!######                                                      ######
!######                  PROGRAM ARPSINTRP_LS                ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

PROGRAM arpsintrp_ls,119
!  This program interpolates gridded data from one ARPS grid to another.
!  It can be used to prepare data for running ARPS in a one-way nested
!  mode. It's exepcted to replace ARPSR2H in this capacity.
!  AUTHOR: Ming Xue
!  3/27/1997. Written based on ARPSR2H and ARPSCVT.

!  Variable Declarations.
!  nx, ny, nz: Dimensions of input grid.
!  nx1, ny1, nz1: Dimensions of output grid.
  INTEGER :: nx       ! Number of input grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny       ! Number of input grid points in the y-direction
  INTEGER :: nz       ! Number of input grid points in the z-direction

  INTEGER :: nx1      ! Number of output grid points in the x-direction
  INTEGER :: ny1      ! Number of output grid points in the y-direction
  INTEGER :: nz1      ! Number of output grid points in the z-direction

  INTEGER :: nxyz,nxy,nxyz1,nxy1
!  Parameters for the utput grid.
  INTEGER :: nstyps
  PARAMETER (nstyps=1)

  INTEGER :: samgrd   ! Are the output and the input grids the same?
                      ! =1, the grids are the same
                      ! =0, the grids are different

  REAL :: xorig1, yorig1, zorig1
  REAL :: xctr1 , yctr1

  REAL :: dx1,dy1    ! Grid intervals of the refined grid.

  INTEGER :: strhopt1 ! Vertical grid stretching option.
                      ! = 0, no stretching in vertical.
                      ! >= 1, with stretching in vertical.
  REAL :: dz1        ! Average grid spacing in vertical direction in
                     ! transformed computational space (m).
  REAL :: dzmin1     ! Minimun grid spacing in vertical direction in
                     ! physcal space (m).

  REAL :: zrefsfc1   ! The reference height of the surface
                     ! (ground level) (m)

  REAL :: dlayer11   ! The depth of the lower layer with uniform
                     ! (dz=dzmin) vertical spacing (m)

  REAL :: dlayer21   ! The depth of the mid layer with stetched
                     ! vertical spacing (m)

  REAL :: strhtune1  ! Tuning parameter for stretching option 2
                     ! A Value between 0.2 and 5.0 is appropriate.
                     ! A larger value gives a more linear stretching.

  REAL :: zflat1     ! The height at which the grid levels
                     ! becomes flat in the terrain-following
                     ! coordinate transformation (m).
!  Note:
!  Given nx1, ny1 and nz1, the physical doma3din size of the refined
!  grid will be xl1=(nx1-3)*dx1 by yl1=(ny1-3)*dy1 by zh1=(nz1-3)*dz1.
!  Dx1, dy1 and dz1 are the grid intervals of the refined grid.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a3din(:,:,:)  ! 3-D real    array read in

  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: i2din(:,:) ! 2-D integer array read in
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a2din(:,:)    ! 2-D real    array read in
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x     (:)     ! The x-coord. of the physical and
                                     ! computational grid. Defined at u-point.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: y     (:)     ! The y-coord. of the physical and
                                     ! computational grid. Defined at v-point.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: z     (:)     ! The z-coord. of the computational grid.
                                     ! Defined at w-point on the staggered grid.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zp    (:,:,:) ! The physical height coordinate defined at
                                     ! w-point on the staggered grid.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: hterain(:,:)  ! The height of terrain.

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem3d(:,:,:)  ! Work array
!  Arrays on the new grid:
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a3dout(:,:,:) ! 3-D real array interpolated from a3din.

  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: i2dout(:,:)! 2-D integer array derived from i2din
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: a2dout(:,:)   ! 2-D real array interpolated from a2din

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x1    (:)     ! New grid x-coord. on the original grid
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: x11   (:)     ! New grid x-coord. set for new grid

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: y1    (:)     ! New grid y-coord. on the original grid
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: y11   (:)     ! New grid y-coord. set for new grid

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: z1    (:)     ! The z-coord. of the computational grid.
                                     ! Defined at w-point on the staggered grid.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zp1   (:,:,:) ! The physical height coordinate defined at
                                     ! w-point on the staggered grid.
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: hterain1(:,:) ! Terrain height (m)

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: tem3d1(:,:,:) ! Work array

  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: zp1d1 (:)     ! Temporary array
  REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: dzp1d1(:)     ! Temporary array

  REAL :: zflat11,za,zb
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i, j, k
  INTEGER :: is, js
  REAL :: s1,s2,s3,s4
  REAL :: amin, amax
  REAL :: xs1,ys1

  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: basdmpfn
  INTEGER :: lbasdmpf
  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: ternfn,sfcoutfl,soiloutfl,temchar
  INTEGER :: lternfn,lfn
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'
  INCLUDE 'bndry.inc'
  INCLUDE 'indtflg.inc'

  INTEGER :: hinfmt,nhisfile_max,nhisfile,lengbf,nf,lenfil
  PARAMETER (nhisfile_max=200)
  CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: grdbasfn,hisfile(nhisfile_max)
  INTEGER :: ireturn

  INTEGER :: houtfmt
  CHARACTER (LEN=132) :: filename

  INTEGER :: grdbas

  REAL :: time

  INTEGER :: nfilemax
  PARAMETER (nfilemax=200)

  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: exbcfn

  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: timsnd
  CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: new_runname
  INTEGER :: tmstrln
  CHARACTER (LEN=15) :: ctime

  INTEGER :: nfile, length
  REAL :: xeps, yeps
  REAL :: ctrx,ctry,swx,swy,alatpro(2),sclf,dxscl,dyscl
  REAL :: ctrlat1,ctrlon1,latitud1

  CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: fmtver
  PARAMETER (fmtver='004.10 Binary Data')
  CHARACTER (LEN=40) :: fmtverin

  CHARACTER (LEN=10) :: tmunit
  CHARACTER (LEN=12) :: label
  INTEGER :: nxin,nyin,nzin
  INTEGER :: stgr,oldver
  INTEGER :: inch,nchanl,exbchanl,sfchanl,soilchanl,trnchanl
  INTEGER :: iyr, imon, idy, ihr, imin, isec
  INTEGER :: ierr, itema
  INTEGER :: varout1,mstout1,rainout1,prcout1,iceout1,tkeout1,trbout1
  INTEGER :: sfcout1,landout1

  REAL :: xgrdorg1,ygrdorg1

  INTEGER :: idummy
  REAL :: rdummy

  INTEGER :: istat
  LOGICAL :: fexist, dmpexbc, lsfcdmp, lsoildmp
!  namelist Declarations:
  NAMELIST /INPUT/ hinfmt,nhisfile, grdbasfn, hisfile
  NAMELIST /output_dims/ nx1,ny1,nz1

  NAMELIST /jobname/ runname

  NAMELIST /newgrid/ samgrd,strhopt1,xctr1,yctr1,                       &
            dx1,dy1,dz1,dzmin1,                                         &

  NAMELIST /output/ dirname,exbcdmp,hdmpfmt,grbpkbit,                   &
            grdout,basout,varout,mstout,rainout,prcout,iceout,          &
            tkeout, trbout,sfcout,landout,                              &
            qcexout,qrexout,qiexout,qsexout,qhexout,                    &
!  Beginning of executable code...
  mgrid = 1
  nestgrd = 0

  WRITE(6,'(/9(/5x,a)/)')                                               &
     '###############################################################', &
     '###############################################################', &
     '###                                                         ###', &
     '###                Welcome to ARPSINTRP                     ###', &
     '###      This program converts the history dump data        ###', &
     '###      sets generated by ARPS, between various formats.   ###', &
     '###                                                         ###', &
     '###############################################################', &

!  Get the names of the input data files.
  CALL get_input_file_names(hinfmt,grdbasfn,hisfile,nhisfile)

  lengbf = len_trim(grdbasfn)

  CALL get_dims_from_data(hinfmt,grdbasfn(1:lengbf),                    &
       nx,ny,nz,nstyps, ireturn)

  IF( ireturn /= 0 ) THEN
    PRINT*,'Problem occured when trying to get dimensions from data.'
    PRINT*,'Program stopped.'

  WRITE(6,'(3(a,i5))') 'nx =',nx,', ny=',ny,', nz=',nz

  IF( nhisfile > nhisfile_max) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,i3,/1x,a,/1x,a,/1x,a)')                              &
        'The number of history files to be processed exceeded ',        &
        nhisfile_max,' please reduce the number of files to be processed',&
        'in a single job, or edit the program and re-set parameter ',   &
        'nhisfile_max to a larger value. '
    STOP 9010

  length = LEN_trim( grdbasfn )
  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a)')  ' grdbasfn    =', grdbasfn(1:length)

  DO i=1,nhisfile
    length = LEN_trim( hisfile(i) )
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,i3,a,a)') ' hisfile(',i,')=',hisfile(i)(1:length)

! Read output grid dimensions

  READ(5,output_dims, END=105)

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      'NAMELIST block intrp_dims sucessfully read.'

