! !################################################################ !################################################################ !##### ##### !##### SUBROUTINE RETRPOIS ##### !##### ##### !##### Copyright (c) 1993 ##### !###### Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms ###### !###### University of Oklahoma ###### !##### ##### !################################################################ !################################################################ !SUBROUTINE retrpois(nx,ny,nz,k, & 1 biga,bigb,pc, & tem4,pnew,d,alpha,beta,pprt) ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PURPOSE: ! ! This subroutine solves a 2-D Poisson equation: ! ! d2p/dx2 + d2p/dy2 = dbiga/dx + dbigb/dy ! ! subject to the Dirichlet conditions: ! ! p = pbkg on the i = 2 and i = nx-1 physical boundaries ! ! p = pbkg on the j = 2 and j = ny-1 physical boundaries ! ! ! The solution is obtained by successively applying an alternating ! direction implicit (ADI) scheme to solve tri-diagonal matrix ! equations in the i and j directions. This scheme is known as the ! "sweeping method" or Thomas algorithm. (see P. J. Roache, 1982, ! "Computational Fluid Dynamics"). ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! AUTHOR: Alan Shapiro and Steve Lazarus ! 2/2/93. ! ! MODIFICATION HISTORY: ! ! 6/18/96 (Limin Zhao and Alan Shapiro) ! Added the option for Dirichlet boundary condition, which turns ! out very good for properply retrieving pressure and potential ! temperature outside of rainwater area. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! INPUT: ! ! nx Number of grid points in the x-direction (east/west) ! ny Number of grid points in the y-direction (north/south) ! nz Number of grid points in the z-direction (vertical) ! ! biga Sum of terms in x-momentum equation (except for dp/dx) ! bigb Sum of terms in y-momentum equation (except for dp/dy) ! pc First guess for the solution of the Poisson equation. ! ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! OUTPUT: ! ! pc Solution of the Poisson equation. pc differs from the ! perturbation pressure by an arbitrary function of height. ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! WORK ARRAYS: ! ! alpha Coefficient in solution to a tri-diagonal matrix equation. ! beta Coefficient in solution to a tri-diagonal matrix equation. ! tem4 Temporary work array. ! ! (These arrays are defined and used locally (i.e. inside this ! subroutine), they may also be passed into routines called by ! this one. Exiting the call to this subroutine, these temporary ! work arrays may be used for other purposes, and therefore their ! contents may be overwritten. Please examine the usage of work ! arrays before you alter the code.) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Variable Declarations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Force explicit declarations ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Include files: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INCLUDE 'globcst.inc' ! Model control constants INCLUDE 'grid.inc' ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: nx, ny, nz ! Number of grid points in x, y and z directions REAL :: biga(nx,ny,nz) ! Sum of terms in x-momentum equation ! (except for dp/dx). REAL :: bigb(nx,ny,nz) ! Sum of terms in y-momentum equation ! (except for dp/dy) REAL :: pc(nx,ny,nz) ! Solution of the Poisson equation. ! pc differs from the perturbation pressure ! by an arbitrary function of height. REAL :: tem4(nx,ny,nz) REAL :: pprt(nx,ny,nz) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Misc. local variables: ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INTEGER :: i, j, k INTEGER :: iter ! Iteration number INTEGER :: itmax ! Maximum number of iterations INTEGER :: icon ! Used in error tolerance