SUBROUTINE usrout1( levels,levele, initdata ) 2,3 ! ! To do data output for all grids by calling grid output routine ! arpsout for ARPS. (Ming Xue, 11/6/1992). ! INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' INCLUDE '' cpu0 = f_cputime() !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Search for grids from the starting level (levels) to ending level (levele) ! Then search for each grid on a particular level !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO level = levels, levele IF(level > lfine ) EXIT mptr = lstart(level) 5 IF(mptr == 0) CYCLE !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Call data output routine for a grid mptr !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF(.true.) PRINT*,'calling arpsout for grid ', & mptr,' at time step ',node(13,mptr) nestgrd = 1 CALL arpsout(mptr, initdata , nestgrd ) ! mptr = node(10,mptr) GO TO 5 END DO 999 CONTINUE cpu_usrout = cpu_usrout + f_cputime() - cpu0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE usrout1 SUBROUTINE usrout2( levels,levele ) ! ! Equivalent to usrout1 for ARPS ! ! Do nothing for the moment ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE usrout2