  WRITE(6,'(3(a,i5))') 'nx1=',nx1,', ny1=',ny1,', nz1=',nz1

  GO TO 10

105   WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                &
          'Error reading NAMELIST block intrp_dims. ',                  &
          'Program ARPSINTRP stopped.'
  STOP 1


  READ (5,jobname,ERR=9000)

  WRITE(6,'(/5x,a,a)') 'The name of this run is: ', runname
  new_runname = runname
  CALL gtlfnkey(new_runname, lfnkey)
!  Set the output grid and the variable control parameters
  READ (5,newgrid,ERR=9000)

  PRINT*,' Input parameters for the new refined grid:'

  PRINT*,' Input samgrd:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',samgrd

  PRINT*,' Input dx1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',dx1

  PRINT*,' Input dy1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',dy1

  PRINT*,' Input strhopt1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',strhopt1

  PRINT*,' Input dz1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',dz1

  PRINT*,' Input dzmin1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',dzmin1

  PRINT*,' Input xctr1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',xctr1

  PRINT*,' Input yctr1:'
  PRINT*,' Input was ',yctr1
!  Set the control parameters for output:
  WRITE(6,'(/a/)')                                                      &
      ' Reading in control parameters for the output data files..'

  READ (5,output,ERR=9000)

  houtfmt = hdmpfmt

  IF( houtfmt /= 1 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,a/)') 'Output format is not 1. Reset it to 1.'
    houtfmt = 1

  totout = 1
  basout = 0


  WRITE(6,'(/a,a)')' The grid/base name is ', grdbasfn(1:lengbf)

  INQUIRE(FILE=grdbasfn(1:lengbf), EXIST = fexist )
  IF( fexist ) GO TO 110

  INQUIRE(FILE=grdbasfn(1:lengbf)//'.Z', EXIST = fexist )
  IF( fexist ) THEN
    CALL uncmprs( grdbasfn(1:lengbf)//'.Z' )
    GO TO 110

  INQUIRE(FILE=grdbasfn(1:lengbf)//'.gz', EXIST = fexist )
  IF( fexist ) THEN
    CALL uncmprs( grdbasfn(1:lengbf)//'.gz' )
    GO TO 110

  WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,/1x,a/)')                                             &
      'File '//grdbasfn(1:lengbf)//                                     &
      ' or its compressed version not found.',                          &
      'Program stopped in ARPSINTRP.'
  STOP 9011

  110   CONTINUE

  a3din = 0.0
  i2din = 0
  a2din =0.0
  ALLOCATE(x     (nx))
  ALLOCATE(y     (ny))
  ALLOCATE(z     (nz))
  x = 0.0
  y = 0.0
  z = 0.0
  ALLOCATE(zp    (nx,ny,nz))
  zp = 0.0
  ALLOCATE(x1    (nx1))
  ALLOCATE(x11   (nx1))
  ALLOCATE(y1    (ny1))
  ALLOCATE(y11   (ny1))
  ALLOCATE(z1    (nz1))
  ALLOCATE(zp1   (nx1,ny1,nz1))
  ALLOCATE(zp1d1 (nz1))
!  Get the IO unit numbers for input grid and base state file
  CALL getunit( inch )
!  Cray routines to force binary data file to be in the IEEE format
  CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
  CALL asnfile(grdbasfn(1:lengbf), '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)
!  Open the input grdbas file
  grdbas = 1

  OPEN(UNIT=inch,FILE=grdbasfn(1:lengbf),                               &
  IF( istat /= 0 ) GO TO 9001

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) fmtverin
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) runname
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) nocmnt

  IF( nocmnt > 0 ) THEN
    DO i=1,nocmnt
      READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) cmnt(i)
    END DO

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) time,tmunit

  curtim = time
!  Get dimensions of data in binary file and check against
!  the dimensions defined in dims.inc
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) nxin, nyin, nzin

  IF( nxin /= nx .OR. nyin /= ny .OR. nzin /= nz ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a)')                                                   &
         ' Dimensions in ARPSINTRP inconsistent with data.'
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,3I15)') ' Read were: ', nxin, nyin, nzin
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a)')                                                   &
         ' Program aborted in ARPSINTRP.'

  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,f8.1,a,f8.3,a/)')                                      &
         'To read grid and base state data at time ', time,             &
         ' secs = ',(time/60.),' mins.'

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120)                                          &
         grdin,basin,varin,mstin,icein,                                 &
         trbin,idummy,idummy,landin,totin,                              &
         tkein,idummy,idummy,mapproj,month,                             &
         day, year, hour, minute, second

  IF ( grdin /= 1 .OR. basin /= 1 ) THEN
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a,a/a)')                                             &
        'File '//grdbasfn(1:lengbf)//' is not .bingrdbas file',         &
        'A .bingrdbas file is required. Program stoped in ARPSINTRP'
    STOP 9012

  IF ( varin == 1 ) THEN
    varout1  = varout
    varout1  = 0

  IF ( mstin == 1 ) THEN
    mstout1  = mstout
    mstout1 = 0

  IF ( icein == 1 ) THEN
    iceout1  = iceout
    iceout1  = 0

  IF ( tkein == 1 ) THEN
    tkeout1  = tkeout
    tkeout1  = 0

  IF ( trbin == 1 ) THEN
    trbout1  = trbout
    trbout1  = 0

  IF ( sfcin == 1 ) THEN
    sfcout1  = sfcout
    sfcout1  = 0

  IF ( landin == 1 ) THEN
    landout1 = landout
    landout1 = 0

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120)                                          &
         umove,vmove,xgrdorg,ygrdorg,trulat1,                           &
         trulat2,trulon,sclfct,rdummy,rdummy,                           &
         rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                            &

  IF ( totin /= 0 ) THEN
!  Read in additional parameters for ARPS history dump 4.0 or later
!  version.
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120)                                        &
         nstyp, prcout,idummy,idummy,idummy,                            &
         idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                            &
         idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                            &

    IF ( nstyp < 1 ) THEN
      nstyp = 1
    END IF

    IF ( prcin == 1 ) THEN
      prcout1 = prcout
      prcout1 = 0
    END IF

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120)                                        &
         rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                            &
         rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                            &
         rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                            &

!  Read in x,y and z at grid cell centers (scalar points).
  IF( grdin == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) x
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array x.'

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) y
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array y.'

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) z
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array z.'

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) zp
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array zp.'
  END IF  ! grdin
!  Set up the map projection of the input grid.

  dx = x(2)-x(1)
  dy = y(2)-y(1)
  IF( sclfct /= 1.0) THEN
    sclf  = 1.0/sclfct
    dxscl = dx*sclf
    dyscl = dy*sclf
    sclf  = 1.0
    dxscl = dx
    dyscl = dy


  CALL setmapr( mapproj,sclf,alatpro,trulon )
  CALL lltoxy( 1,1, ctrlat,ctrlon, ctrx, ctry )
  swx = ctrx - (FLOAT(nx-3)/2.)*dxscl
  swy = ctry - (FLOAT(ny-3)/2.)*dyscl
  CALL setorig( 1, swx, swy) ! set up the model origin to the coord.

  DO j=1,ny
    DO i=1,nx
      hterain(i,j) = zp(i,j,2)
    END DO

  dx = x(2) - x(1)
  dy = y(2) - y(1)
  dz = z(2) - z(1)

  xorig = x(2)
  yorig = y(2)
  zorig = z(2)

  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,3f15.3)') 'xorig, yorig, zorig =',                     &
       xorig, yorig, zorig
!  If the new grid is same as the original one, no need to
!  interpolate
  IF ( samgrd == 1 ) THEN
    DO i=1,nx1
    END DO

    DO j=1,ny1
    END DO

    DO k=1,nz1
    END DO

    DO j=1,ny1
      DO i=1,nx1
        hterain1(i,j) = hterain(i,j)
      END DO
    END DO

    DO k=1,nz1
      DO j=1,ny1
        DO i=1,nx1
          zp1(i,j,k) = zp(i,j,k)
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    ctrlat1  = ctrlat
    ctrlon1  = ctrlon
    latitud1 = latitud

    xgrdorg1 = xgrdorg
    ygrdorg1 = ygrdorg


    ebc = 3
    wbc = 3
    sbc = 3
    nbc = 3
!  If output grid differs from the input grid, perform spatial
!  interpolations.
    xorig1 = xctr1 - (nx1-3)*dx1*0.5
    yorig1 = yctr1 - (ny1-3)*dy1*0.5
    zorig1 = zorig