check; ! =0, iterates have converged, RETURN to RETRPTPR; ! =1, iterates have not converged, continue iterating INTEGER :: inum ! Number of grid points on a horizontal plane REAL :: rdenom ! Reciprocal denominator, used to simplify a calculation REAL :: prms ! Root mean square value of pc along an i or j line REAL :: tay ! Over-relaxation coefficient REAL :: tol ! An error tolerance parameter REAL :: resid ! Discrepancy between updated pc and old pc at a point REAL :: compar ! Compare resid with the quantity compar (=tol*prms) REAL :: pave ! Horizontal average of pc PARAMETER(itmax=500, tol=0.00001) REAL :: pnew(nx,ny) ! Updated value of pc REAL :: d(nx,ny) ! Inhomogeneous term in a tri-diagonal matrix equation REAL :: a, b, c ! Coefficients in a tri-diagonal matrix equation REAL :: alpha(nx*ny) ! Coefficient in recursive solution to a tri-diagonal ! matrix equation REAL :: beta(nx*ny) ! Coefficient in recursive solution to a tri-diagonal ! matrix equation REAL :: rdx2 ! Reciprocal of (dx)**2 REAL :: rdy2 ! Reciprocal of (dy)**2 REAL :: bc_opt INTEGER :: ips ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! Beginning of executable code ... ! !@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Estimate the optimum over-relaxation coefficient, tay, from ! the formula (cf G.J. Haltiner and R.T. Williams, 1980: "Numerical ! Prediction and Dynamic Meteorology, second edition": ! ! tay = 2. - pi*sqrt(2/nx**2 + 2/ny**2) ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! tay = 2. - 3.14159*SQRT((2./(nx*nx) + 2./(ny*ny))) PRINT *, 'estimated optimum over-relaxation coeff. =', tay rdx2 = dxinv*dxinv ! reciprocal of (dx)**2 rdy2 = dyinv*dyinv ! reciprocal of (dy)**2 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Begin the big do-loop for iterating back and forth between the ! solutions of the two tri-diagonal matrix equations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO iter = 1, itmax IF (iter == itmax) THEN PRINT 2000, k STOP 1 END IF 2000 FORMAT(/, 1X, 'Warning& ! Poisson solver did not converge.', & & /, 1X, 'klevel =', i5, /) IF (MOD(iter,20) == 0) PRINT 3000, k, iter 3000 FORMAT(2X, 'klevel =', i5, 5X, 'iter = ', i5) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! First sweep in the i direction (put in an outer j do loop since we will ! sweep in the i-direction for each value of j). We are thus solving ! a tri-diagonal matrix equation of the form: ! ! a*pnew(i+1,j) + b*pnew(i,j) + c*pnew(i-1,j) = d(i,j) ! ! where a, b, c and d are of the form: ! ! a = c = 1/(dx*dx), b = -2*(1/(dx*dx) + 1/(dy*dy)), ! ! d = tem4 - (pc(i,j+1) + pc(i,j-1))/(dy*dy) ! ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! a = rdx2 c = a b = -2.*(rdx2 + rdy2) DO j = 2, ny-2 DO i = 2, nx-2 d(i,j) = tem4(i,j,k) - rdy2*(pc(i,j+1,k) + pc(i,j-1,k)) END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! The solution of the tri-diagonal matrix equation satisfies the ! recursion relation: ! ! pnew(i-1,j) = alpha(i)*pnew(i,j) + beta(i) ! ! where alpha and beta satisfy the recursion formulae: ! ! alpha(i) = -a(i)/(b + c*alpha(i-1)); ! ! beta(i) = (d(i-1,j) - c*beta(i-1))/(b + c*alpha(i-1)) ! ! Write the boundary values of the alpha and beta coefficients at ! i=2 from the Neumann boundary condition on the west boundary. Then ! compute the alpha and beta coefficients along i-lines from the ! recursion formulae. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bc_opt = 0 IF (bc_opt == 1) THEN !Neumann B.C. alpha(2) = 1. beta(2) = - biga(2,j,k)*dx ELSE alpha(2) = 0.0 beta(2) = pprt(1,j,k) END IF DO i = 3, nx-1 rdenom = 1./(b + c*alpha(i-1)) alpha(i) = - a*rdenom beta(i) = (d(i-1,j) - c*beta(i-1))*rdenom END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute the updated pc (pnew), at nx-1 from the Neumann boundary ! condition at the east boundary. Sweep downwards in the decreasing ! i-direction to get the updated pc (pnew) from the recursion formula. