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!   ####                          thermo.consts                         ####
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!   ####                       PHYSICAL CONSTANTS                       ####
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!  PURPOSE: INCLUDE file for (1) Physical Constants and
!                            (2) Thermodynamic Statement Function declarations.
!  AUTHOR:  Richard Carpenter, Univ. of Oklahoma (rcarpent@uoknor.edu)
!       1993/09/01  First written
!       1993/12/30  Declarations for statement functions moved here
!       1994/05/11  Changed t0 to tt0.
!       1994/06/03  Added gamma, gammai.
!       1994/12/14  Added stefan.
!  USAGE:  Include this file near the top of the program unit.  If
!          needed, include the statement function file at the end of the
!          declarations.
!                              PHYSICAL CONSTANTS
!     Values of cp, rd, grav here are slightly different than those used in
!     SAM.
!     See Iribane & Godson for many of the physical parameters.
!     aw,bw,p38 = Saturation vapor factors (Teten's eq.)
!     eld/v/f/s = Latent heat coefs
      REAL                                                              &
     &  aw    , bw    , p38   , p00mb , e0    , e0mb  , cp622 , cp608 , &
     &  cp    , cv    , rd    , rv    , grav  , cw    , cwcp  , p00inv, &
     &  cpi   , cvi   , rdi   , cpr   , gcp   , p00   , rcp   ,         &
     &  eld   , elv   , elf   , els   , tfrz  , tt0   ,cp622inv,        &
     &  gamma , gammai, sbcst

      PARAMETER (                                                       &
     &  aw=17.2693882 , bw=35.8       , p38=380.0     , p00mb=1000.   , &
     &  p00=p00mb*100., p00inv=1./p00 ,                                 &
     &  cp=1005.0     , cv=717.0      , rd=287.05     , rv=461.51     , &
     &  cpi=1./cp     , cvi=1./cv     , rdi=1./rd     ,                 &
     &  grav=9.807    , eld=2369.276  , gamma=cp*cvi  , gammai=cv*cpi , &
     &  cpr=cp/rd     , gcp=grav/cp   , rcp=rd/cp     ,                 &
     &  elv=2.5007e6  , elf=0.335717e6, els=elv+elf   , tfrz=273.15   , &
     &  tt0=273.16    , cw=4218.      , cwcp=cw/cp    ,                 &
     &  cp622=rd/rv   , cp622inv=rv/rd, cp608=28.964/18.015-1.        , &
     &  e0mb=6.11     , e0=e0mb*100.  , sbcst=5.67E-8)
!       Note that statement functions begin with  F,  and dummy
!       arguments end with  _,  to avoid confusion.  See the 
!       file  thermo.stfunc  for further information.

      REAL                                                              &
     & Fdens    , Fmixrat  , Fplcl    , Frh      , Frh_q    , Fsvpres  ,&
     & Ftdewc   , Ftheta   , FthetaD  , FthetaDL , FthetaE  , FthetaE38,&
     & FthetaE39, FthetaM  , FthetaQ  , Fthq_cwcptrm        , Ftlcl    ,&
     & Ftlcl2   , Ftvirt   ,Ftvirtnowl, Ftvirtwl , Fvpres   , Fzlcl    

      REAL                                                              &
     & cwcptrm_ , e_       , es_      , p_       , q_       , qv_      ,&
     & ql_      , qs_      , t_       , tc_      , td_      , thetam_  ,&
     & thetadl_ , tlcl_    

! (end of thermo.consts)