    DO i=1,nx1
    END DO

    DO j=1,ny1
    END DO

    DO k=1,nz1
    END DO

    xeps = 0.01*dx
    yeps = 0.01*dy

    IF(x1(1) < x(1)-xeps.OR.x1(nx1) > x(nx)+xeps.OR.                    &
          y1(1) < y(1)-yeps.OR.y1(ny1) > y(ny)+yeps) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(3(/5x,a),/5x,2(a,f12.4),2(a,i6),2(a,f12.4)/5x,a)')      &
          'Sorry, at least part of your new grid is outside the border of', &
          'the original grid, please check input parameters',           &
          'dx1,dy1, nx1, ny1, xctr1 and yctr1. Currently,',             &
          'dx1=',dx1,', dy1=',dy1,', nx1=',nx1,', ny1=',ny1,            &
          ', xctr1=',xctr1,', yctr1=',yctr1,                            &
          'Job stopped in ARPSINTRP.'
      WRITE(6,'(1x,4(a,f12.4)/1x,4(a,f12.4))')                          &
          'x1(1) =',x1(1),' x1(nx1) =',x1(nx1),                         &
          'y1(1) =',y1(1),' y1(ny1) =',y1(ny1),                         &
          'x (1) =',x (1),' x  (nx) =',x  (nx),                         &
          'y (1) =',y (1),' y  (ny) =',y  (ny)
      STOP 9013
    END IF

    CALL xytoll(1,1,xctr1,yctr1,ctrlat1,ctrlon1)
    PRINT*,'ctrlat1=',ctrlat1,', ctrlon1=',ctrlon1

    latitud1 = ctrlat1

    CALL xytoll(1,1,xorig1,yorig1,swx,swy)  ! Find the lat/lon of
                                            ! the new grid origin
    CALL setorig( 2, swx,swy )              ! Set the new origin

    xgrdorg1 = 0.0
    ygrdorg1 = 0.0

    DO i=1,nx1
    END DO

    DO j=1,ny1
    END DO

!  Intepolate terrain to the new grid

    DO i=1,nx1-1
      DO j=1,ny1-1

        xs1= (x1(i)+x1(i+1))*0.5
        ys1= (y1(j)+y1(j+1))*0.5

        is = MAX(1, MIN(nx-2, INT((xs1-(x(1)+x(2))*0.5)/dx)+1 ))
        js = MAX(1, MIN(ny-2, INT((ys1-(y(1)+y(2))*0.5)/dy)+1 ))

        s1=ABS((xs1-(x(is  )+x(is+1))*0.5)*(ys1-(y(js  )+y(js+1))*0.5))
        s2=ABS((xs1-(x(is+1)+x(is+2))*0.5)*(ys1-(y(js  )+y(js+1))*0.5))
        s4=ABS((xs1-(x(is  )+x(is+1))*0.5)*(ys1-(y(js+1)+y(js+2))*0.5))

        hterain1(i,j) =                                                 &
            (hterain(is  ,js  )*s3+hterain(is+1,js  )*s4                &
            +hterain(is+1,js+1)*s1+hterain(is  ,js+1)*s2)               &

      END DO
    END DO

!  Set up a stretched vertical grid for the output grid.
!  For strhopt1=1, function y = a+b*x**3 is used to specify dz as a
!                              function of k.
!  For strhopt1=2, function y = c + a*tanh(b*x) is used to specify dz
!                              as a function of k.
    IF ( strhopt1 == 0 ) THEN

      DO k=1,nz1
        zp1d1(k) = z1(k)
      END DO

    ELSE IF ( strhopt1 == 1 .OR.strhopt1 == 2 ) THEN

      za = zrefsfc1 + MAX(0.0, MIN(dlayer11, z1(nz1-2)-zrefsfc1 ))
      zb = za       + MAX(0.0, MIN(dlayer21, z1(nz1-1)-za      ))

      IF( dlayer11 >= (nz1-3)*dzmin1 ) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(/1x,a,f13.3,/a,f13.3,a,a)')                           &
            'Can not setup a vertical grid with uniform dz=',dzmin1,    &
            ' over the depth of ',dlayer11,' please specify a smaller ', &
            'value of dlayer11. Program stopped ARPSINTRP.'
        STOP 9014
      END IF

      CALL strhgrd(nz1,strhopt1,zrefsfc1,za,zb,z1(nz1-1),               &
                   dzmin1,strhtune1, zp1d1,dzp1d1)


      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,i3,a/)')                                           &
          'Invalid vertical grid stretching option, strhopt1 was ',strhopt1, &
          '. Program stopped in ARPSINTRP.'
      STOP 9015

    END IF
!  Physical height of computational grid defined as
!  Zp=(z-zrefsfc)*(Zm-hterain)/(Zm-zrefsfc)+hterain for z=<Zm.
!  ZP=z for z>Zm
!  where Zm the height at which the grid levels becomes flat.
!  Hm < Zm =< Ztop, hm is the height of mounta3din and Ztop the height
!  of model top.
    DO k=nz1-1,2,-1
      IF(zp1d1(k) <= zflat1) THEN
        zflat11 = zp1d1(k)
      END IF
    END DO

    300   CONTINUE


    DO k=2,nz1-1

      IF(zp1d1(k) > zflat11) THEN
        DO j=1,ny1-1
          DO i=1,nx1-1
          END DO
        END DO
        DO j=1,ny1-1
          DO i=1,nx1-1
            zp1(i,j,k)=(zp1d1(k)-zrefsfc1)*(zflat11-hterain1(i,j))      &
          END DO
        END DO
      END IF

    END DO

    DO j=1,ny1-1
      DO i=1,nx1-1
      END DO
    END DO

!  CALL jacob(nx1,ny1,nz1,x11,y11,z1,zp1,j11,j21,j31)

  END IF    ! samgrd
!  Write out terrain data
  CALL getunit( trnchanl )

  ternfn = new_runname(1:lfnkey)//".trndata"
  lternfn = lfnkey + 8

  IF( dirname /= ' ' ) THEN

    temchar = ternfn
    ternfn = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'//temchar
    lternfn  = lternfn + ldirnam + 1


  CALL fnversn(ternfn, lternfn )

  PRINT *, 'Write terrain data to ',ternfn(1:lternfn)

  CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
  CALL asnfile(ternfn, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

  WRITE(trnchanl) nx1,ny1
  WRITE(trnchanl) idummy,mapproj,idummy,idummy,idummy,                  &
                  idummy,idummy, idummy,idummy,idummy,                  &
                  idummy,idummy, idummy,idummy,idummy,                  &
                  idummy,idummy, idummy,idummy,idummy

  WRITE(trnchanl)   dx1,    dy1,ctrlat1,ctrlon1,rdummy,                 &
                 rdummy,trulat1,trulat2, trulon,sclfct,                 &
                 rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,rdummy,                 &
                 rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,rdummy

  WRITE(trnchanl) hterain1

  CLOSE ( trnchanl )
  CALL retunit ( trnchanl )
!  Open the surface property data file
  lsfcdmp = .false.
  IF ( landin == 1 ) THEN        ! take care of soil and veg data
    sfcoutfl = new_runname(1:lfnkey)//".sfcdata"
    lfn = lfnkey + 8

    IF( dirname /= ' ' ) THEN

      temchar = sfcoutfl
      sfcoutfl = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'//temchar
      lfn  = lfn + ldirnam + 1

    END IF

    CALL fnversn(sfcoutfl, lfn)

    PRINT *, 'Write surface property data in ',sfcoutfl(1:lfn)

    CALL getunit ( sfchanl )
    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(sfcoutfl, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

    OPEN (UNIT=sfchanl,FILE=sfcoutfl(1:lfn), STATUS = 'new',            &
          FORM='unformatted', ACCESS = 'sequential')

    WRITE(sfchanl) nx1,ny1

    WRITE(sfchanl) mapproj,     1,     1,     1,     1,                 &
                         1,idummy, nstyp,idummy,idummy,                 &
                    idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                 &

    WRITE(sfchanl)     dx1,   dy1,ctrlat1,ctrlon1,trulat1,              &
                   trulat2,trulon, sclfct, rdummy, rdummy,              &
                    rdummy,rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,              &
                    rdummy,rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy

    lsfcdmp = .true.
!  Open the grid base state data file for the new grid
  CALL gtbasfn(new_runname(1:lfnkey),dirname,ldirnam,hdmpfmt,           &

  PRINT*,'Output grid/base state file is ', basdmpfn(1:lbasdmpf)
!  Get the IO unit numbers for input grid and base state file
  CALL getunit( nchanl )

  CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
  CALL asnfile(basdmpfn(1:lbasdmpf), '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)
!  Open the output grdbas file
  OPEN(UNIT=nchanl,FILE=basdmpfn(1:lbasdmpf),                           &
  IF( istat /= 0 ) GO TO 9002
!  Read in other base state arrays and interpolate them into new grid
  WRITE (cmnt(nocmnt),'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4)')                               &
      ' nx =',nx1,', ny =',ny1,', nz =',nz1

  WRITE(nchanl) fmtver
  WRITE(nchanl) new_runname
  WRITE(nchanl) nocmnt

  IF( nocmnt > 0 ) THEN
    DO i=1,nocmnt
      WRITE(nchanl) cmnt(i)
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a)') cmnt(i)
    END DO

