!       These parameters are read in at runtime with subroutine get_laps_config
!       Note: Do not include this in the same module as 'lapsparms.for'
!             The same variable names are still used in a few cases
!                (i.e. vertical_grid).

  integer*4    iflag_lapsparms_cmn
  real*4       PRESSURE_BOTTOM_L
  real*4       PRESSURE_INTERVAL_L
  real*4       PRESSURE_0_L
  character*40 vertical_grid
  integer*4    nk_laps
  real*4       standard_latitude
  real*4       standard_longitude
  logical      l_highres
  integer*4    i_low_lowres
  integer*4    j_low_lowres
  integer*4    nest_ratio
  character*50 c50_lowres_directory
  character*6  c6_maproj

  common  /lapsparms_cmn/                                     &
  iflag_lapsparms_cmn,PRESSURE_BOTTOM_L,PRESSURE_INTERVAL_L    &
  ,PRESSURE_0_L,vertical_grid,nk_laps,standard_latitude       &
  ,standard_longitude,i_low_lowres,j_low_lowres,nest_ratio    &

!       data iflag_lapsparms_cmn /0/