt levmlt(lev) = intratt lev = lev + 1 GO TO 10 20 CONTINUE ! ! after kcheck integrations of parent grid, move its refinements. ! finest level grid never needs to have its finer subgrids moved. ! DO i = 1,3 ncheck(i) = kcheck END DO ncheck(mxnest) = 1000000000 ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE stst3 ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
INTEGER FUNCTION nodget(dummy) ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' ! ! nodget = get first free node of the linked list kept in node ! array. adjust pointers accordingly. ! IF (ndfree /= 0) GO TO 10 WRITE(6,100) 100 FORMAT(20H out of nodal SPACE) STOP ! 10 nodget = ndfree ndfree = node(2,ndfree) ! ! initialize nodal block ! DO i = 1,25 node(i,nodget) = 0 END DO DO i = 1,35 rnode(i,nodget) = 0.0 END DO ! RETURN END FUNCTION nodget ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !
SUBROUTINE putnod (mptr) ! INCLUDE 'nodal.inc' ! ! putnod = return mptr node to the linked list kept in node array. ! node(2, mptr) = ndfree ndfree = mptr ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE putnod !