  WRITE(nchanl) time,tmunit
  WRITE(nchanl) nx1,ny1,nz1

  WRITE(nchanl)      1,      1,      0,mstout1,      0,                 &
                     0,      0,      0,landout1,totout,                 &
                idummy, idummy, idummy, mapproj, month,                 &
                   day,   year,   hour, minute, second

  WRITE(nchanl) umove,vmove,xgrdorg1,ygrdorg1,trulat1,                  &
                trulat2,trulon,sclfct,rdummy,rdummy,                    &
                rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                     &

  IF ( totout /= 0 ) THEN
    WRITE(nchanl) nstyp,  idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,               &
                  idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,               &
                  idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,               &
                  idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy

    WRITE(nchanl) rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,               &
                  rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy

  WRITE(6,'(/1x,a/)')                                                   &
      'Min. and max. of input data interpolated to the new grid:'

  WRITE(nchanl) 'x coord r1d1'
  WRITE(nchanl) x11
  CALL a3dmax0(x11,1,nx1,1,nx1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, amax,amin)
  WRITE(6,'(/1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'xmin    = ', amin,',  xmax    =',amax

  WRITE(nchanl) 'y coord r1d2'
  WRITE(nchanl) y11
  CALL a3dmax0(y11,1,ny1,1,ny1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, amax,amin)
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'ymin    = ', amin,',  ymax    =',amax

  WRITE(nchanl) 'z coord r1d3'
  WRITE(nchanl) z1
  CALL a3dmax0(z1,1,nz1,1,nz1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, amax,amin)
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'zmin    = ', amin,',  zmax    =',amax

  WRITE(nchanl) 'zp coor r3d0'
  WRITE(nchanl) zp1
  CALL a3dmax0(zp1,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1,             &
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'zpmin   = ', amin,', zpmax    =',amax
!  Read in base state arrays, interpolate them into new grid, and
!  dump them into the new history file
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a3din
  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                               &
      'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
  stgr = 1              ! U-points
  CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,             &
                samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
  WRITE(nchanl) 'ubar    r3d1'
  WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
  CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,          &
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'ubarmin = ', amin,',  ubarmax =',amax

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a3din
  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                               &
      'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
  stgr = 2              ! V-points
  CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,             &
                samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
  WRITE(nchanl) 'vbar    r3d1'
  WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
  CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,          &
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'vbarmin = ', amin,',  vbarmax =',amax

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a3din
  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                               &
      'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
  stgr = 3              ! W-points
  CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,             &
                samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
  WRITE(nchanl) 'wbar    r3d1'
  WRITE(nchanl) a3dout

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a3din
  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                               &
      'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
  stgr = 4              ! S-points
  CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,             &
                samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
  WRITE(nchanl) 'ptbar   r3d1'
  WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
  CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,        &
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'ptbarmin= ', amin,',  ptbarmax=',amax

  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
  READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a3din
  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                               &
      'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
  stgr = 4              ! S-points
  CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,             &
                samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
  WRITE(nchanl) 'pbar    r3d1'
  WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
  CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,        &
  WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'pbarmin = ', amin,',  pbarmax =',amax

  IF ( mstin == 1 ) THEN
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a3din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

    IF ( mstout1 == 1 ) THEN
      stgr = 4              ! S-points
      CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,         &
                    samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
      WRITE(nchanl) 'qvbar   r3d1'
      WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
      CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,                  &
      WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                        &
          'qvbarmin= ', amin,',  qvbarmax=',amax
    END IF

  IF ( landin == 1 ) THEN

    IF (nstyp == 1) THEN
      READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) ((i2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array i2din'
      CALL dist2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,i2din,i2dout)
      WRITE(nchanl) 'soiltyp i2d0'
      WRITE(nchanl) ((i2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
      IF ( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) ((i2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)


      DO is=1,nstyp
        READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120)                                    &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array i2din'
        CALL dist2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                            &
        WRITE(nchanl) 'soiltyp i2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((i2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) ((i2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)

        READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120)                                    &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                      &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
        CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                          &
                      samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
        WRITE(nchanl) 'stypfrct r2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
      END DO

    END IF

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) i2din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array i2din'
    CALL dist2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,i2din,i2dout)
    WRITE(nchanl) 'vegtyp  i2d0'
    WRITE(nchanl) i2dout
    IF ( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) i2dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a2din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
    CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'lai     r2d0'
    WRITE(nchanl)  a2dout
    IF ( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) a2dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a2din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
    CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'roufns  r2d0'
    WRITE(nchanl)  a2dout
    IF ( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) a2dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9110,END=9120) a2din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
    CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'veg     r2d0'
    WRITE(nchanl)  a2dout
    IF ( lsfcdmp ) WRITE(sfchanl) a2dout


  CLOSE (inch)
  CLOSE (nchanl)
  IF ( lsfcdmp ) CLOSE (sfchanl)

  CALL retunit( inch )
  CALL retunit( nchanl )
  IF ( lsfcdmp ) CALL retunit (sfchanl)
!  Loop over time dependent data files
  grdbas = 0

  DO nfile = 1,nhisfile

    filename = hisfile(nfile)

    WRITE(6,'(/a,a,a)')                                                 &
        ' Data set ', filename(1:lenfil) ,' to be processed.'

    INQUIRE(FILE=filename(1:lenfil), EXIST = fexist )
    IF( fexist ) THEN
      GO TO 370
    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(a/a)')                                                    &
        'File '//filename(1:lenfil)//' does not exist.',                &
        'Check if compressed file '//filename(1:lenfil)//'.Z'           &
        //' exists.'

    INQUIRE(FILE=filename(1:lenfil)//'.Z',EXIST = fexist )
    IF( fexist ) THEN
      CALL uncmprs( filename(1:lenfil)//'.Z' )
      GO TO 370
    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(a/a)')                                                    &
        'File '//filename(1:lenfil)//'.Z'//' does not exist.',          &
        'Check if compressed file '//filename(1:lenfil)//'.gz'          &
        //' exists.'

    INQUIRE(FILE=filename(1:lenfil)//'.gz',EXIST = fexist )
    IF( .NOT.fexist ) THEN
      CALL uncmprs( filename(1:lenfil)//'.gz' )
      GO TO 370
    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(a/a)')                                                    &
        'File '//filename(1:lenfil)                                     &
        //' or its compressed version not found.',                      &
        'Program stopped.'

    370   CONTINUE         ! also continue to read another time recode
                           ! from GrADS file
!  Get the IO unit numbers for input files
    CALL getunit( inch )
!  Cray routines to force binary data file to be in the IEEE format
    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(filename(1:lenfil), '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)
!  Open the input data file
    OPEN(UNIT=inch,FILE=filename(1:lenfil),                             &
    IF( istat /= 0 ) GO TO 9003
!  Read all input data header
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) fmtverin

    IF ( fmtverin == fmtver ) THEN
      oldver = 0
      oldver = 1
    END IF

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) runname
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) nocmnt

    IF( nocmnt > 0 ) THEN
      DO i=1,nocmnt
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) cmnt(i)
      END DO
    END IF

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) time,tmunit
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) nxin, nyin, nzin

    IF( nxin /= nx .OR. nyin /= ny .OR. nzin /= nz ) THEN
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a)')                                                 &
           ' Dimensions in ARPSINTRP inconsistent with data.'
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,3I15)') ' Read were: ', nxin, nyin, nzin
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a)')                                                 &
           ' Program aborted in ARPSINTRP.'
    END IF

    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,f8.1,a,f8.3,a/)')                                    &
           'To read data at time ', time,                               &
           ' secs = ',(time/60.),' mins.'

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                        &
           grdin,basin,varin,mstin,icein,                               &
           trbin, sfcin,rainin,landin,totin,                            &
           tkein,idummy,idummy,mapproj, month,                          &
           day, year, hour, minute, second

    IF ( varin == 1 ) THEN
      varout1  = varout
      varout1  = 0
    END IF

    IF ( mstin == 1 ) THEN
      mstout1  = mstout
      mstout1 = 0
    END IF

    IF ( icein == 1 ) THEN
      iceout1  = iceout
      iceout1  = 0
    END IF

    IF ( tkein == 1 ) THEN
      tkeout1  = tkeout
      tkeout1  = 0
    END IF

    IF ( trbin == 1 ) THEN
      trbout1  = trbout
      trbout1  = 0
    END IF

    IF ( rainin == 1 ) THEN
      rainout1 = rainout
      rainout1 = 0
    END IF

    IF ( sfcin == 1 ) THEN
      sfcout1  = sfcout
      sfcout1  = 0
    END IF

    IF ( landin == 1 ) THEN
      landout1 = landout
      landout1 = 0
    END IF

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                        &
                    umove,vmove,xgrdorg,ygrdorg,trulat1,                &
                    trulat2,trulon,sclfct,rdummy,rdummy,                &
                    rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                 &

    IF ( totin /= 0 ) THEN
!  Read in additional parameters for ARPS history dump 4.0 or later
!  version.
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                      &
           nstyp,  prcin,idummy,idummy,idummy,                          &
           idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                          &
           idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,                          &