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (bc_opt == 1) THEN pnew(nx-1,j) = (biga(nx-1,j,k)*dx & + beta(nx-1))/(1. - alpha(nx-1)) ELSE pnew(nx-1,j) = pprt(nx-1,j,k) END IF DO i = nx-1, 2, -1 pnew(i-1,j) = alpha(i)*pnew(i,j) + beta(i) END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute the over-relaxed residuals and add them to pc. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO i = 1, nx-1 resid = tay*(pnew(i,j) - pc(i,j,k)) pc(i,j,k) = pc(i,j,k) + resid END DO END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now sweep in the j direction (put in an outer i-do loop since we will ! sweep in the j-direction for each value of i). We are thus solving ! a tri-diagonal matrix equation of the form: ! ! a*pnew(i,j+1) + b*pnew(i,j) + c*pnew(i,j-1) = d(i,j) ! ! where a, b, c and d are of the form: ! ! a = c = 1/(dy*dy), b = -2*(1/(dx*dx) + 1/(dy*dy)), ! ! d = tem4 - (pc(i+1,j) + pc(i-1,j))/(dx*dx) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! a = rdy2 c = a b = -2.*(rdx2 + rdy2) DO i = 2, nx-2 DO j = 2, ny-2 d(i,j) = tem4(i,j,k) - rdx2*(pc(i+1,j,k) + pc(i-1,j,k)) END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! The solution of the tri-diagonal matrix equation satisfies the ! recursion relation: ! ! pnew(i,j-1) = alpha(j)*pnew(i,j) + beta(j) ! ! where alpha and beta satisfy the recursion formulae: ! ! alpha(j) = -a(j)/(b + c*alpha(j-1)); ! ! beta(j) = (d(i,j-1) - c*beta(j-1))/(b + c*alpha(j-1)) ! ! Write the boundary values of the alpha and beta coefficients at ! j=2 from the Neumann boundary condition on the south boundary. Then ! compute the alpha and beta coefficients along j-lines from the ! recursion formulae. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (bc_opt == 1) THEN alpha(2) = 1. beta(2) = - bigb(i,2,k)*dy ELSE alpha(2) = 0.0 beta(2) = pprt(i,1,k) END IF DO j = 3, ny-1 rdenom = 1./(b + c*alpha(j-1)) alpha(j) = - a*rdenom beta(j) = (d(i,j-1) - c*beta(j-1))*rdenom END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute the updated pc (pnew), at ny-1 from the Neumann boundary ! condition at the north boundary. Sweep downwards in the decreasing ! j-direction to get the updated pc (pnew) from the recursion formula. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (bc_opt == 1) THEN pnew(i,ny-1) = (bigb(i,ny-1,k)*dy & + beta(ny-1))/(1. - alpha(ny-1)) ELSE pnew(i,ny-1) = pprt(i,ny-1,k) END IF DO j = ny-1, 2, -1 pnew(i,j-1) = alpha(j)*pnew(i,j) + beta(j) END DO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute the rms value of the new pc along a j-line for the error ! tolerance comparison. Also compute the over-relaxed residuals and ! add them to pc. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! prms = 0. DO j = 1, ny-1 prms = prms + pnew(i,j)*pnew(i,j) END DO prms = SQRT(prms/(ny-1)) compar = tol*prms icon = 0 DO j = 1, ny-1 resid = tay*(pnew(i,j) - pc(i,j,k)) icon = icon + IFIX(ABS(resid/compar)) pc(i,j,k) = pc(i,j,k) + resid END DO END DO IF (icon == 0) RETURN ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Since the solution of Poisson's equation with Neumann boundary ! conditions isn't unique (there's an arbitrary constant in the ! solution), subtract off the average value of pc to avoid a potential ! drift that could affect the convergence. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF (bc_opt /= 1) CYCLE WRITE(6,*)'subtract mean pressue' pave = 0. inum = 0 DO i = 1, nx-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 pave = pave + pc(i,j,k) inum = inum + 1 END DO END DO pave = pave/FLOAT(inum) DO i = 1, nx-1 DO j = 1, ny-1 pc(i,j,k) = pc(i,j,k) - pave END DO END DO END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE retrpois