      IF ( nstyp < 1 ) THEN
        nstyp = 1
      END IF

      IF ( prcin == 1 ) THEN
        prcout1 = prcout
        prcout1 = 0
      END IF

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                      &
           rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                          &
           rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                          &
           rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,rdummy,                          &
    END IF

    curtim = time
!  Get the history file name for the new grid at time curtim
    runname = new_runname

    CALL gtdmpfn(runname(1:lfnkey),dirname,                             &
                 ldirnam,curtim,houtfmt,1,0, hdmpfn, ldmpf)

    CALL getunit( nchanl )
    CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
    CALL asnfile(hdmpfn(1:ldmpf), '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)
    OPEN(UNIT=nchanl,FILE=hdmpfn(1:ldmpf),                              &
    IF( istat /= 0 ) GO TO 9004
!  Open the surface property data file
    lsoildmp = .false.
    IF ( sfcin == 1 ) THEN        ! take care of soil variables
      CALL cvttsnd( curtim, timsnd, tmstrln )

      soiloutfl = runname(1:lfnkey)//".soilvar."//timsnd(1:tmstrln)
      lfn = lfnkey + 9 + tmstrln

      IF( dirname /= ' ' ) THEN

        temchar = soiloutfl
        soiloutfl = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'//temchar
        lfn  = lfn + ldirnam + 1

      END IF

      CALL fnversn(soiloutfl, lfn)

      PRINT *, 'Write soil initial data to ',soiloutfl(1:lfn)

      CALL getunit ( soilchanl )
      CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
      CALL asnfile(soiloutfl, '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)

      OPEN (UNIT=soilchanl,FILE=soiloutfl(1:lfn), STATUS = 'new',       &
            FORM='unformatted', ACCESS = 'sequential')

      WRITE(soilchanl) nx1,ny1

      WRITE(soilchanl) mapproj,     1,     1,     1,     1,             &
                           1,idummy, nstyp,idummy,idummy,               &
                      idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,               &

      WRITE(soilchanl)     dx1,   dy1,ctrlat1,ctrlon1,trulat1,          &
                     trulat2,trulon, sclfct, rdummy, rdummy,            &
                      rdummy,rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,            &
                      rdummy,rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy

      lsoildmp = .true.
    END IF

    IF ( exbcdmp == 1 ) THEN
!  Open the EXBC file to dump the data
      dmpexbc = .true.
      IF ( varin == 0 ) THEN
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a)')                                             &
            'The data file does not contain the variables needed ',     &
            'for EXBC data file'
        dmpexbc = .false.
        GO TO 385
      END IF

      IF ( mstout1 == 0 ) THEN
        qcexout = 0
        qrexout = 0
        qiexout = 0
        qsexout = 0
        qhexout = 0
      ELSE IF ( iceout1 == 0 ) THEN
        qiexout = 0
        qsexout = 0
        qhexout = 0
      END IF

      CALL ctim2abss( year,month,day,hour,minute,second, itema )

      itema = itema + INT(curtim)

      CALL abss2ctim( itema,iyr,imon,idy,ihr,imin,isec )

      WRITE (ctime,'(i4.4,2i2.2,a,3i2.2)')                              &

      exbcfn = runname(1:lfnkey)//'.'//ctime
      length = lfnkey + 16
      IF( dirname /= ' ' ) THEN
        temchar = exbcfn
        exbcfn  = dirname(1:ldirnam)//'/'//temchar
        length  = length + ldirnam + 1
      END IF

      CALL fnversn(exbcfn,length)

      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a)')                                               &
           'The external boundary data file is ',exbcfn(1:length)

      CALL getunit( exbchanl )

      CALL asnctl ('NEWLOCAL', 1, ierr)
      CALL asnfile(exbcfn(1:length), '-F f77 -N ieee', ierr)
      OPEN(UNIT=exbchanl,FILE=exbcfn(1:length),                         &
      IF( istat /= 0 ) GO TO 9005

      WRITE(exbchanl) nx1,ny1,nz1,dx1,dy1,dz1,ctrlat1,ctrlon1
      WRITE(exbchanl) ctime

      WRITE(exbchanl) varin,varin,varin,varin,varin,                    &
                      mstout1,qcexout,qrexout,qiexout,qsexout,          &
                      qhexout,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,              &
                      idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,               &
                      idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,               &
                      idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,               &
                      idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,idummy,               &
    END IF

    385   CONTINUE

!  Write out the header information for new grid
    WRITE(nchanl) fmtver
    WRITE(nchanl) new_runname
    WRITE(nchanl) nocmnt

    WRITE (cmnt(nocmnt),'(a,i4,a,i4,a,i4)')                             &
        ' nx =',nx1,', ny =',ny1,', nz =',nz1

    IF( nocmnt > 0 ) THEN
      DO i=1,nocmnt
        WRITE(nchanl) cmnt(i)
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a)') cmnt(i)
      END DO
    END IF

    WRITE(nchanl) time,tmunit

    WRITE(nchanl) nx1,ny1,nz1
!  Write the flags for different data groups.
    WRITE(nchanl) grdout,      0, varout1, mstout1, iceout1,            &
                  trbout1, sfcout1,rainout1,landout1,totout,            &
                  tkeout1, idummy, idummy, mapproj, month,              &
                     day,   year,   hour, minute, second
    rdummy = 0.0
    WRITE(nchanl)   umove,   vmove,xgrdorg1,ygrdorg1, trulat1,          &
                  trulat2,  trulon,  sclfct,  rdummy,  rdummy,          &
                   rdummy,  rdummy,  rdummy,  rdummy,  rdummy,          &
                    tstop, thisdmp,latitud1, ctrlat1, ctrlon1
!  If totout=1, write additional parameters to history dump files.
!  This is for ARPS version 4.1.2 or later.
    IF ( totout == 1 ) THEN
      WRITE(nchanl) nstyp, prcout1, idummy, idummy, idummy,             &
                    idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,             &
                    idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy,             &
                    idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy, idummy

      WRITE(nchanl) rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,             &
                    rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,             &
                    rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy,             &
                    rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy, rdummy
    END IF
!  Read in x,y and z at grid cell centers (scalar points).
    IF( grdin == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) x
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array x.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) y
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array y.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) z
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array z.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) zp
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array zp.'
    END IF  ! grdin
!  If grdout=1 or grdbas=1, write out grid variables
    IF(grdout == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN

      WRITE(nchanl) 'x coord r1d1'
      WRITE(nchanl) x11

      WRITE(nchanl) 'y coord r1d2'
      WRITE(nchanl) y11

      WRITE(nchanl) 'z coord r1d3'
      WRITE(nchanl) z1

      WRITE(nchanl) 'zp coor r3d0'
      WRITE(nchanl) zp1

    END IF    ! grdout
!  Read in base state fields
    IF( basin == 1 .OR. grdbas == 1 ) THEN

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

      IF( mstin == 1) THEN
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'

      END IF

      IF (landin == 1) THEN

        IF (nstyp == 1) THEN

          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                  &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                    &
              'Field ',label,' was read into array soiltyp for is=',is


          DO is=1,nstyp
            READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
            READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                &
            WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                  &
                'Field ',label,' was read into array i2din for is=',is

            READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
            READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125)                                &
            WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                  &
                'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
          END DO

        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) i2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                      &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array i2din for is=',is

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                      &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                      &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                      &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is

      END IF

    END IF
!  Read in arrays for interpolations
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
    stgr = 1              ! U-points
    CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,           &
                  samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'u       r3d1'
    WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
    CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,        &
    WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'umin    = ', amin,',  umax    =',amax
    IF ( dmpexbc ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
    stgr = 2              ! V-points
    CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,           &
                  samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'v       r3d1'
    WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
    CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,        &
    WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'vmin    = ', amin,',  vmax    =',amax
    IF ( dmpexbc ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
    stgr = 3              ! W-points
    CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,           &
                  samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'w       r3d1'
    WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
    CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,        &
    WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'wmin    = ', amin,',  wmax    =',amax
    IF ( dmpexbc ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
    stgr = 4              ! S-points
    CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,           &
                  samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'pt      r3d1'
    WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
    CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,      &
    WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'ptmin   = ', amin,',  ptmax   =',amax
    IF ( dmpexbc ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout

    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
    READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
    WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                             &
        'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
    stgr = 4              ! S-points
    CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,           &
                  samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
    WRITE(nchanl) 'p       r3d1'
    WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
    CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,1,nz1,1,nz1-1,      &
    WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))') 'pmin    = ', amin,',  pmax    =',amax
    IF ( dmpexbc ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout

    IF( mstin == 1 ) THEN

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
      IF ( mstout == 1 ) THEN
        stgr = 4              ! S-points
        CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,       &
                      samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
        WRITE(nchanl) 'qv      r3d1'
        WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
        CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,                &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                      &
            'qvmin   = ', amin,',  qvmax   =',amax
        IF ( dmpexbc ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout
      END IF

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
      IF ( mstout == 1 ) THEN
        stgr = 4              ! S-points
        CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,       &
                      samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
        WRITE(nchanl) 'qc      r3d1'
        WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
        CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,                &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                      &
            'qcmin   = ', amin,',  qcmax   =',amax
        IF ( dmpexbc .AND. qcexout == 1 ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout
      END IF

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
      IF ( mstout == 1 ) THEN
        stgr = 4              ! S-points
        CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,       &
                      samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
        WRITE(nchanl) 'qr      r3d1'
        WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
        CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,                &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                      &
            'qrmin   = ', amin,',  qrmax   =',amax
        IF ( dmpexbc .AND. qrexout == 1 ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout
      END IF

      IF( rainin == 1 ) THEN
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. rainout == 1 ) THEN
          CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                        &
                        samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'raing   r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a2dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a2dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'raingmin= ', amin,',  raingmax=',amax
        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. rainout == 1 ) THEN
          CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                        &
                        samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'rainc   r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a2dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a2dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'raincmin= ', amin,',  raincmax=',amax
        END IF
      END IF

      IF( prcin == 1 ) THEN
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. prcout == 1 ) THEN
          CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                        &
                        samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'prcrt1  r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a2dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a2dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'prcr1min= ', amin,',  prcr1max=',amax
        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. prcout == 1 ) THEN
          CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                        &
                        samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'prcrt2  r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a2dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a2dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'prcr2min= ', amin,',  prcr1max=',amax
        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. prcout == 1 ) THEN
          CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                        &
                        samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'prcrt3  r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a2dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a2dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'prcr3min= ', amin,',  prcr1max=',amax
        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a2din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. prcout == 1 ) THEN
          CALL intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                        &
                        samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'prcrt4  r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a2dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a2dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'prcr4min= ', amin,',  prcr1max=',amax
        END IF

      END IF

      IF( icein == 1 ) THEN

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. iceout == 1 ) THEN
          stgr = 4              ! S-points
          CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,     &
                        samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'qi      r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'qimin   = ', amin,',  qimax   =',amax
          IF ( dmpexbc .AND. qiexout == 1 ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout
        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. iceout == 1 ) THEN
          stgr = 4              ! S-points
          CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,     &
                        samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'qs      r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'qsmin   = ', amin,',  qsmax   =',amax
          IF ( dmpexbc .AND. qsexout == 1 ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout
        END IF

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. iceout == 1 ) THEN
          stgr = 4              ! S-points
          CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,     &
                        samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'qh      r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'qhmin   = ', amin,',  qhmax   =',amax
          IF ( dmpexbc .AND. qhexout == 1 ) WRITE(exbchanl) a3dout
        END IF

      END IF

    END IF

    IF( tkein == 1 ) THEN

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
      IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. iceout == 1 ) THEN
        stgr = 4              ! S-points
        CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,       &
                      samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
        WRITE(nchanl) 'tke     r3d1'
        WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
        CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,                &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                      &
            'tkemin  = ', amin,',  tkemax  =',amax
      END IF

    END IF

    IF( trbin == 1 ) THEN

      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
      READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
      WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                           &
          'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
      IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. iceout == 1 ) THEN
        stgr = 4              ! S-points
        CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,       &
                      samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
        WRITE(nchanl) 'kmh     r3d1'
        WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
        CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,                &
        WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                      &
            'kmhmin  = ', amin,',  kmhmax  =',amax
      END IF

      IF ( oldver == 0 ) THEN
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) a3din
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a3din.'
        IF ( mstout == 1 .AND. iceout == 1 ) THEN
          stgr = 4              ! S-points
          CALL intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,     &
                      samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
          WRITE(nchanl) 'kmv     r3d1'
          WRITE(nchanl) a3dout
          CALL a3dmax0(a3dout,1,nx1,1,nx1-1,1,ny1,1,ny1-1,              &
          WRITE(6,'(1x,2(a,e13.6))')                                    &
              'kmvmin  = ', amin,',  kmvmax  =',amax
        END IF
      END IF

    END IF

    IF( sfcin == 1 ) THEN

      IF (nstyp == 1) THEN

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
        WRITE(nchanl) 'tsfc    i2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF ( lsoildmp ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
        WRITE(nchanl) 'tsoil   i2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF ( lsoildmp ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
        WRITE(nchanl) 'wetsfc  i2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF ( lsoildmp ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
        WRITE(nchanl) 'wetdp   i2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF ( lsoildmp ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
        READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
        WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a)')                                         &
            'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din.'
        CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
        WRITE(nchanl) 'wetcanp i2d0'
        WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
        IF ( lsoildmp ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout


        DO is=0,nstyp
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                    &
              'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
          CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
          WRITE(nchanl) 'tsfc    i2d0'
          WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
          IF ( lsoildmp .AND. is == 0 ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                    &
              'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
          CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
          WRITE(nchanl) 'tsoil   i2d0'
          WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
          IF ( lsoildmp .AND. is == 0 ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                    &
              'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
          CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
          WRITE(nchanl) 'wetsfc  i2d0'
          WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
          IF ( lsoildmp .AND. is == 0 ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                    &
              'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
          CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
          WRITE(nchanl) 'wetdp   i2d0'
          WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
          IF ( lsoildmp .AND. is == 0 ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout

          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) label
          READ(inch,ERR=9115,END=9125) ((a2din(i,j),i=1,nx),j=1,ny)
          WRITE(6,'(1x,a,a12,a,i2)')                                    &
              'Field ',label,' was read into array a2din for is=',is
          CALL intrp2d(nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1, samgrd,a2din,a2dout)
          WRITE(nchanl) 'wetcanp i2d0'
          WRITE(nchanl) ((a2dout(i,j),i=1,nx1),j=1,ny1)
          IF ( lsoildmp .AND. is == 0 ) WRITE(soilchanl) a2dout
        END DO

      END IF
    END IF

    CLOSE ( inch )
    CLOSE ( nchanl )
    IF ( dmpexbc ) CLOSE ( exbchanl )
    IF ( lsoildmp ) CLOSE ( soilchanl )

    CALL retunit ( inch )
    CALL retunit ( nchanl )
    IF ( dmpexbc ) CALL retunit ( exbchanl )
    IF ( lsoildmp ) CALL retunit ( soilchanl )



  9000  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(1x,a,i2,/1x,a)')                                            &
      'Namelist read error. Job stopped in ARPSINTRP.'
  STOP 9000
!  Error during read

  9001  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Error in openning file ',grdbasfn(1:lengbf)
  STOP 9001

  9002  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Error in openning file ',basdmpfn(1:lbasdmpf)
  STOP 9002

  9003  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Error in openning file ',filename(1:lenfil)
  STOP 9003

  9004  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Error in openning file ',hdmpfn(1:ldmpf)
  STOP 9004

  9005  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Error in openning file ',exbcfn(1:length)
  STOP 9005

  9110  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)') ' Error in reading file ',basdmpfn(1:lbasdmpf)

  STOP 9110

  9115  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)') ' Error in reading file ',filename(1:lenfil)

  STOP 9115
!  End-of-file during read

  9120  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Unexpected End of File reached in reading file ',               &

  STOP 9120

  9125  CONTINUE

  WRITE(6,'(/a,a/)')                                                    &
      ' Unexpected End of File reached in reading file ',               &

  STOP 9125

END PROGRAM arpsintrp_ls
!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE INTRP3D                    ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE intrp3d( nx,ny,nz,nx1,ny1,nz1,x,y,z,zp,x1,y1,z1,zp1,         & 20,4
           samgrd,stgr,a3din,a3dout,tem3d,tem3d1 )
!  Interpolate a 3-d array from an ARPS grid into a new ARPS grid.
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  08/05/1997
!  Variable Declarations.
!  Parameters for the utput grid.
  INTEGER :: nx,ny,nz
  INTEGER :: nx1,ny1,nz1

  REAL :: x(nx)
  REAL :: y(ny)
  REAL :: z(nz)
  REAL :: zp(nx,ny,nz)

  REAL :: x1(nx1)
  REAL :: y1(ny1)
  REAL :: z1(nz1)
  REAL :: zp1(nx1,ny1,nz1)

  REAL :: a3din(nx,ny,nz)
  REAL :: a3dout(nx1,ny1,nz1)

  REAL :: tem3d(nx,ny,nz)
  REAL :: tem3d1(nx1,ny1,nz1)

  INTEGER :: samgrd,stgr
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i, j, k
  REAL :: s1,s2,s3,s4,sgrdinv
  REAL :: vgridinv,tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4,tmp5,tmp6,tmp7,tmp8
  REAL :: xu1,yu1,zu1,xv1,yv1,zv1,xw1,yw1,zw1,xs1,ys1,zs1
  INTEGER :: iu,ju,ku,iv,jv,kv,iw,jw,kw,is,js,ks
  INTEGER :: kk
  REAL :: zupper,zlower
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'
  INCLUDE 'bndry.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
  IF ( samgrd == 1 ) THEN

    DO k=1,nz1
      DO j=1,ny1
        DO i=1,nx1
          a3dout(i,j,k) = a3din(i,j,k)
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO



  IF ( stgr == 1 ) THEN   ! for u-points

    DO k=1,nz-1
      DO j=1,ny-1
        DO i=2,nx-1
          tem3d(i,j,k) = 0.25*(zp(i  ,j,k)+zp(i  ,j,k+1)                &
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    CALL bcsu(nx,ny,nz,1,ny,1,nz,ebc,wbc,tem3d)

    DO k=1,nz1-1
      DO j=1,ny1-1
        DO i=2,nx1-1
          tem3d1(i,j,k) = 0.25*(zp1(i  ,j,k)+zp1(i  ,j,k+1)             &
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    CALL bcsu(nx1,ny1,nz1,1,ny1,1,nz1,ebc,wbc,tem3d1)

    DO i=1,nx1
      DO j=1,ny1-1
        DO k=1,nz1-1
          zu1= tem3d1(i,j,k)

          iu = MAX(1, MIN(nx-1, INT((xu1-x(1))/dx)+1 ))
          ju = MAX(1, MIN(ny-2, INT((yu1-(y(1)+y(2))*0.5)/dy)+1 ))

          s1 = ABS((xu1-x(iu  ))*(yu1-(y(ju  )+y(ju+1))*0.5))
          s2 = ABS((xu1-x(iu+1))*(yu1-(y(ju  )+y(ju+1))*0.5))
          s3 = ABS((xu1-x(iu+1))*(yu1-(y(ju+1)+y(ju+2))*0.5))
          s4 = ABS((xu1-x(iu  ))*(yu1-(y(ju+1)+y(ju+2))*0.5))

          sgrdinv = 1.0/(s1+s2+s3+s4)

          ku = 1
          DO kk=nz-2,1,-1
            IF(zu1 >= (tem3d(iu  ,ju  ,kk)*s3+tem3d(iu+1,ju  ,kk)*s4    &
                        +tem3d(iu+1,ju+1,kk)*s1+tem3d(iu  ,ju+1,kk)*s2) &
                        *sgrdinv) THEN
              ku = kk
            END IF
          END DO
          130       CONTINUE

          zlower = (tem3d(iu  ,ju  ,ku)*s3+tem3d(iu+1,ju  ,ku)*s4       &
                   +tem3d(iu+1,ju+1,ku)*s1+tem3d(iu  ,ju+1,ku)*s2)      &
          zupper = (tem3d(iu  ,ju  ,ku+1)*s3+tem3d(iu+1,ju  ,ku+1)*s4   &
                   +tem3d(iu+1,ju+1,ku+1)*s1+tem3d(iu  ,ju+1,ku+1)*s2)  &

          tmp1 = ABS(s1*(zu1-zlower))
          tmp2 = ABS(s2*(zu1-zlower))
          tmp3 = ABS(s3*(zu1-zlower))
          tmp4 = ABS(s4*(zu1-zlower))
          tmp5 = ABS(s1*(zu1-zupper))
          tmp6 = ABS(s2*(zu1-zupper))
          tmp7 = ABS(s3*(zu1-zupper))
          tmp8 = ABS(s4*(zu1-zupper))


          a3dout(i,j,k) =                                               &
              (a3din(iu  ,ju  ,ku  )*tmp7+a3din(iu+1,ju  ,ku  )*tmp8    &
              +a3din(iu+1,ju+1,ku  )*tmp5+a3din(iu  ,ju+1,ku  )*tmp6    &
              +a3din(iu  ,ju  ,ku+1)*tmp3+a3din(iu+1,ju  ,ku+1)*tmp4    &
              +a3din(iu+1,ju+1,ku+1)*tmp1+a3din(iu  ,ju+1,ku+1)*tmp2)   &

        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

  ELSE IF ( stgr == 2 ) THEN

    DO k=1,nz-1
      DO j=2,ny-1
        DO i=1,nx-1
          tem3d(i,j,k) = 0.25*(zp(i,j  ,k)+zp(i,j  ,k+1)                &
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    CALL bcsu(nx,ny,nz,1,nx,1,nz,nbc,sbc,tem3d)

    DO k=1,nz1-1
      DO j=2,ny1-1
        DO i=1,nx1-1
          tem3d1(i,j,k) = 0.25*(zp1(i,j  ,k)+zp1(i,j  ,k+1)             &
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    CALL bcsv(nx1,ny1,nz1,1,nx1,1,nz1,nbc,sbc,tem3d1)

    DO i=1,nx1-1
      DO j=1,ny1
        DO k=1,nz1-1

          yv1= y1(j)
          zv1= tem3d1(i,j,k)

          iv = MAX(1, MIN(nx-2, INT((xv1-(x(1)+x(2))*0.5)/dx)+1 ))
          jv = MAX(1, MIN(ny-1, INT((yv1- y(1))/dy)+1 ))

          s1 = ABS((xv1-(x(iv  )+x(iv+1))*0.5)*(yv1-y(jv  )))
          s2 = ABS((xv1-(x(iv+1)+x(iv+2))*0.5)*(yv1-y(jv  )))
          s3 = ABS((xv1-(x(iv+1)+x(iv+2))*0.5)*(yv1-y(jv+1)))
          s4 = ABS((xv1-(x(iv  )+x(iv+1))*0.5)*(yv1-y(jv+1)))

          sgrdinv = 1.0/(s1+s2+s3+s4)

          kv = 1
          DO kk=nz-2,1,-1
            IF(zv1 >= (tem3d(iv  ,jv  ,kk)*s3+tem3d(iv+1,jv  ,kk)*s4    &
                        +tem3d(iv+1,jv+1,kk)*s1+tem3d(iv  ,jv+1,kk)*s2) &
                        *sgrdinv) THEN
              kv = kk
            END IF
          END DO
          230       CONTINUE

          zlower = (tem3d(iv  ,jv  ,kv)*s3+tem3d(iv+1,jv  ,kv)*s4       &
                   +tem3d(iv+1,jv+1,kv)*s1+tem3d(iv  ,jv+1,kv)*s2)      &
          zupper = (tem3d(iv  ,jv  ,kv+1)*s3+tem3d(iv+1,jv  ,kv+1)*s4   &
                   +tem3d(iv+1,jv+1,kv+1)*s1+tem3d(iv  ,jv+1,kv+1)*s2)  &

          tmp1 = ABS(s1*(zv1-zlower))
          tmp2 = ABS(s2*(zv1-zlower))
          tmp3 = ABS(s3*(zv1-zlower))
          tmp4 = ABS(s4*(zv1-zlower))
          tmp5 = ABS(s1*(zv1-zupper))
          tmp6 = ABS(s2*(zv1-zupper))
          tmp7 = ABS(s3*(zv1-zupper))
          tmp8 = ABS(s4*(zv1-zupper))


          a3dout(i,j,k) =                                               &
              (a3din(iv  ,jv  ,kv  )*tmp7+a3din(iv+1,jv  ,kv  )*tmp8    &
              +a3din(iv+1,jv+1,kv  )*tmp5+a3din(iv  ,jv+1,kv  )*tmp6    &
              +a3din(iv  ,jv  ,kv+1)*tmp3+a3din(iv+1,jv  ,kv+1)*tmp4    &
              +a3din(iv+1,jv+1,kv+1)*tmp1+a3din(iv  ,jv+1,kv+1)*tmp2)   &

        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

  ELSE IF ( stgr == 3 ) THEN

    DO i=1,nx1-1
      DO j=1,ny1-1
        DO k=1,nz1

          xw1= (x1(i)+x1(i+1))*0.5
          yw1= (y1(j)+y1(j+1))*0.5
          zw1= zp1(i,j,k)

          iw = MAX(1, MIN(nx-2, INT((xw1-(x(1)+x(2))*0.5)/dx)+1 ))
          jw = MAX(1, MIN(ny-2, INT((yw1-(y(1)+y(2))*0.5)/dy)+1 ))

          s1=ABS((xw1-(x(iw  )+x(iw+1))*0.5)                            &
                *(yw1-(y(jw  )+y(jw+1))*0.5))
          s2=ABS((xw1-(x(iw+1)+x(iw+2))*0.5)                            &
                *(yw1-(y(jw  )+y(jw+1))*0.5))
          s3=ABS((xw1-(x(iw+1)+x(iw+2))*0.5)                            &
          s4=ABS((xw1-(x(iw  )+x(iw+1))*0.5)                            &

          sgrdinv = 1.0/(s1+s2+s3+s4)

          kw = 1
          DO kk=nz-1,1,-1
            IF(zw1 >= (zp(iw  ,jw  ,kk)*s3+zp(iw+1,jw  ,kk)*s4          &
                      +zp(iw+1,jw+1,kk)*s1+zp(iw  ,jw+1,kk)*s2)         &
                      *sgrdinv) THEN
              kw = kk
            END IF
          END DO
          320       CONTINUE

          zlower = (zp(iw  ,jw  ,kw)*s3+zp(iw+1,jw  ,kw)*s4             &
                 +zp(iw+1,jw+1,kw)*s1+zp(iw  ,jw+1,kw)*s2)              &
          zupper = (zp(iw  ,jw  ,kw+1)*s3+zp(iw+1,jw  ,kw+1)*s4         &
                 +zp(iw+1,jw+1,kw+1)*s1+zp(iw  ,jw+1,kw+1)*s2)          &

          tmp1 = ABS(s1*(zw1-zlower))
          tmp2 = ABS(s2*(zw1-zlower))
          tmp3 = ABS(s3*(zw1-zlower))
          tmp4 = ABS(s4*(zw1-zlower))
          tmp5 = ABS(s1*(zw1-zupper))
          tmp6 = ABS(s2*(zw1-zupper))
          tmp7 = ABS(s3*(zw1-zupper))
          tmp8 = ABS(s4*(zw1-zupper))

          vgridinv = 1.0/(tmp1+tmp2+tmp3+tmp4+tmp5+tmp6+tmp7+tmp8)

          a3dout(i,j,k) =                                               &
              (a3din(iw  ,jw  ,kw  )*tmp7+a3din(iw+1,jw  ,kw  )*tmp8    &
              +a3din(iw+1,jw+1,kw  )*tmp5+a3din(iw  ,jw+1,kw  )*tmp6    &
              +a3din(iw  ,jw  ,kw+1)*tmp3+a3din(iw+1,jw  ,kw+1)*tmp4    &
              +a3din(iw+1,jw+1,kw+1)*tmp1+a3din(iw  ,jw+1,kw+1)*tmp2)   &

        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

  ELSE IF ( stgr == 4 ) THEN

    DO k=1,nz-1
      DO j=1,ny-1
        DO i=1,nx-1
          tem3d(i,j,k) = 0.5*(zp(i,j,k)+zp(i,j,k+1))
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    DO k=1,nz1-1
      DO j=1,ny1-1
        DO i=1,nx1-1
          tem3d1(i,j,k) = 0.5*(zp1(i,j,k)+zp1(i,j,k+1))
        END DO
      END DO
    END DO

    DO i=1,nx1-1
      DO j=1,ny1-1
        DO k=1,nz1-1

          xs1= (x1(i)+x1(i+1))*0.5
          ys1= (y1(j)+y1(j+1))*0.5
          zs1= tem3d1(i,j,k)

          is = MAX(1, MIN(nx-2, INT((xs1-(x(1)+x(2))*0.5)/dx)+1 ))
          js = MAX(1, MIN(ny-2, INT((ys1-(y(1)+y(2))*0.5)/dy)+1 ))

          s1 =ABS((xs1-(x(is  )+x(is+1))*0.5)                           &
                 *(ys1-(y(js  )+y(js+1))*0.5))
          s2 =ABS((xs1-(x(is+1)+x(is+2))*0.5)                           &
                 *(ys1-(y(js  )+y(js+1))*0.5))
          s3 =ABS((xs1-(x(is+1)+x(is+2))*0.5)                           &
          s4 =ABS((xs1-(x(is  )+x(is+1))*0.5)                           &

          sgrdinv = 1.0/(s1+s2+s3+s4)

          ks = 1
          DO kk=nz-2,1,-1
            IF(zs1 >= (tem3d(is  ,js  ,kk)*s3+tem3d(is+1,js  ,kk)*s4    &
                      +tem3d(is+1,js+1,kk)*s1+tem3d(is  ,js+1,kk)*s2)   &
                      *sgrdinv ) THEN
              ks = kk
            END IF
          END DO
          430       CONTINUE

          zlower = (tem3d(is  ,js  ,ks)*s3+tem3d(is+1,js  ,ks)*s4       &
                 +tem3d(is+1,js+1,ks)*s1+tem3d(is  ,js+1,ks)*s2)        &
          zupper = (tem3d(is  ,js  ,ks+1)*s3+tem3d(is+1,js  ,ks+1)*s4   &
                 +tem3d(is+1,js+1,ks+1)*s1+tem3d(is  ,js+1,ks+1)*s2)    &

          tmp1 = ABS(s1*(zs1-zlower))
          tmp2 = ABS(s2*(zs1-zlower))
          tmp3 = ABS(s3*(zs1-zlower))
          tmp4 = ABS(s4*(zs1-zlower))
          tmp5 = ABS(s1*(zs1-zupper))
          tmp6 = ABS(s2*(zs1-zupper))
          tmp7 = ABS(s3*(zs1-zupper))
          tmp8 = ABS(s4*(zs1-zupper))


          a3dout(i,j,k) =                                               &
              (a3din(is  ,js  ,ks  )*tmp7+a3din(is+1,js  ,ks  )*tmp8    &
              +a3din(is+1,js+1,ks  )*tmp5+a3din(is  ,js+1,ks  )*tmp6    &
              +a3din(is  ,js  ,ks+1)*tmp3+a3din(is+1,js  ,ks+1)*tmp4    &
              +a3din(is+1,js+1,ks+1)*tmp1+a3din(is  ,js+1,ks+1)*tmp2)   &

        END DO
      END DO
    END DO


!######                                                      ######
!######                SUBROUTINE INTRP2D                    ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE intrp2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                            & 20
           samgrd,a2din,a2dout )
!  Interpolate a 2-d array from an ARPS grid into a new ARPS grid.
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  08/05/1997
!  Variable Declarations.
!  Parameters for the utput grid.
  INTEGER :: nx,ny
  INTEGER :: nx1,ny1

  REAL :: x(nx)
  REAL :: y(ny)

  REAL :: x1(nx1)
  REAL :: y1(ny1)

  REAL :: a2din(nx,ny)
  REAL :: a2dout(nx1,ny1)

  INTEGER :: samgrd
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i, j
  REAL :: s1,s2,s3,s4,sgrdinv
  REAL :: xs1,ys1
  INTEGER :: is,js
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
  IF ( samgrd == 1 ) THEN
    DO j=1,ny1
      DO i=1,nx1
        a2dout(i,j) = a2din(i,j)
      END DO
    END DO



  DO i=1,nx1-1
    DO j=1,ny1-1

      xs1= (x1(i)+x1(i+1))*0.5
      ys1= (y1(j)+y1(j+1))*0.5

      is = MAX(1, MIN(nx-2, INT((xs1-(x(1)+x(2))*0.5)/dx)+1 ))
      js = MAX(1, MIN(ny-2, INT((ys1-(y(1)+y(2))*0.5)/dy)+1 ))

      s1=ABS((xs1-(x(is  )+x(is+1))*0.5)*(ys1-(y(js  )+y(js+1))*0.5))
      s2=ABS((xs1-(x(is+1)+x(is+2))*0.5)*(ys1-(y(js  )+y(js+1))*0.5))
      s4=ABS((xs1-(x(is  )+x(is+1))*0.5)*(ys1-(y(js+1)+y(js+2))*0.5))

      sgrdinv = 1.0/(s1+s2+s3+s4)

      a2dout(i,j) =                                                     &
          (a2din(is  ,js  )*s3+a2din(is+1,js  )*s4                      &
          +a2din(is+1,js+1)*s1+a2din(is  ,js+1)*s2)                     &

    END DO

!######                                                      ######
!######                  SUBROUTINE DIST2D                   ######
!######                                                      ######
!######                     Developed by                     ######
!######     Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms     ######
!######                University of Oklahoma                ######
!######                                                      ######

SUBROUTINE dist2d( nx,ny,nx1,ny1,x,y,x1,y1,                             & 3
           samgrd,i2din,i2dout )
!  Re-distribute a 2-d integer array from an ARPS grid into another
!  grid.
!  AUTHOR: Yuhe Liu
!  08/05/1997
!  Variable Declarations.
!  Parameters for the utput grid.
  INTEGER :: nx,ny
  INTEGER :: nx1,ny1

  REAL :: x(nx)
  REAL :: y(ny)

  REAL :: x1(nx1)
  REAL :: y1(ny1)

  INTEGER :: i2din(nx,ny)
  INTEGER :: i2dout(nx1,ny1)

  INTEGER :: samgrd
!  Misc. local variables:
  INTEGER :: i, j
  REAL :: xs1,ys1
  INTEGER :: is,js
!  Include files:
  INCLUDE 'globcst.inc'
  INCLUDE 'grid.inc'
!  Beginning of executable code...
  IF ( samgrd == 1 ) THEN
    DO j=1,ny1
      DO i=1,nx1
        i2dout(i,j) = i2din(i,j)
      END DO
    END DO


  DO i=1,nx1-1
    DO j=1,ny1-1

      xs1= (x1(i)+x1(i+1))*0.5
      ys1= (y1(j)+y1(j+1))*0.5

      is = MAX(1, MIN(nx-2, INT((xs1-(x(1)+x(2))*0.5)/dx)+1 ))
      js = MAX(1, MIN(ny-2, INT((ys1-(y(1)+y(2))*0.5)/dy)+1 ))

      i2dout(i,j) = i2din(is,js)
    END DO